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Bilderberg group meets amid secrecy in Ottawa.June.15th/2006. I recall during the past thirty years when I would be speaking about the New World Order crowd, people had accused me as being one of those conspiracy theorists. But when British prime minister Tony Blair and US president George Bush spoke about the New World Order a couple of years ago, which had only confirmed what I had been speaking about for the past many years. I have no doubt that when those accusers of mine had heard Blair and Bush speeches about the New World Order, their mouth must have dropped a mile long. Now that the New World Order agenda is out in the open, it is no longer regarded as a "Conspiracy theory". So I was not the least surprised when I heard that world leaders and decision makers had their meeting in Ottawa last weekend, which was cloaked in a blanket of security and secrecy. Even the Ottawa police were required to show identification to Bilderberg group of private security personnel before passing through the gates of the Brook Street Resort. Guests who had been staying at the Ottawa hotel were asked to check-out before Thursday Jun. 8th, 2006. Guests cars that were left in the parking lot will be towed away, and members of the hotel gym were told it would be inaccessible for four days while the Bilderberg group held their "secret" meetings during this event. The Bilderberg group had rented the entire Hotel for their secret meeting. They came in black limousines and sedans with darkly tinted windows, surrounded by burly security guards and passing through a security checkpoint as far away as a half-kilometer from the hotel. So who or what is this Bilderberg group? The Bilderberg group was established by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1954. It's first conference was held in a Dutch hotel which is known by that name. Now, the Bilderberg group has its headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands, at a building where phone calls are met by a recorded voice with instructions to leave a message, in which calls are reportedly never returned. Their cover story is that they are just a group of people with the goal of establishing better cooperation and understanding between the U.S. and Europe. In reality, the Bilderberg group is a part of a "powerful" organization in which are politicians and international business leaders with one objective: "To create a one-world government. This year, the Bilderberg group's annual meeting was attended by about 130 people. The guest list includes people like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Holland's Queen Beatrix, and New York Gov. George Pataki, Indigo books CEO Heather Reisman and former Canadian New Brunswick premier, Frank McKenna. British prime ministers Tony Blair and US president George Bush as well as people within our own government are part of this elite group of this one-world government movement. Former Canadian prime ministers Pierre Trudeau, Brian Baloney and Jean Chretien had been involved with this elite group of people. Stephen Harper had attended one of its secret meetings in 2003, when he was still opposition leader. These people have a lot to do in getting many politicians to sign onto NAFTA. They are the driving force behind the establishment of creating NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and a common European currency (EC) and the United Nations that is all part of this one-world government movement where member countries will no longer have sovereignty over their individual nations, but have a one world common constitution, a one world currency and they would like a one world religion. In the past five years, the Bilderberg group's annual meetings have been held in the following locations:
2000 (June 1-3) Brussels, Belgium
2001 (May 24-27) Gothenburg, Sweden
2002 (May 30-June 2) Chantilly,VA, United States
2003 (May 15-18) in Versailles, France
2004 (June 3-6) in Stresa, Italy
2005 (May 5-8) Rottach-Egern, Germany
July.1st/2006. During Canada Day, I could not help reflect upon the events which had led Canada into an Afghan/Iraqi war we had not wanted. It all started with American President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair's call for a war on weapons of mass destruction in which was later found out to be a boldface lie. This war on Iraqi had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack of American people in the USA by Moslems from the middle East. How they cleverly re-named it the "war on terrorism" in which our own Canadian Government had been cleverly deceived by these people into getting directly involved with their Afghan/Iraqi Moslem war in which was the perfect vehicle to bring into effect many enactments in their own countries that would trample upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of their respective Citizens. Because of George W. Bush and British Tony