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Kiska Isle

"Kiss" came to me in 1995 for some training. She is a very small build at around 15 hands. She was off of the racetrack and a first TB for the new owners. The day she arrived (Oct. 1st, 1995) she was underweight and her feet were a mess. She had a dull look about her and just seemed all over depressed. The picture below is of the day she arrived. Not only was she skinny but she had sores and scars all over her body.

What I found out later was that the owners had brought her home from the track and tossed her out in a pasture with a herd of quarter horses and paints. She had no idea as to how to get to any feed or hay because the other horses would beat her up. Her owners had decided to save on money and did her feet themselves. She had four iron shoes on and each foot was a different angle and length. As luck would have it, she pulled a shoe the second day I had her and (darn) I had to have her feet redone. What a pretty mover she turned out to be!

The pictures above and below are from the day she went home (Dec.1,1995). She had put on over 200 pounds and looked fantastic. She had tons of energy and was loving life. The only problem was that she ended up having too much "zip" for the owner's daughter and she was sold. Her new owner bred her a few times and had mustang cross babies. Last I heard she was up for sale again. The lesson everyone should learn here?..... You need to know what you are doing when you get a TB off the track. This poor mare ended up being really nice...but was only so quiet because the poor girl had been starved and had no energy. So now she has to be tossed around from owner to owner. I hope someday she finds a kind home where she can live out the rest of her days!