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AT&T Whistle-Blower Hits D.C. To Stop Telecom Spying Immunity
Former AT&T technician and wiretapping whistle-blower Mark Klein traveled to the nation's marble halls of power Wednesday, hoping to persuade lawmakers not to crush the lawsuit against AT&T that is largely based on his allegations that his former employer wiretapped the internet on behalf of the government.
The Senate Judiciary plans Thursday to mark-up a measure passed by the secretive Senate Intelligence Committee would let telecoms like AT&T and Verizon escape the bevy of lawsuits accusing them of massively violating Americans' privacy, so long as the attorney general writes a letter to the judge saying that the government told the companies that the president thought he had Constitutional authority to evade the nation's privacy laws.
In January 2006, after the Los Angeles Times killed an article on his allegations after editors met with senior government officials, Klein walked into the Electronic Frontier Foundation and handed them a set of AT&T documents he took with him when he retired.
Those documents detail how AT&T diverted portions of fiber optic internet cables, -included powerful snooping hardware Unfortunately, Canadians are not immune to this type of privacy invasion.
Tragedy at Vancouver International Airport
Robert Dziekanski, 40, died on Oct. 14, 2007 hours after he had arrived at Vancouver
International Airport. He was on his way to Kamloops to live with his mother in the B.C.
Interior. The Polish immigrant arrived from Europe the previous day around 4 p.m., but for
some unknown reason he did not clear customs until well after midnight. Robert Dziekanski
did not speak english and was expecting to see his mother when he had landed at the
Vancouver international airport.
Nobody who worked in customs bothered to show Dziekanski' that he needed to clear customs
where he could then get out to the main section of the airport where his mother was waiting for
him. The airport staff had given Dziekanski's mother the run-around when she had inquired
about her son. After eight hours an Airport staff had told Dziekanski's mother, without
checking, that her son was not at the airport. While Dziekanski was still in the customs holding
area, unknown to Dziekanski's mother, she had already returned home to Kamloops by bus
after waiting for hours at the airport. She claims airport officials offered her no help locating
her son. Paul Pritchard is an eyewitness, who's video had recorded Robert Dziekanski dying
after being stunned with Tasers by RCMP officers on Oct. 14 at the Vancouver International
Airport. It has been released to the public. Go to
C.B.C News to see Paul Pritchard's video which is quite clear and sharp.
About 25 seconds after police had entered the secure area where Robert Dziekanski was, A
10-minute video recording clearly shows four RCMP officers talking to Robert Dziekanski
while he is standing with his back to a counter and with his arms lowered by his sides, but his
hands are not visible. Then there is a loud crack that sounds like a Taser shot, followed by
Dziekanski screaming and convulsing as he stumbles and falls to the floor. Another loud crack
can be heard as an officer appears to fire one more Taser shot into Dziekanski. As the officers
kneel on top of Dziekanski and handcuff him, he continues to scream and convulse on the floor.
One officer is heard to say, "Hit him again. Hit him again," and there is another loud cracking
sound. Police have said only two Taser shots were fired, but a witness said she heard up to four
Taser shots. A minute and half after the first Taser shot was fired Dziekanski stops moaning
and convulsing and becomes still and silent. Shortly after, the officers appear to be checking his
condition and one officer is heard to say, "code red." The video ends shortly after.
Minutes later, ambulance attendants arrived but their efforts to revive Dziekanski were
unsuccessful and he was declared dead. RCMP have said they cannot comment on the video
while an investigation into the incident is underway.
What a tragedy it is for a mother who was expecting to
see her son coming from Poland and live with her in Canada, to find her son dead at the
Vancouver International Airport. The Airport staff has a lot to answer for, for
what had happened to Dziekanski. Especially those who worked at the customs holding area
where Dziekanski had been waiting there for hours on end being very confused and agitated
about why he had not seen his mother at the airport. The RCMP officers have a lot to answer
for the cause of Dziekanski death. And it happened here in Canada, of all places.
Update; Oct 16th; 2007.