Blair's boldface lie, our own Canadian Government had pushed through Parliament enactments which would also trample upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of Canadians which is clearly outlined in our Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms of our Constitution. This is what ran through my mind this Canada Day. Such is the power of George W. Bush and Tony Blair's deception. Because of this, we are putting people in our armed forces at great risk, and spending huge sums of money for a war that was undertaken under false pretence. Now that Canadians and people of other nations are involved in this war, we are now left to clean- up this mess which was started by George W. Bush and his sidekick, Tony Blair. I had always thought that our Armed Forces was to "Stand on guard for thee, Canada", instead of meddling in a war where we are not really wanted and its people would rather see us dead because of their Moslem religious beliefs. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
July.4th/2006; Speaking about the war on terrorism, I could not help but think what is happening in Israel and those Moslem people who call themselves "Palestinians" who continue their acts of terrorism upon the Jewish people. Knowing what would be the outcome of all those peace attempts between the Israeli Government and the Palestinian people, I am not the least surprised that no peace treaty would ensue from all that effort. When Palestinians say that they want to end the occupation, they are really saying that they want Israel to cease to exist. This is the reason all of Israel's peace efforts have failed. Israel will exist as long as the planet earth exist. Given these known facts, Israel's only alternative left open to them now is to re-take the Gaza Strip and all of those area's which the Israeli Government had given over to the Palestinian people. They then need to drive out, by force if necessary, and exile all those Palestinians who consent and support these acts of terrorism against Israel. It is bad enough to have to fight your enemies who are close to your borders, while at the same time having to fight enemies from within. Getting rid of your enemies from within will be one small step closer to having some semblance of peace from within the nation of Israel. Defending the nation of Israel from outside forces is another matter. This has been my personal view on this issue long before Arafat and the various Israeli governments were trying to negotiate some sort of peace treaty. All of the attempts by Israel to secure peace with the Palestinian people was in vain, along with the continued acts of violence committed by Palestinians had proven me to be correct on this issue. All of Israel's peace attempts have failed with these Palestinian people whom the vast majority are Moslems. When do you draw the line and say enough is enough? By now Israel knows that by giving up the Gaza strip and other area's in order to allow the Palestinians to have their own Government and a country in the hope for peace had not changed or improved the situation. What did the Palestinian people do? They elected a terrorist group that want to destroy Israel and kill off all the Jewish people. Israel had even built a wall to separate itself from the Palestinian people as part of their peace plan. Yet all of these things had not stopped the acts of terrorism by these Palestinian people. I wonder how many more Jewish people need to die before the Government of Israel will finally realize that they can no longer pursue any kind of peace agenda with these Palestinian people? How much more Jewish blood must be spilled before the Jewish people themselves and its Government come to this conclusion? I know of no other country who had done so much to obtain peace. What sane Government would allow or even tolerate to have such an enemy from within its nation who is bent on acts of terrorism to remain within its boarders? To have peace with a people, where there can be no peace.
During the entire week most of the news coverage has been on
the war between Hezbollah, which is a Lebanese Moslem terrorist organization, and Israel. There are
Lebanese Canadians who are out demonstrating against Israel because it is trying to protect
its nation and people. I could not help notice that during the news media interviews of these
Lebanese demonstrators, in Canada and throughout the world, they blame the USA and Israel for
what is taking place in Lebanon. Not a word was mentioned by these demonstrators as to who had
started this trouble which led to the devastation of Lebanon. It is strange that everyone but
the Lebanese demonstrators knows who had started this new crisis in the middle-East. Yes;
everyone but the Lebanese people, know that the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist organization had started
this mess and brought this misfortune upon Lebanon. Talk about blaming the wrong people.
