Page 16
Anti-Tobacco Advocates
According to The Canadian Press, A review
of 25 studies that pooled data from 1.2 million subjects from around the world, in which
Canadian and Swiss researchers found that on average, tobacco users have a 44 per cent
higher chance of developing the metabolic condition, which can lead to such complications as
heart disease and kidney failure. Their study claims that smokers appear to have a significantly
higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes compared to non-smokers - and that risk increases
the more one lights up. The link between smoking and diabetes appeared strongest among
heavy smokers (20 or more cigarettes daily), who had a 61 per cent increased risk of
developing the disease compared with non-smokers; lighter smokers (less than 20 a day) had a
29 per cent higher risk. The association was weaker for former smokers (23 per cent increased
risk) than for active smokers an analysis from numerous international studies suggests.
Canadian and Swiss researchers found tobacco users have a 44 per cent higher chance of
developing the metabolic condition. Then at the end of the artical, they say that; "Smoking is
often associated with other unhealthy behaviours that can lead to diabetes, including physical
inactivity, poor diet and high alcohol consumption. It might not be the smoking, per se, but
those other mediating factors that are related to smoking and separately related to diabetes."
First, I am not some slob who is inactive, nor have poor diet, nor am I an alcoholic. Let me
point out that I am a very active person, my diet is avarage, and I have a low alcohol
consumption, and I do smoke.
But before we examine this study, let me deal with the
topic of kidney failure. The greatest if not the most common cause of kidney failure comes from
samenellia poisining. Other sources come from arsenic-contaminated groundwater or tainted water as
what happened to people in WALKERTON, ONT. where people developed kidney failure and
contributed directly to the death of some people. Then there is vegetables, fruit, diary products
and meats which had been tainted or contaminated. The most samenellia poisining come from
eating tainted hamberger, fried chicken wings from take-out outlets and resturants, or
buying meat at a supermarket where the butcher may taint or contaminat the meat unknowningly.
It is a wonder my kidney still functions, given the amount of samenellia poisining bouts I had
from eating meat I was not aware had been tainted or contaminated, during the past sixty years
of living. I had samenellia poisining bouts that bad that it had caused me to double up on the
Now lets get to this so-called study that was conducted by these Canadian and Swiss researchers. I
surfed the internet to Medical Web Sites to find out about developing this metabolic condition.
At one Medical center, it stated that diabetes mostly comes on slowly and is more likely to be due to environmental poisoning than
anything else.
I went to another medical site and it stated that metabolic condition is caused by glutomate
synthetase deficiency, carbamyle phosphate, synthate deficiency or NAG, (NAG produce and
distribute numerical, symbolic, statistical, visualisation and simulation software for the solution
of problems in such areas as science).
Then I went to yet another Medical site and it stated that; Metabolic diseases are a group
of more than one thousand inherited disorders in which there is genetic fault in metabolism
(the body's chemistry).
I then went to many other Medical web sites, and they all said what I have already listed
here. Given what I had found out, I only have one thing to say about that report from those
Canadian and Swiss researchers who had reviewed 25 studies that pooled data from 1.2
million subjects from around the world. An honest assessment would read like this.. It might not
be the smoking, per se, but other factors which could be separately related to diabetes.
Dec.12th/2007; According to CBC News, A
Muslim father had killed his daughter because she had refused to wear a traditional religious
garb, a head scarf known as a hijab. The slain Muslim teen whose father has been charged
with second-degree murder. Friends of the slain teen said that Parvez clashed with her family
about her reluctance to wear the hijab, a garment for all devout Muslim women. She didn't
want to go home … to the point where she actually wanted to go to shelters," classmate
Ashley Garbutt, 16, told the Toronto Star. Members of the Islamic community warn against anyone using the tragedy to vilify the head
scarf known as the hijab. No; I will not vilify the head scarf known as the hijab. Rather I would
vilify that archaic pagan Islamic religion for its contemptible doctrines and antiquated
traditions which belong back in ancient history. I hope that Canadians who had been duped into
believing in that pagan religion will have the good sense to leave it. You know how I feel about
Christianity, but Islam is far worse than Christianity or any of the other pagan religions in
existence. By now, Islam must have the worst reputation among all of the religions that are
found in Canada or the world.