The events on Paul Pritchard's video appear to contradict what the RCMP said about the
event a day after it occurred, before this video was seen by the public. RCMP officials
claimed that they had found the man in the secure area with his luggage cart and chairs set
around him. They had tried to communicate with him. The man was enraged, pounding on
windows and throwing chairs and computer equipment, and refused to calm down. They
weren't getting through to this guy and the violence was escalating. This is the statement that was made by RCMP spokesperson Sgt. Pierre
Lemaitre, right after Dziekanski's death. But in the video, the RCMP are no where to be seen
when the chair is thrown. They had not yet arrived on the scene. At no time on the video does
Dziekanski grab a computer when the police are there. He had picked one up and then set it
back down earlier in the video, but that was well before the police had arrived. When the
police do arrive, Dziekanski appears to be calm. He backs away and appears to be in the
process of handing himself over to police when he is Tasered, a mere thirty seconds after
the police had arrived. According to CTV News; Amnesty International wants all police
departments to stop using Tasers until they have been thoroughly studied. A professor of
ethics says the RCMP will now have to work hard to win back public trust. "Those who are
involved are going to have to give a clearer account of what occurred than that at the present
seems to be what's forthcoming," said Mark Wexler of Simon Fraser University. He added
that there will have to be a "stronger emphasis upon training (and) de-emphasis on keeping the
public out of the way." Police reaction to the video which Paul Pritchard had released for public viewing, was one of
being surprised that such a video was out there on the Internet, which clearly shows what had actually happened .
RCMP officials maintain that the information they gave to the public after the incident was
accurate to the best of their knowledge. They had no further comments on this issue.
The Deceit behind global warming
I recall when all that hype people were making
about Global Warming, and I had made comments about it some time ago (on page 8) about
the deceit behind that 29-hour marathon on global warming which all the major news media
had broadcasted. Well, at least someone who soceity consider to have more credibility
than I, a person who is a weather forecaster, who is involved directly with the Weather
Channel broadcast, which gives out weather forecasts and weather-related news in the USA,
24 hours a day, is conferming what I have been saying all along about Global Warming. This
person had bought that Global Warming hype, hook-line and sinker. He has now changed his
mind about what is being claimed by Al Gore, the US Vice-President, and the UN about Global
Warming. I am speaking about none-other than the owner and boss of the Weather Channel,
John Coleman. He wrote an article published on ICECAP, the International Climate and
Environmental Change Assessment Project, which is known for challenging widely published
theories on global warming. John Coleman described global warming as 'the greatest scam in
history' and accused global media of colluding with 'environmental extremists' to alarm the
general public. In that artical, he stated that; "It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed,
appalled and highly offended by it. Global warming hit centre stage because in 1988 the UN set
up its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC). Through a series of reports, the
IPCC was to advance its cause in a rather unusual fashion. First it would commission as many
as 1,500 experts to produce a huge scientific report, which might include all sorts of doubts and
reservations. But this was to be prefaced by a Summary for Policymakers, drafted in
consultation with governments and officials - essentially a political document - in which most of
the caveats contained in the experts' report would not appear. This contradiction was obvious
in the first report in 1991, which led to the Rio conference on climate change in 1992. The
second report in 1996 gave particular prominence to a study by an obscure US government
scientist claiming that the evidence for a connection between global warming and rising
CO2 levels was now firmly established. This study came under heavy fire from various leading
climate experts for the way it manipulated the evidence. But this was not allowed to stand in the
way of the claim that there was now complete scientific consensus behind the CO2 thesis, and
the Summary for Policy-makers, heavily influenced from behind the scenes by Al Gore, by this
time US Vice-President, paved the way in 1997 for the famous Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto initiated
stage three of the story, by formally committing governments to drastic reductions in their
CO2 emissions. But the treaty still had to be ratified and this seemed a good way off, not least
thanks to its rejection in 1997 by the US Senate, despite the best attempts of Mr Gore. Not the
least of his efforts was his bid to suppress an article co-authored by Dr Revelle just before his
death. Gore didn't want it to be known that his guru had urged that the global warming thesis
should be viewed with more caution. Here is the web site which give in great detail what this is
all about.
