Colossians Chapter One Verse 16

Colossians 1:16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. [NIV]

Colossians 1:16 because in him were the all things created, those in the heavens, and those upon the earth, those visible, and those invisible, whether thrones, whether lordships, whether principalities, whether authorities; all things through him, and for him, have been created, [YLT]

Colossians 1:16 [a] For [b] by [c] him [d] were [d-a ] [e] all things [d] created, [b] in [d-a] [f] heaven, [g] and [h] in [d-a] [i] earth, [j] visible [g] and [d-a] [k] invisible, [l] whether [m] thrones, [l] or [n] dominions, [l] or [o] principalities, [l] or [p] powers: [d-a] [e] all things [d] were created [q] by [c] him, [r] and [s] for [c] him:

[a] For = hoti (hot'-ee) [3754; 3748]: that; caus. because:

[b] by, in = en (en) [1722]: fixed position (in place, time or state), and (by imp.) instrumentality [DEF: Instrumentality =The quality or condition of being instrumental; helpfulness; means; agency (Instrumental = Acting or serving as a means, useful; helpful)]. "in," at, (up-) on, by, etc.:

[c] him = autos (ow-tos') [846]: a baffling wind] (backward); self, of the third person and of the other persons: [DEF: baffling = a. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose b. To leave speechless or without a ready response]

[d] were ... created = ktizo (ktid'-zo) [2936; 2932]: to fabricate ie found (form originally).[d-a] [d-a] the = tou (tou) [3588; 3739]: the feminine he (hay); and the neuter to (to); in all their inflections; the def. article; the: THAYER'S this, that, these, etc.

[e] all things = pas (pas) [3956]: all, any, every, the whole:

[f] heaven = ouranos (oo-ran-os') [3772; 3735]: the sky; by ext., heaven (as the abode of God); by imp., happiness, power, eternity; spec., the Gospel (Christianity):

[g] and = kaii (kahee) [2532]: and, also, even, so then, too, etc.

[h] in = epi (ep-ee') [1909]: superimposition (of time, place, order), i.e. over, upon.; of rest at, on.; of direction, towards, upon.:

[i] earth = ge (ghay) [1093]: soil; by ext. a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe

[j] visible = horatos (hor-at-os') [3707; 3708]: gazed at, i.e. by imp. capable of being seen:

[k] invisible = aoratos (ah-or'-at-os) [517; 3707]: invisible: [l] whether, or = eite (i'-teh) [1535; 1487; 5037]: if too:

[m] thrones = thronos (thron'-os) [2362]: a stately seat ("throne"); by imp., power or (concretely) a potentate. [DEF: Potentate = a person having great power, a ruler.]

[n] dominions = kuriotes (koo-ree-ot'-ace) [2963; 2962]: mastery [DEF: Mastery = The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge] ie rulers.

[o] principalities = arche (ar-khay') [746; 756]: a commencement [DEF: Commencement = The initial stage of a developmental process; The act of or process of bringing or being brought into existence], chief (of order, time, place, or rank):

[p] powers = exousia (ex-oo-see'-ah) [1849; 1832]: (in the sense of ability); privilege [DEF: Privilege = A special right, advantage, or favor] , i.e. (subjectively) force [DEF: Force = Capacity or power for work or vigorous activity], capacity [DEF: Capacity = The ability or power to seize or attain] , competency [DEF: Competency = Ability; fitness; capacity], freedom [DEF: Freedom = The state of not being in confinement or servitude], or (objectively) mastery [DEF: Mastery = The right or power to command, decide, rule or judge; Intellectual hold] (concretely, magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control), delegated influence:

[q] by = dia (dee-ah') [1223]: the channel of an act; through:

[r] for = eis (ice) [1519]: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (fig.) purpose (result);