Dec.13/2007; Brian Mulroney is expected to tell
the Commons ethics committee on Thursday about the money he receive over three hotel meetings
with Schreiber in 1993 and 1994, and did not declare the money on his income taxes until a
subsequent tax year. Mulroney is expected to unveil details about his controversial business
relationship with German-Canadian businessman Karlheinz Schreiber. Mulroney has denied all allegations of wrongdoing, and none of the
accusations against the former prime minister has been proven in court. Mulroney
(Baloney) claims he did nothing illegal, but will admit he had made a "serious mistake" in
getting caught in the act for accepting bribe money in the amount of $300,000 from
Karlheinz Schreiber. Schreiber admits that he had "greased" Mulroney palms to promote an
armoured-vehicle factory in Bear Head, N.S., on behalf of a German company, Thyssen
Industries. Mulroney had deposited that "grease" money into a U.S. bank account. I would
have thought that we Canadians, were better than that, and shun or look down upon the idea
of taking bribes, like some third rate country where taking "bribe" money and the practice of
greasing one's palms to get things done is normal practice. It seems that Canada is no better,
especially when people who are in such a high office as the Prime Minister of Canada can be
bought off with "grease" money to get on the fast track to get things done. Schreiber, who is a
German-Canadian businessman, is facing corruption-related charges in Germany. I think that
Mulroney should be facing corruption-related charges here in Canada for taking "bribe"
money for himself and his political party while he was in office.
I see also in the news that Tony Blair, the former British prime minister had addressed the Knesset Foreign
Affairs and Defense Committee in Israel where he declared that if he were an Israeli he would
hesitate to support any further withdrawals following the "nightmare" of the 2005
Disengagement from Gaza. Nevertheless, this joker still thinks that Israel should give up more
land to the Palestinian terrorists. Blair, the mouthpiece for the UN, the New World Order
crowd, known as the "Quartet", Quartet envoy Tony Blair is urging that Israel "must
continue with the peace process despite security concerns." What hypocrisy and double talk
coming out from that moron's mouth! To think that he was once the Prime Minister of England.
Good Grief! What in the world is this world coming to, do you know? I do.
Would you believe it, if I told you that on December 3, 2007, a Hamas children's show broadcast
produced by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority's Al-Aksa TV broadcasts, where a boy around
9 or 10 years old who speaks like a little Hitler, along with the backdrop of an image of the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem, is calling for the genocide of the Jewish people of " Zion."
The boy is also calling to "rescue" the Al-Aksa Mosque by means of force. That "the
Al-Aksa Mosque has fallen into oppressing and malicious hands and that the only way to
"rescue" the Al-Aksa Mosque is by means of force", despite the fact that the Al-Aksa
Mosque and the Temple Mount is under Muslim Wakf control. Here is the direct link to that
Memri-TV children programme, along with the entire transcript which is translated into
English in what is being said, thanks to Arutz Sheva
Israel International
News who pointed out this scam. Arutz Sheva, Israel International News come's directly from
Israel. The transcript provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), in
English, calls for, among other things, the renewed attack upon Israel by children and its
praise of their self-destruction while "Our death is happiness." while doing so. This is the kind
of thing that is coming from the Hamas PA children's programming. The very same Hamas,
represented by the Palestinian Authority/Fatah chairman Mahmoud Abbas, in which
George W. Bush, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert and the UN mouthpiece Tony Blair, want to make a "Peace" deal with the Hamas
terrorists who want to see the destruction of Israel . Do you not find something wrong with this picture, or
is it just me, who just can't seem to understand or get a handle on this abstract picture.