The deceit behind global warming. Now when you finish reading this article, you will have
a better idea where all that Global Warming hype has come from which people were foolish
enough to swallow. I will state it again, Global Warming is a natural cycle of planet earth, and
there is nothing we can do to change that. We can cut down on the air pollution which comes
from the exhaust of vehicles and industry which is the major contributor to lung cancer and
emphysema, despite the false claims by Pro Advocates against smokers who are supported by
most Christian clergy, Health Canada, and some doctors who had blamed all lung
cancer cases on people who are smoking cigarettes. I suspect that these Anti-Smoking people had
learned that type of deceptive tactics from Christian ministers. They are real Pro's at that.
The Deceit behind the Anti-Smoking Campaigns
Being that I had made mentioned the deceptive
tactics by Pro Advocates against smokers in the above article, I will back up that statement here
and now. Myself and people I knew started smoking as teen-agers in the early 1950's because
it was a normal thing to do. The worst we heard about smoking was that smoking might stunt
your growth. During the early 50's, smoking was quite common. People smoked in movies,
most entertainers smoked and there were popular songs about smoking. Cigarette smoking
was quite literally everywhere. Mother's who had smoked while they were pregnant their
babies all turned out fine. I can remember all the kids I knew and played with, most of those
kids parents, their fathers and mothers smoked, and thay all turned out to be fine with no
adverse effects. But ever since the early 1970's when the Pro Advocates against smokers started to really crank up
their Anti-Smoking campaign, most people who smoke said very little about it. Then the
Anti-Smoking Advocates against smokers got the Canadian Government directly involved and
it used that excuse to gouge people who smoke with very unfair tax hikes on tobacco products.
When that had little effect, the Anti-Smoking Lobby got doctors and Health Canada to help
their cause. Here is what Health Canada claims; "Tobacco use causes many different kinds of
cancer. Second-hand smoke can cause lung cancer among non-smokers. A Canadian dies
every 12 minutes of a tobacco related disease. Tobacco smoke kills over 37,000 people in
Canada each year. That's more than the total of all murders, alcohol-related deaths, car
accidents and suicides". These statements by Health Canada are worse than being outrageously
exaggerated, these are deliberate lies! I got this bit of rubbish directly from their web site.
Here on this pie chart, it shows the persentage of hospitalization for lung cancer in the year 2000-01 to be 0.7%.
Compare that to all the other forms of hospitalization, it is relatively low.
Health Canada also claims that; "More than 37,000 people will die this year in Canada due to smoking. Of those, more than 300
non-smokers will die of lung cancer and at least 700 non-smokers will die of coronary heart
disease caused by exposure to second-hand smoke. It is estimated that there are more than
4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke and at least 50 of them have been proven to cause cancer".
Then Health Canada contradicts itself when they also claim that "Although the amount of
chemicals in each cigarette is small, it is cumulative with each puff of a cigarette. Breathing in
second-hand smoke causes at least 800 deaths in Canadian non-smokers from lung cancer and
heart disease every year. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death due to cancer in Canada.
Smoking tobacco is the single most cause of lung cancer, accounting for 85% of all new cases
of lung cancer in Canada". As you will see, most all of their claims are totally exaggerated or are false! We will debunk most of these claims in this article. As far
as I can remember from history, all this Anti-Smoking Lobby made its first strong appearance
when Protestant Christians had lost the battle against drinking alcohol. The Temperance
Movement was behind this driving force during the 19th and early 20th century. It was
organized to encourage complete abstinence in the consumption of intoxicating liquors. They
tried to used Christian moral suasion to address the problem. The movement's ranks were
mostly filled by women and Protestant fundamentalist ministers who, with their children in tow,
had lobbied against drinking. In fact, alcohol was blamed for many of society's demerits.
