Colossians Chapter Three Verse 8

Colossians 3:8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. [NIV]

Colossians 3:8 but now put off, even ye, the whole - anger, wrath, malice, evil-speaking, filthy talking - out of your mouth. [YLT]

Colossians 3:8 [a] But [b] now [c] ye [d] also [e] put off [f] all [g] these; [h] anger, [i] wrath, [j] malice, [k] blasphemy, f [l] ilthy communication [m] out of [n] your [n-a] [o] mouth.

[a] But = de (deh) [1161]: but, and, etc.:

[b] now = nuni (noo-nee') [3570; 3568]: just now:

[c] ye = humeis (hoo-mice') [5210; 4771]: you:

[d] also = kaii (kahee) [2532]: and, also, even, so then, too

[e] put off = apotithemi (ap-ot-eeth'-ay-mee) [659; 575; 5087]: to put away

[f] all = pas (pas) [3956]: all, any, every, the whole:

[g] these = tou (tou) [3588; 3739]: the feminine he (hay); neuter to (to); def. article; the

[h] anger = orge (or-gay') [3709; 3713]: properly, desire (as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind), i.e. (by analogy,) violent passion (ire, or [justifiable] abhorrence); by imp. punishment:

[i] wrath = thumos (thoo-mos') [2372; 2380]: passion (as if breathing hard): THAYER'S (1) passion, angry, heat, anger forthwith boiling up and soon subsiding again (2) glow, ardor, the wine of passion, inflaming wine (which either drives the drinker insane or kills him with its strength)

[j] malice = kakia (kak-ee'-ah) [2549; 2556]: badness, i.e. (subjectively) depravity [DEF: Depravity = Wickedness; corruption] , or (actively) malignity [DEF: Malignity = Quality or tendency of being very evil; very hateful very malicious], or (passively) trouble:

[k] blasphemy = blasphemia (blas-fay-me'-ah) [988; 989]: vilification [DEF: Vilification = An attempt to destroy someone's reputation] (esp. against God) THAYER'S (1) slander, detraction [DEF: Detraction = The expression of injurious, malicious statements about someone; The act or an instance of belittling], speech injurious, to another's good name (2) impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty

[l] filthy communication = aischrologia (ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah) [148; 150; 3056]: vile [DEF: Vile = Extremelly unpleasant to the senses or feelings] conversation:

[m] out of = ek (ek) or ex (ex) [1537]: origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause):

[n-a] = tou (tou) [3588; 3739]: the feminine he (hay); neuter to (to); def. article; the

[n] your = humon (hoo-mone') [5216; 5210]:of (from or concerning) you:

[o] mouth = stoma (stom'-a [4750; 5114]: the mouth (as if a gash in the face); by imp. language (and its relations); fig. an opening (in the earth); spec. the front or edge (of a weapon).