I heard that Chanukah packages were given to the IDF troops by some lame-brain rabbi. While it might have been a nice gesture, but was it not the same Israeli army who had turned against their own people and evicted the Jewish
people out of their homes in Hevron, Efrat, Gosh Gative and all of the Gaza Strip, and they will
no doubt be forcing Jewish people to clear out of Judea and Samaria, in fact in all of the Golan
Heights and half of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Somehow it seems wrong to give gifts to
people who had participated in the expulsion of Jewish people from their home, settlements,
towns or land. Go figure! Giving is always good, when it is not misdirected.
Mulroney appeared before the federal ethics committee today to face questions about his
dealings with the German-Canadian businessman. Brian Mulroney's time as Prime Minister,
although unproven and in part conflicting with other available information, raise questions
respecting the integrity of an important office of the Government of Canada.
Mulroney used his 20-minute opening statement to clear up what he said were
misunderstandings about his testimony during his 1996 libel suit against the federal
government, which had accused him of taking kickbacks from the 1988 sale of Airbus planes
to Air Canada. But when the RCMP investigated that charge in 1995, seven years after the
fact which was more than enough time for anyone to wipe away any trace of the alleged
Airbus affair. The allegations was about Mulroney and Moores had accepted kickbacks from
Schreiber on the sale of Airbus planes to Air Canada. Mulroney denied the allegations and
launched a $50 million lawsuit against the Canadian government when the RCMP could find
nothing pertaining to the Airbus affair. Two years later, Mulroney settled out of court for $2.1
million, and accepted an apology from the Liberal government. During that appearance in that
Montreal courtroom, Mulroney was asked if he had ever discussed with Schreiber whether
Schreiber had been paid substantial sums from Airbus Industries. Mulroney's response to the
question was: "The fact that Mr. Schreiber may or may not have had any business dealings
was not my principal preoccupation". Mulroney claims he had never had any dealings with
Schreiber . But both men agree they met in the early 1980s. Schreiber says he was introduced to
Mulroney by the late Frank Moores, the former premier of Newfoundland. Schreiber says they
were personal friends, but Mulroney has stated it was strictly a business relationship, in
particular the project in Nova Scotia to build light armored vehicles.
Mulroney stated that; "When I used the language "I had never had any dealings with Mr. Schreiber,' I was clearly
referring to the sale of Airbus aircraft and the time when I was in government".
New Democratic MP Pat Martin dismissed Mulroney's explanation as "splitting hairs."
"I'm not calling you a liar Mr. Mulroney, but I want everyone here to know that I don't believe
you," Martin said. That exchanged prompted an angry reaction from Mulroney's son Ben,
who was advised by his sister to calm down, said CBC's Rosemary Barton, who was in the
room. Mulroney called the Airbus affair "a near-death experience," and said he never received
"a cent from anyone" in connection with Air Canada's purchase of 34 Airbus planes in 1988.
Mulroney rejected an accusation that his former adviser Fred Doucet asked Schreiber to
funnel money to Mulroney through a Swiss lawyer "for Airbus." Mulroney said he's never had
a lawyer in Switzerland, except to defend himself against the 1995 allegations.
Former arms dealer Karlheinz Schreiber said today that he was told by an intimate of Brian
Mulroney to funnel proceeds of the Airbus sale into a Swiss bank account destined for Mulroney,
the then Prime Minister. The accusation represents the first time Schreiber has explicitly said
the former Prime Minister may have benefited from the Air Canada purchase of Airbus
jetliners. Mulroney was still the Prime Minister when Schreiber alleges the discussion occurred.
Schreiber said the request astounded him. Brian Mulroney answer; "When I used the language,
I had never had any dealings with Mr. Schreiber, I was clearly referring to the sale of Airbus
aircraft and the time when I was in government". Schreiber also alleges he paid Mulroney
$300,000 in 1993 and 1994 for work that Mulroney never did. One "service," Schreiber says
was to "support my efforts in obtaining approval of the establishment of a production facility
for light armored vehicles." Mulroney didn't explain why he used safety-deposit boxes, which
are not traceable, instead of a regular bank account when he had received the $300,000 from
Karlheinz Schreiber. He also said he has since "disposed" of documents related to how the
money was handled. Isn't that exactly what people in money laundering and taking "bribe"
money, (kickbacks) normally do when they are involved in these shady deals?