When their attemps failed to bring about a compleat ban on the drinking of intoxicating liquors,
they got on a new bandwagon. This time it was against smoking. They had claimed that all
lung cancer was the direct result from smoking tobacco products. The average person bought
into that false claim from the Anti-Smoking Lobby groups without checking out the facts. What
is a myth? In this case, a myth is a fiction or a half-truth in which Christians are really good at
perpetuating. They have two thousand years of practice to refine their level of deception. It is the result
of fase beliefs that people have been holding for a long time. Smoking also has some popular
myths which was spread by these various Anti-Smoking Lobby groups. Some of the myth they
spread are; Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke is responsible for one in five deaths. People who smoke costs taxpayers
$171.3M in direct health expenditures. Cigarette smoking causes a variety of life-threatening
diseases, including lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and Erectile Dysfunction. Indirect
costs to the economy were tallied at a further $526 million each year. Where they got that
figure from, they won't say. The Anti-Smoking Lobby groups are quick to point out that the
decline in smoking was the results of their implementation of a comprehensive tobacco control
strategy. Their latest round of initiatives, included changes to the Smoke Free Places Act and
Tobacco Access Act. "It's not about how much money we spend on these Anti-Smoking campaigns, it's
about the anti-smoking rules that we have already in place and the further plans we have to
deal with smoking" stated Maureen Summers, who is the executive director of the Canadian Cancer
Society's Nova Scotia chapter. She also said that her organization was recommending a doubling
of the budget for the province's tobacco control strategy to about $4.7 million, a $5-per-
capita tax increase. "Maybe we need to look at further tobacco tax increases, further
interventions and further effective funding". It seems that it is her organization that is
costing taxpayers a lot of money! Here are some other Smoking Myths;
The news media have long portrayed the tobacco controversy as a struggle between greedy
merchants of death and selfless defenders of the public health. The capitulation by the tobacco
industry left the ground for debate narrower than ever, excluding anyone who thinks smoking
is a matter of individual choice in which the government has no business in meddling. All the
arguments about the nationwide settlement agreement with the capitulation by the tobacco
industry went far enough helped conceal the true nature of the anti-smoking movement, which
is an attempt by one group of people to impose their tastes and preferences on another.
Tobacco's opponents try to hide their paternalism with a series of familiar myths that the
tobacco industry's concessions reinforced:
Myth No1. The tobacco companies hid the truth about the hazards of cigarettes from the
American public. Anti-smoking double-talk and warnings about the health risks of smoking go
back hundreds of years. James I, in his 1604 Counterblaste to Tobacco, called smoking "a
custome lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the Nose, harmefull to the brain, dangerous to the
Lungs, and in the blacke stinking fume thereof, neerest resembling the horrible Stigian smoke
of the pit that is bottomlesse". (He was referring to the Christian belief of Hell). Persuasive
half-baked, so-called scientific evidence of tobacco's hazards began to emerge in the early
1930s, done by non-smokers has received widespread attention since the '50s.
Myth No2. The tobacco companies concealed the addictiveness of cigarettes. The difficulty of
giving up the tobacco habit has been common knowledge for centuries. James I's lord
chancellor, Sir Francis Bacon, observed, "In our times the use of tobacco is growing greatly
and conquers men with a certain secret pleasure, so that those who have once become
accustomed thereto can later hardly be restrained therefrom." The 17th-century polemicist
Johann Michael Moscherosch called smokers "thralls to the tobacco fiend," while Cotton
Mather dubbed them "Slaves to the Pipe." Fagon, Louis XIV's court physician, described the
tobacco habit as "a fatal, insatiable necessity -- permanent epilepsy."
Myth No3. People smoke because of advertising. There is remarkably little evidence that
advertising plays an important role in getting people to smoke, as opposed to getting them to
smoke a particular brand. The 1989 surgeon general's report conceded that "there is no
scientifically rigorous study available to the public that provides a definitive answer to the
basic question of whether advertising and promotion increase the level of tobacco consumption."
