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Pandora's Daughter

Available October 16, 2007

Voices filled Megan Blair's head until a tragic turn of events orphaned her and she somehow managed to silence them. Twelve years after the worst night of her life, Megan is forced to face her heritage when an attempt is made on her life and she finds herself with only two allies in the world. Like her mother before her, she has a rare talent that has made her the object of fear and hatred for a powerful madman, bent on destroying both her and every person in her extended family. It has fallen to her to keep the key to finding a family of psychics safe from destruction. This thrilling roller-coaster ride of a book will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Romance, action, and suspense are blended with the paranormal into a heady blend of literature guaranteed to keep you up at night so you can finish the story.