I think that Mr. Karlheinz Schreiber and Brian Mulroney had dealings that went far beyond
what was uncovered or not covered in this inquiry. What do you think?
I took Buddy out today for his usual sled run and found it easier going on the packed trail.
Buddy is doing well with taking directions, such as "Left" "Right" "Strait" "Mush" and
"Halt". Buddy seems to know the route we were traveling on and followed the trail without any
fuss. He may make a good sled dog yet, given time and a lot exposure to dog sledding. I stopped
in to see the new city hall and it looks great, on the outside as well as inside. While there, I had
inquired if it was possible to obtain some small piece of land I had my eyes upon, but was
informed that it was not possible to own. So now I will have to concentrate on sites outside
from the Haileybury area and look much further up north. It is too bad, because I like it here in
Haileybury and I have made some geat friends and have got to know a lot of decent people. I will have
to look for some other wilderness like area, to find the land to build my little log cabin on. I am
glad that I have the Internet to help me find a location for my little homestead. If anyone is
buying or have bought a Kodak Easy Share digital camera for the Holiday Season, get it back
to the store quickly. I had bought one of those Kodak Easy Share digital camera at Wall Mart
for $180.00 after paying the taxes, and it lasted only a few months. I was using the digital camera
in my studio to take photos of my paintings and also put pictures on my web site. Unfortunately for me,
I had lost my receipt and could not get a refund or exchange that Kodak for some other brand.
I will never buy a Kodak digital camera again. This is just a heads-up so you will not be
disappointed with that camera as I had been. I have since bought a little Vivitar ViviCam digital
camera (second hand) from Come By Chance Treasures, for $20.00 Unfortunately; It is not
that good for taking photos of my paintings. But I had used it on all my outdoor field trips. I
once dropped this little digital camera in the water on one of my canoe trips. I had thought that
it would no longer work, but after I had dried it out and changed the two little AAA batteries, it
ran just fine. The thing is still taking great outdoor pictures. I can even use it as a video cam.
This little digital camera is indestructible.
In a series of landmark reports this year, the UN's network of climate scientists had warned of
severe consequences, from rising seas, droughts, severe weather, species extinction and other
effects if sharp cutbacks in emissions of the industrial, transportation and agricultural gases
are not made. Dion met with former U.S. vice-president Al Gore, who were at the conference
and delivered their speeches. Unfortunately; These jokers are blaming the wrong culprit for Global warming.
I have no problem cutting industrial and transportation emissions, but in the case of any kind
of "Global Warming", it is only the natural phase or cycle the planet earth is going through and there is
nothing we can do about that, period. As for "agricultural gases", what do the New World
Order plan to do? Block the free flow of agricultural gases from those farm animals who just
want to relieve themselves. The next thing they will want to have done is for people to shove a
cork up their rear end to prevent the free flow of gases to escape to stem the tide of global warming.
I sugguest that those at that UN climate conference who support Kyoto, try that
on themselves first and see where it will get them! Talk about this climate conference being in
disarray as countries are squaring off over the parameters of this roadmap. This Bali roadmap
has about as much legitimacy as the UN and George W. Bush Annapolis Peace Plan between the
Palestinian Authority/Fatah chairman Mahmoud Abbas, US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and that UN mouthpiece Tony Blair, who want to
make a "Peace" deal with the Hamas terrorists who want to see the destruction of Israel .