Given the complexity of the issue, none is likely to be forthcoming in the forseeable future. The
1994 report, which focused on underage smoking, also acknowledged the "lack of definitive
literature." None of the widely publicized studies that have appeared in recent years, including
the much-hyped research on Joe Camel, actually measured the impact of advertising on a
teenager's propensity to smoke.
Myth No4. Smoking imposes costs on society. Because Anti-smokers claim that smokers tend
to die earlier than nonsmokers. If that were true, then the short-term costs of treating tobacco-
related illness would be balanced, and probably would outweighed the cost, by savings on
Social Security, nursing home stays and medical care in old age. In reality, early death is
caused by wars, automobile accidents, water and air pollution and industrial accidents.
Every analysis that takes such long-term savings into account concludes that their false
claim on "social cost" cannot justify raising cigarette taxes . It is a well know fact that Health
Canada, along with these Anti-smoking Lobby groups, tend to exaggerate, fudge and
manipulate the data, the true facts, in order to support their false claims about smoking.
How can anybody believe or trust what Health Canada and these Anti-smoking Lobby groups
claim when they have been found to have deliberately lied to people?
Myth No5. Provincial Governments have a right to demand compensation from tobacco
companies for the costs of treating smoking-related diseases under Medicare. This claim
ignores the fact that non-smokers use the services of Medicare far greater than smokers.
The exobatant Tobacco taxes already pay and cover any costs they supposedly impose upon
themselves or others. And by that same logic, governments should sue the manufacturer of any
product associated with disease or injury, including every kind of fatty foods, candy, firearms,
swimming pools, trampolines, bathtubs, skateboards, bicycles, motorcycles and automobiles to
name a few. The makers and consumers of such products should not be blamed because
politicians decided to have Medicare, which was paid for by taxpayers' money. Who were at
that time, the majority were smokers, when all this Medicare came into existance here in
Canada. Non-smokers tend to forget that little bit of reality.
Myth No6. Secondhand smoke poses a grave threat to bystanders. The evidence concerning the
health effects of secondhand smoke is less conclusive as any kind of evidence concerning the
health effects of smoking. Research from non-smokers suggests that people who live with
smokers for decades may face a slightly higher risk of lung cancer. According to one estimate,
that is being put out, a nonsmoking woman who lives with a smoker faces an additional lung
cancer risk of 6.5 in 10,000, which would raise her lifetime risk from about 0.34 percent to
about 0.41 percent. Studies of ETS and heart disease, including the recently published results
from the Harvard Nurses Study, report there is no evidence that casual exposure to
secondhand smoke has any impact on your life expectancy. If secondhand smoke is really
dangerous, smoking would have been banned everywhere a long time ago. But those claims
were once again proven to be false. Almost all of the epidemiological claims made now
about the health effects of second hand smoke relates to long-term exposure in the home.
So they now attack smokers in their car or home when children are involved. They use childern
to trample upon the invation of privet property rights. Yet business owners have property
rights, too. Those property owners who are smokers should be allowed to have bars,
nightclubs, restaurants, ect, for smokers only if they want to. Employees in these places would
be smokers themselves. If the government respected people rights as expressed in the
Constitution, property owners, potential employees and customers could patronize businesses
which cater spicificly to smokers or non-smokers establishments. That would be the fairest
thing to do, instead of imposing the will of one segment of soceity upon another.
Secondhand smoke is merely a nuisance to non-smokers, and such a voluntary system is
the most appropriate way to deal with the conflicting demands of smokers and nonsmokers.
It allows for diversity and competition, rather than simply imposing the will of non-smokers
on the majority who are smokers.
Myth No7. The tobacco companies have been secretly manipulating the nicotine in
cigarettes to keep smokers hooked. Nicotine control was never a secret. Several brands of
denicotined cigarettes were introduced as early as the 1920s. Claims of reduced tar and
nicotine have been conspicuous since the 1950s, and the yields of each brand have been
advertised since 1971. The very idea of a consistent nicotine yield for a given brand implies
control, which cigarette manufacturers achieve through a variety of methods that have long
been discussed in trade journals, books, and government reports.
