Colossians Chapter One Verse 17

Colossians 1:17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. [NIV]

Colossians 1:17 and himself is before all, and the all things in him have consisted. [YLT]

Colossians 1:17 [a] And [b] he [c] is [d] before [e] all things, [a] and [f] by [b] him [f-a] [g] all things [h] consist.

[a] And = kaii (kahee) [2532]: and, also, even, so then, too, etc.

[b] he, Him = autos (ow-tos') [846]: a baffling wind] (backward); self, of the third person and of the other persons: [DEF: baffling = a. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose b. To leave speechless or without a ready response]

[c] is = esti (es-tee') [2076; 1510]: he (she or it) is

[d] before = pro (pro) [4253]: "fore", i.e. in front of, prior (fig., superior) to:

[e] all things = pas (pas) [3956]: all, any, every, the whole:

[f] by en (en) [1722]: fixed position (in place, time or state), and (by imp.) instrumentality [DEF: Instrumentality =The quality or condition of being instrumental; helpfulness; means; agency (Instrumental = Acting or serving as a means, useful; helpful)]. "in," at, (up-) on, by, etc.

[g] consist = sunistao (soon-is-tah'-o) [4921; 4862; 2476]: to set together, i.e. (by imp.) to introduce (favorably), or (fig.) to exhibit; intransitively, to stand near, or (fig.) to constitute: [DEF: Constitute = To cause to be by official action]