Canada has dismissed the European objective as unattainable, and has decided to step out of
this Kyoto affair and just do what they can do to cut down on industrial and transportation
emissions to help retard the amount of air pollution in the environment that is greatly affecting
the health of Canadians and people around the world. This position has wrongly earned
Canada the scorn of those involved in the Kyoto roadmap and environmentalists here in
Canada. The premise of the whole Kyoto affair that industrial and transportation emissions
along with "agricultural gases" is what is causing global warming is wrong. These claims are
totally bogus on that point. When those Kyoto environmentalists here in Canada and in the
northern parts of the USA dig themselves out from heavy snowfalls, or can't walk because
of black ice from freezing rain or they are freezing because they had lost power due to an ice
storm, remind me of global warming, will you? Frankly, I have had just about enough hearing
about global warning. Until I start seeing palm trees sprouting up all around me, they can keep
their global warming rhetoric to themselves. As far as Industrial and transportation emissions are concerned, they have more to do
with air pollution rather than global warming. Their claims is more of a scare tactic they are using on
people. They are using the very same bogus claims and tactics as those Anti-Tobacco
Advocates have been using to deceive people all these years. Which some people are stupid or
gullible enough to believe their bogus claims. The next thing the people at the UN and the
Anti-Tobacco Advocates will be claiming, is that smoking tobacco products is the major
contributor to global warming! I have no doubt that all these people would like to shove a cork
in my mouth because the ring of truth has a strange tendency to agitate them, rattle their cage,
so to speak. Oh well; Let the wood chips fall where they may.
The controversial film "The Golden Compass" which was released in theatres on December 7,
/ 2007; Catholic Bishops are instructed to warn parents against the film and the book series on which it was
based. They want to caution parents against this pernicious attack on the foundations of their
apostate, pagan, Baal worshiping Christian Faith, after the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops had called the trilogy a "theological masterpiece," and rated the film as "intelligent
and well-crafted entertainment." But that assessment was quickly removed by the high office of
the Vatican. The controversy recalls the days of the Roman Catholic church, the notoriously censorious
organization that was on the lookout for everything or anyone that did not tow the catholic line.
The ruthless and mass killing of people who resisted the catholic dogma which made a
mockery of everything they were suppose to represent. Now a new assessment was released
which tow the catholic rhetoric. Archbishop Hughes warns parents that the subtlety with which
the books and film promote anti-Christianity may be a greater danger than a more frontal
attack. "The kingdom of Satan is at war with the Kingdom of God". He also said that; "His
weapons are violence and deceit. In some ways, violence is easier to fight against. It is more
obvious and more abhorrent, even though we have a great deal of difficulty in containing it
today. Deceit, however, is subtler and more subversive. It fosters rebellion through half-truths."
Well, this Archbishop has the nerve to be talking about who represents who. Given that violence,
ruthlessness, deceit and half-truths, are all attributes of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.
One only has to gloss over the history of Christianity to know that. As for that statement about
"The kingdom of Satan is at war with the Kingdom of God". I can concur with that, because
Christianity is indeed at war with the Kingdom of GOD.
The story of the Golden Compass is more about Lyra and her allies who are taking a
stand on behalf of free will in opposition to the coercive force of the Magisterium of
Christianity. The heroism and self-sacrifice that Lyra and her allies demonstrate provide
appropriate moral lessons for all viewers, young or old. I went to the Golden Compass
web site and they have a tester to see
which animal spirit a person has, based upon a variety of questions they ask to answer. It is
unfortunate that these animal spirit are call daemons. Christians will no doubt claim that these
animal spirit are demons, which they are not. I found out that my animal spirit was the lion.
There is another place where you can manipulate the golden compass. The Alethiometer seeks
out the truth by moving each of the three red pointers around the dial to lie over the appropriate
symbols on the face of the Golden Compass while forming a question in your mind. So I placed
one of the red pointers on the anchor, another red pointer on the sword and the last red pointer
on the sun and then pressed the center round button with the ? mark on it to get an answer.
