Hebrews Chapter 12 Verse 20

Hebrews 12:20 because they could not bear what was commanded: "If even an animal touches the mountain, it must be stoned." [NIV]

Hebrews 12:20 for they were not bearing that which is commanded, 'And if a beast may touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or with an arrow shot through,' [YLT]

Hebrews 12:20 ([a] For [b] they could [c] not [b] endure [d] that which [e] was commanded, [f] And if so much as [g] a beast [h] touch [d] the [i] mountain, [j] it shall be stoned, {or thrust through with a dart}:

[a] For = gar (gar) [1063]: assigning a reason:

[b] they could ... endure = phero (fer'-o) [5342]: to "bear" or carry:

[c] not = ouk (ook) [3756]: the absolute negative adverb; no or not:

[d] that which, the = tou (tou) [3588; 3739]: he (hay); to (to); the: THAYER'S this, that, these, etc.

[e] was commanded = diastellomai (dee-as-tel'-lom-ahee) [1291; 1223; 4724]: to set (oneself) apart (fig., distinguish), i.e. by imp. to enjoin: [DEF: enjoin = To refuse to allow; To give orders to]:

[f] And if so much as = kan (kan) [2579; 2532; 1437]: and (or even) if:

[g] a beast = therion (thay-ree'-on) [2342; 2339]: a dangerous animal: FROM thera (thay'-rah) [2339]: from ther (a wild animal, as game); hunting, i.e. (fig.) destruction:

[h] touch = thiggano (thing-gan'-o) [2345]: (to finger); to manipulate, i.e. have to do with; by imp., to injure:

[i] mountain = oros (or'-os) [3735]: a mountain (as lifting itself above the plain):

[j] it shall be stoned = lithoboleo (lith-ob-ol-eh'-o) [3036; 3037; 906]; to throw stones, i.e. lapidate [DEF: Lapidate = To throw stones at; pelt (to move swiftly) with stones.: Stone to death]:

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