Lebanon had enjoyed six years of peace after the end of their civil war in which they were
able to re-build their nation and had enjoyed one of the best tourist season this year until
the unexpected, surprise attack upon Israel by that Moslem Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist organization
which had crossed over into Israel and attacked an Israeli sentry border post and killed eight
Israeli soldiers, taking two as hostage. Then Hezbollah from within Lebanon started shelling
missiles upon northern Israel, coinciding with the attacks by the Palestinian Hezbollah organization
in the Gaza Strip. How these Lebanese people can blame Israel for what that terrorist organization in
Lebanon had done, escapes me. Their kind of thinking only shows me how demented these Lebanese
people are when they can no longer recognize the true facts of the situation. These people
must have adopted the deceiving, lying tactics from Christians, those lying wonders. Christians
had refined the art of using these tactics to a very fine point. A Lebanese said in a news
interview that Israel may win this war against Hezbollah for now, but in time, Hezbollah will
come back to fight on another day and be much stronger than ever. Another interesting and very
revealing statement was made by the Prime Minister of Lebanon. While they claim that their
Government is too weak and fragile to stand against or send its troops after the Hezbollah
terrorists to disarm them, they are quite willing to send their troops, fighting alongside with
Hezbollah to go against Israel if the Israeli army should enter into Lebanon. It is well known
by now that the Lebanese Government, and a great many Lebanese people are helping and abetting
Hezbollah, while others are secretly on side with that terrorist organization. Their allegiance to
Hezbollah is misplaced given that Hezbollah knew full well what would be the outcome of their
rash attack upon Israel. They had knowingly put all the Lebanese people in great jeopardy due
to their actions. Hezbollah is also well known to hide among the citizens they happen to be
with in whatever country they happen to stage their terrorist campaigns. When the Lebanese
people see their dead or wounded, they can thank Hezbollah for bringing this misery upon their
nation and people. Had not Hezbollah made that unexpected, surprise attack upon Israel, the
Lebanese people would have continued to enjoy living their normal lives in relative peace with
Israel. Now because of what Hezbollah had done, the Lebanese people normal lives have turned
into misery. The Lebanese people can only hold Hezbollah accountable for their present
condition and circumstance. Put the blame where it rightfully belongs. Anyone can plainly see
that Hezbollah in Lebanon has thousands of missiles and is so well armed that they could have
supplied arms to the Palestinians in Israel. The Lebanese Government is structured much like
how the Palestinian government was set up. In that the Hezbollah terrorists had free reign to
do their dirty work all the while giving Israel and America the pretense to be at peace. We
can see during this war the great amount of arms the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists had acquired
over the years and were able to stash thousands of missiles all over Lebanon and to entrench
fortifications throughout southern Lebanon, shows how the Lebanese Government had to have turned
a blind eye or even participated in this activity. When the Prime Minister of Lebanon said that
he would send his troops to fight alongside with Hezbollah, that tells me that his personal
allegiance is with that terrorists Hezbollah organization.
Israel and America were utterly duped by the present Lebanese Government as to its involvement
in helping and abetting that terrorists Hezbollah organization. Now the cat is out of the bag,
so to speak, the Lebanese Government will have to answer for its actions or deliberate lack of
action. I have heard that many Lebanese people, aside from those people who are totally
immobile that are in a hospital, say that they can not get out of the war zone. I find that
very hard to believe. Any people who do not support or side with Hezbollah would not remain in
the war zone. They can retreat to a safe distance until this war is over. Any person can walk
at a very easy pace with a packsack if need be, and can still cover at least thirty miles a day.
I know because I have done it many times. No one has an excuse that they can not get out of a
war zone because of the condition of the roads or because some bridges were bombed out. Those
people who remain, do so because they choose to remain and they are totally responsible for
their own safety. Personally, I have a very hard time dredging up any kind of sympathy for
those Lebanese people who support a terrorist organization like Hezbollah. I also hear that
Kofi Annan at the UN is asking countries to give humanitarian aid and money to rebuild Lebanon.
Why should people in the west give any kind of humanitarian aid or money to a people who
support a terrorist organization? Hezbollah was stupid enough to bring this devestation upon
the people of Lebanon, so let their terrorist Hezbollah organization supply the aid and rebuild
Lebanon as it was before they started this stupid war. After all, it was Hezbollah who had the
bright idea to start this whole mess in Lebanon. Of course someone would have to make sure that
no arms are being smuggled in with that humanitarian aid and reconstruction of Lebanon. As for
trying to forge a peace treaty with these cut-throats, I think it is a waste of time and effort.
The only language that these brainwashed Islamic Hezbollah people understand, is to take them
head on and utterly defeat them to the point where they are utterly humiliated that they no
longer have any grandiose scheming intentions. I could not help notice that these Moslem people
believe that Hezbollah, is "the party of GOD". What a stupid, ridiculous, sick joke that is
coming from a terrorist organization. This claim by these self-deluded people is not only
stupid and ridiculous, it is also a hollow one. Just as hollow as the claims of the Christians
who also claim to be a "people of GOD" when in reality, the only people they are, is a people
of a fictitious, man-made pagan god. A man-made pagan religion that a good percentage of it is
full of crock. The truth of the matter is that those people who adhere to the religion of
Islam had fallen from grace with GOD, The Creator, a long time ago because of their own deceit,
malice and murder which had along the way perverted their religion of Islam into a deceitful,
man-made religion. The people of Islam are no more a "People of GOD" than are the Christians.