The big black pointer began to move by itself as the cogs, like on a wind-up pocket watch began
spinning around as the big black pointer moved around the face of the golden Compuss until it
rested on a symbol that give the answer to your question. In this case it stopped on the symbol of Cornucopia, the symbol of
Harvest of Plenty, which then opened a secret door in which you can get neat pictures of the
movie. I think children and those who are young at heart will find the Golden Compass web site
to be delightful and fun.
Dec 16, 2007; Christians are once again
relating their Christmas story and are asking people if they are ready to bow down to worship
their pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ. Good Grief! I for one will not bow down to that phony, man-made
pagan Baal Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ. Know this, days of grievous and perilous times will come for those
people who are lovers of thenselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, unholy,
malicious slanderers, fierce demeanor, headstrong, conceited, traitors, lovers of pagan religious
beliefs and their traditions, rather than lovers of GOD and His true teachings. Holding a form of godliness, but having
denied the true GOD, and the power thereof. Turn away from these people who are never able
to come to the knowledge of the truth. To think that almost two billion people have bought
into the Christian lie. It only show's how stupid some people can really be. As stupid as those who have
bought into that idea that humanity is responsible for global warming! The United Nations
climate conference in Bali, Indonesia had ended with a compromise deal to move forward on
negotiating a successor to the Kyoto Protocol. It appears that the environmentalists cries that
Canada is isolated in their position are not true. In fact all of the other so-called developed
counties oppose the EU's approach. Namely the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia (yes
even the new government), New Zealand and Russia (source - CTV & CBC News). So the reality is
that it is the UN and EU that is isolated in this whole Kyoto Protocol. After spending millions of dollars being in Bali, the only thing that was agreed
upon, is an agreement to an agreement about negotiating a negotiation process for 2009!
Wow! What an accomplishment! These people need to do a little favor for themselves and do a
bit of their own research instead of listening to the UN and EU rhetoric. They will find out that nobody else really
supports the UN and EU commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25 to 40 per cent
below 1990 levels by 2020 from this often weak UN political organization. To think there are
so many people who have bought into the idea that humanity is totally responsible for the
suggested acceleration of global warming. As I had said before, remind me of global warming
when people in Canada and in the northern parts of the USA dig themselves out from heavy
snowstorms, or can't walk because of black ice from freezing rain or they are freezing because
they had lost power due to an ice storm. They can keep their Kyoto global warming rhetoric to
themselves because I do not buy it.
Dec. 17th / 2007; That massive winter storm really walloped
central and southern Ontario yesterday. We were fortunate that this major snowstorm had
missed us, for we had only received a small amount of snow, though the temperature had
plummeted and it was bitterly cold. During that time, I got Buddy harnessed up and hit the
trail as the snow was swirling about us gently. We did not get the high winds, heavy snow or
freezing rain which had moved across central and southern Ontario. I notice that Lake
Temiskaming has already completely frozen over. That usually do not happen until well into
January. Weather forecasters were issuing blizzard warnings, mixed with freezing rain for all of the affected areas. By mid-
afternoon, those areas that had seen the brunt of this winter storm had whiteouts and driving
conditions were very poor, which must have made it very difficult for those people who insisted
on driving that day. No doubt there were many accidents, some reported and others were not.
After this massive storm had passed, residents of central and southern Ontario faced the
back-breaking task of having to dig themselves out. The winter storm continued to travel
eastward, all the way to Prince Edward Island and effected all of Newfoundland and parts of
Labrador. I notice that I had once again brought my personal religious views in my little
Haileybury journal. It is very hard not to, because it is part of my make-up. Even my personal
views are greatly influenced by my religious beliefs. I do not think that I can separate totally my
views or actions from my religious beliefs. Unless I were an atheist, completely devoid of GOD
or of any type of religious beliefs. Therefore; I will only try to limit my religious views from
what I may write in this journal.
I wonder what Liberal party leader, Stéphane Dion, and other Canadians who had attended
that United Nations climate conference in Bali, Indonesia, must be thinking about just now
that they are back in Canada and see the actual affects of global warming, as Canadians dig
themselves out from the latest winter storm.
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