Colossians Chapter Two Verse 02

Colossians Colossians 2:2 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, [NIV]

Colossians 2:2 that their hearts may be comforted, being united in love, and to all riches of the full assurance of the understanding, to the full knowledge of the secret of the God and Father, and of the Christ, [YLT]

Colossians 2:2 [a] That [b] their [b-a] [c] hearts [d] might be comforted, [e] being knit together [f] in [g] love, [h] and [i] unto [j] all [k] riches [l] of the [m] full assurance [l] of [m] understanding, [i] to {the} [n] acknowledgement [l] of the [o] mystery [l] of [p] God, {and of the Father, and} of [q] Christ;

[a] That = hina (hin'-ah) [2443; 1438]: in order that

[b] their = autos (ow-tos') [846]: a baffling wind] (backward); self, used of the third person and of the other persons: [DEF: baffling = a. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose b. To leave speechless or without a ready response]:

[b-a] = tou (tou) [3588; 3739]: the feminine he (hay); neuter to (to); def. article; the

[c] hearts = kardia (kar-dee'-ah) [2588]: the heart, i.e. (fig.) the thoughts or feelings (mind); also (by anal.) the middle.

[d] might be comforted = parakaleo (par-ak-al-eh'-o) [3870; 3844; 2564]: to call near, i.e. invite, invoke:

[e] being knit together = sumbibazo (soom-bib-ad'-zo) [4822]: to drive together, i.e. unite (in association or affection), (mentally) to infer, show, teach:

[f] in = (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by imp.) instrumentality [DEF: Instrumentality =The quality or condition of being instrumental; helpfulness; means; agency (Instrumental = Acting or serving as a means, useful; helpful)] (medially or constructively), i.e. "in," at, (up-) on, by, etc.:

[g] love = agape (ag-ah'-pay) [26; 25]: love, i.e. affection [DEF: affection = The condition of being closely tied to another by affection or faith; A complex and usually strong subjective response, as love, hate, etc] or benevolence; [DEF: benevolence = good will; kindly feeling; desire to promote the happiness of others] spec. (plural) a love-feast:.

[h] and = kaii (kahee) [2532]: and, also, even, so then, too

[i] unto, to = eis (ice) [1519]: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (fig.) purpose (result, etc.);

[j] all = pas (pas) [3956]: all, any, every, the whole:

[k] riches = ploutos (ploo'-tos) [4149; 4130]: wealth (as fulness), i.e. (literally) money, possessions, or (figuratively) abundance, richness, (specifically) valuable bestowment:

[l] of the, of, of the = tou (tou) [3588; 3739]: the feminine he (hay); neuter to (to); def. article; the

[m] full assurance = plerophoria (play-rof-or-ee'-ah) [4136; 4135]: entire confidence:

[m] understanding = sunesis (soon'-es-is) [4907; 4920]: a mental putting together, i.e. intelligence or (concretely) the intellect:

[n] acknowledgement = epignosis (ep-ig'-no-sis) [1922; 1921]: recognition, i.e. (by impl.) full discernment, acknowledgment.

[o] mystery = musterion (moos-tay'-ree-on) [3466]: a secret or "mystery" (silence imposed by initiation into religious rites):

[p] God, = theos (theh'-os) [2316]: a deity, esp. (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; fig., a magistrate [DEF: Magistrate = A public official who decides cases brought before a court of law in order to administer justice]; by Hebraism, very [DEF: Very = In actuality]:

[q] of Christ = Christos (khris-tos') [5547; 5548]: anointed, i.e. the Messiah, an epithet of Jesus.