These are the sad facts on Hezbollah's false claims. Peace loving Moslems would be better off
to drop that Islam religion which is like a red hot iron that scorch the hands, soul and spirit.
Instead of Islam, Peace loving Moslems would be better off to become a People of the Holy
Testament. It is there that they will become a "People of GOD". Son's and daughters of the true
living GOD. Anyway; According to the news media, Kofi Annan and Saudi Arabia
want to have an immediate cease fire in Lebanon before Israel can defeat Hezbollah. Oh,
that would suite Hezbollah just fine so they can claim another false victory. Kofi Annan says
to give diplomacy a chance to end this conflict. Yeah Right! The United Nations had already
invested a good many years and effort trying to forge a peace treaty with these self-deluded
radical Islamic people which had failed at every step of the way. These people can never live
in peace for very long, be it with themselves or with their neighbors. It is just part of their
twisted, perverted, Islamic religious beliefs. The only way to end this war is to disarm these
demented people one way or another. Many Canadians who were in Lebanon were caught off guard
and found themselves in the middle of this unwanted war. I have to admit that Stephen Harper
and his Conservative Government, (which I had not voted for in the last election), and our
civil servants had done a very good job in taking quick action to get our Canadian civilians
out of Lebanon given the sudden, unexpected, surprise attack upon Israel by the Lebanese
Hezbollah terrorist organization. Out of the thousands of Lebanese Canadian civilians that were
brought back to Canada, I wonder how many of those Lebanese people secretly side with and
support this Hezbollah terrorist organization? That is a scary thought, having a bunch of
demented Moslem terrorist among us.
What in the world is Israel doing bombing a UN observation post in Lebanon? These UN personnel are unarmed and are well marked and their location are identified on
many maps. In that bombing of the UN observation post, all personnel were killed, among them was
a Canadian who was stationed at that post. Hezbollah is well known to hide behind women skirts,
children and among the local citizens in their attacks. Placing these people at great risk from
being killed. This is what is happening in Lebanon. It could well be that such a situation had
happened at that UN observation post. Hezbollah using the UN observation post as a shield and
placing the UN observers at great risk. Knowing how the Hezbollah tactics are, using people as
shields, Kofi Anann no doubt was aware of this and one would think that he would have told
their UN observers to abandon their unarmed posts and retreat to any safe locations while this
war is going on. What the heck are these UN observation personnel doing in the middle of this
war and have no way of defending themselves? This is not a conventional war that is being fought
there. Kofi Anann has to take some responsibility for the death of their UN personnel for not
having the good sense to get these UN observers away from the war zone. These UN observation posts are really
useless right now while Israel is trying to take down the Hezbollah terrorists. Israel is doing
its best to create a buffer zone while Hezbollah is using local citizens as shields.
Unfortunately, just driving Hezbollah back a few miles will not neutralize Lebanon or end their
problem with Hezbollah. It may take weeks or even months just to drive Hezbollah back to where
their missiles can not reach Israel. Meanwhile, more civilians will be killed in the crossfire.
The only way to put an end to this terrorist organization and neutralize Lebanon is to take
down the entire terrorist Hezbollah organization as quickly as possible. Israel will have no
choice but to send its army into Lebanon in order to take out all of Hezbollah's forces, their
fortifications and missiles launchers. Nations who want to combat terrorism can lend
Israel some of their army personnel in this endeavor to put an end to this war more quickly.
Having more troops scattered throughout Lebanon will also prevent the easy movement of Hezbollah.
Israel will need to block any escape routes around Lebanon. This will also prevent any arms from
being brought into Lebanon for Hezbollah to use and prevent any terrorist from other nations to
come to the aid of Hezbollah. A methodical hand to hand and street by street takedown of
Hezbollah will be necessary in every village, town and city. Doing it this way is better than
having to level the entire country. Lebanese people who are against Hezbollah, can greatly help
by identifying known terrorist and supporters of Hezbollah. The present Prime Minister of Lebanon
will also have to be replace because he is a supporter of Hezbollah. Replaced with a person
who do not support that terrorist organization. The Lebanese arm forces will have to replace
those personnel from within its ranks that had been associated with Hezbollah. This should greatly
put an end to the bombings on Israel, squash that terrorist organization and neutralize Lebanon
so that its citizens can become a peaceful society.
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