Paul "Apostle To The Gentiles"

Paul, a Roman Citizen, was of Jewish decent, from the tribe of Benjamin and spoke the Aramaic language. He was born in Tarsus of Cilicia, thus making him a Jew of the Dispersion. His early years were spent in the Greek culture. Paul, at and early age, went to Jerusalem to be educated under the hand of Gamaliel. He became a Pharisee in the religious society and strict observer of both the teachings of the Law (Torah) and the prophets. He took an active part in the persecution of those who were follower of Jesus the Christ

Paul as a Roman Citizen, inherited from his father, gave him many privileges, (a) he could not be scourged, (b) trial (before Caesar if requested) and (c) he could not be crucified.

Paul’s conversion to Christianity was very dynamic, while on the road to Damascus to persecute those of the way (Christians), he saw the risen Lord, Jesus the Christ. He was and is known to this day as “the apostle to the Gentiles.”From that time forward his life would never be the same. Paul’s call into ministry came from the Lord Himself, as he heard the voice of the Lord. After his live changing experiece on the road to Damascus he spent from eight to ten years in Syria and Cilicia. He used this time preparing for ministry in Christ. Ironically, he began his preaching in the synagogues of Damascus, the very spot he had set out to confront the disciples of Jesus on the day of his conversion.