Myth No8. Smoking is "a pediatric disease." Although most smokers start as teenagers,
the vast majority are, in fact, adults. Smoking itself is a behavior "something people choose to
do", it is not a disease. As then-Surgeon General C. Everett Koop noted in his 1984 speech
calling for "a smoke-free society," smoking is a voluntary act: one does not have to smoke if
one does not want to.
Myth No9. Once people have started smoking, nicotine addiction prevents them from
stopping. This is so contrary to everyday experience that it's amazing politicians and
anti-smoking activists can say it with a straight face. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, there are about as many former smokers in this country as there are
smokers, and almost all gave up the habit on their own, without formal treatment -- usually by
quitting cold turkey. Even while helping to perpetuate these myths, the tobacco companies only
acknowledged the opinions of "public health authorities" and agreed to new warning labels
(saying, among other things), that "Cigarettes are addictive" and "smoking can kill you".
No one really believed them, anyway. Being that's the case, it's hard to see how there was any
merit to the multitude of lawsuits that was brought upon the tobacco industry to the bargaining
table in the first place.
Myth No10. A common myth about smoking assert that the lungs of smokers become
brown or even black from years of accumulation of tars and goo. Not true, according to Wray
Kephart. Mr. Kephart presently works as an engineer but he previously worked in a hospital,
performing autopsies, most of which were paid for by insurance companies, seeking to
determine whether the deceased committed suicide, or died from "natural causes". Kephart
tells me that he's done approximately 1560 autopsies, and he's seen some strange things, such
as the lungs of auto painters, which were "effectively sealed with catalyzed lacquers".
Kephart insists, however, that it is normally impossible to tell, from autopsy, whether the
deceased was or was not a smoker. Upon resection, the lungs are always clear, unless the
deceased lived in a large city where there was significant industrial pollution. In that event,
carbon deposits may be found, but these are unrelated to smoking. So the "brown lungs"
myth is exactly that: a myth. Recently, a question was posed to Ed Uthman, M.D., a pathologist
practicing in Dallas, TX. The question was whether a surgeon, at autopsy, could determine
from an examination of the deceased's lungs, whether the deceased was or was not a smoker.
Here is Dr. Uthman's response: I don't think one can tell if the deceased were a tobacco
smoker or not by the appearance of the lungs. The absence of any black pigment suggests that
the person was either a nonsmoker or a very light smoker. Heavy black pigmentation suggests
that the person could have been a heavy smoker, or lived in a city with heavy particulate air
pollution, or was a coal miner, or some combination of the three. The black pigment in question
is elemental carbon, which most investigators believe to be inert in its effects on the lungs
(although in the extremely heavy doses that coal miners usualy get, it do have a direct role in
coal-workers lung disease). When I point these things out to anti-smokers, they frequently say,
"But I've seen photographs of smoker's lungs that were shown to me in grade school, and they
looked simply horrible." I've seen these photographs also, but they are phonies. A popular
Internet web site features side by side photographs of two lungs. One is labeled "Smoker's
lung - dead at 50". The other is labeled "Non-smoker’s lungs, alive at 70". The problem is
simply that the photograph of the smoker's lung is a photograph of a lung ravaged by lung
cancer; it is not a photograph of the lung of some smoker who died from some other disease.
Therefore, even if the cancerous lung is from somebody who smoked, and the "healthy" lung is
from somebody who did not, the photographs prove nothing except that cancerous lungs look
different from non-cancerous lungs. Of course, both photographs are photographs of dead
people's lungs, because it's not possible to take a photograph of the lung of a living person.
Also, rather obviously, the photographs show the outside surface of the lungs. The outside
surfaces of lungs are not exposed to either air or smoke; therefore, it would be impossible for
smoke to stain those surfaces. Another myth, propagated by the anti-smoking crowd, is the
notion that women who smoke while pregnant, or are subjected to "second hand" smoke, their babies will have drastic medical problems
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