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The Ugly Duckling

At Last, She Will See Her New Face...So Will The Killer

If fate suddenly made you more beautiful that you ever dreamed possible, would it be the beginning of a fairy tale, or your worst nightmare? The brutal attack should have killed anybody, but Nell Calder did more than survive. She emerged a woman transformed, with an exquisite beauty found only in fairy tales. Nell Calder deserved a happy ending. Instead, her descent into terror has just begun. Her attacker is still on the hunt, determined to finish what he's started. And Nell, protected by a new face, is just as determined to fight back and take her revenge. But to catch her prey, she will have to expose herself--even if it makes her a killer's prime target. Copyright 1996 by I. J. Enterprises. Published by Bantam Books, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.