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Dick Pound, a VANOC board member gave a speech during the closing ceremony of a three-day international summit on doping in Madrid, which he stated that "We must not forget that 400 years ago, Canada was a land of savages, with scarcely 10,000 inhabitants of European descent, while in China, we're talking about a 5,000-year-old civilization". Dick Pound made his remarks while defending the decision to hold the 2008 Olympics in China, despite the country's questionable human rights record. Pound made the comments to the Montreal-based LaPresse newspaper on Aug. 9. But it went unnoticed until a Quebec native rights group had complained to the International Olympic Committee. It is only in the past few days Pound comments began to spark a lot of controversy when this story emerged after the news press got hold of the story. Pound had initially refused to apologize. He attempted to explain his comments by saying he was in fact making a historical reference to "les sauvages," a term used by the Catholic Jesuit priests at the time. Ghislain Picard, chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador stated, "Mr. Pound should himself understand the immense discourtesy of his remarks and offer to resign. Contrary to the beliefs of Richard Pound, the First Nations of Quebec are descendant from great societies that have occupied the territory of Quebec for more than 5,000 years. Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, America was inhabited by nations that lived in well-organized societies. We were not mere herds." Dick Pound has apologized for saying Canada was a country of "savages" 400 years ago. Pound claims his comments were taken out of context. I think not. Personally, from my research on First Nations people in Canada, in most cases, they were not that much different, if not better than most European societies. When we read what the actual historical facts were in Canadian history, we now know who in fact were the "savages". It was none other than those fine, upstanding, "God" fearing Christians.
NOTE: As is always the case, there were exceptions to the general rule, whereby some Christians did not see eye to eye with their fellow Christians and were respectful and lived peacefully with the First Nations people.
I see that Muslims are back in the news again.This time it is not about a new Mosque they are building in Canada, but about how they plan to stage international terrorist attacks in Britain, the United States, Continental Europe and Canada. According to evidence submitted at the recent trial of a British Muslim who is convicted on terrorism charges indicates he had connections to the so-called Toronto 18 group, according to court documents obtained by CBC News. Ten Muslims are in jail in Ontario awaiting trial. They are accused of belonging to a Islamic group alleged to have plotted terrorist attacks in the province, including a plan to detonate a huge fertilizer bomb in downtown Toronto. The case became known as the Toronto 18 after, in the summer of 2006, 18 Muslim-Canadian suspects were arrested in a series of dramatic police raids in and around Toronto. Aabid Khan, a 22-year-old Muslim from Bradford, England, had information on his laptop computer that suggested he was attempting to form an international terrorist base in Canada because Canadian officials are so guillable and believe that Islam is a benevolent and peaceful religion. He planned to stage attacks from this Toronto base, at Britain, the United States, Continental Europe and in Canada that would rival the impact of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. British police evidence shows that Khan’s plan was to rent basement apartments in Toronto where his contacts could spend a month or two doing their dirty work bonding people for their Islamic faith. Muslim women were to take part in these bondings. The plan was to fly his group to Pakistan for military training in training camps connected to al-Qaeda. Once the training was completed, they would return to the basement apartments in Toronto and select their targets. Khan is as an intensely religious Muslim who has a hatred against the West. Khan used a password-protected internet chat room called Clear Guidance to troll for young Muslim men and women willing to join his international terrorism cell. So much for all that talk about Islam being a benevolent and peaceful religion!
Oil prices had tumbled below $67 US a barrel on Wednesday, but do anyone see the gas prices tumble down at the pumps? Not likely! Yet when it is announced that oil has gone up, you can be sure that in matter of hours, the price of gas at the pumps go up right away. Everyone knows that people are being ripped-off by the service stations which are owned by the oil industry. The service station close to me is selling its gas at $105.5 for gasoline and $115 for diesel. Yet, our Governments tell us there is nothing they can do about it. Gasoline inventories rose by 2.7 million barrels last week, and inventories of distillates, which include heating oil and diesel, rose by 2.2 million barrels. No wonder people want to switch to electric vehicles. They are getting fed-up being ripped-off.
Looking at the McGuinty Government Ontario Budget 2008, Ontario will run a deficit of $500 million this year rather than make steep spending cuts to cope with an uncertain economic future. According to Finance Minister Dwight Duncan Budget Speech, it has many positive measures that reflect the Government's commitment to the people of Ontario. In the Buget, it supports youth at risk, improve access to healthy food and community activities. Its apprenticeship program is expected to have over 151 apprenticeable trades in four major sectors: construction, industrial/manufacturing, motive power and in service industries. An extension of the Make Work Pay Workplace Connections initiative to cover all income support clients who join the labour market. Improvements to Income Support benefits, and they are expanding the Employment Transition Project for single parents, community-based workplace skills training and a micro-lending programs. The Government will improve access to housing, particularly for seniors and those working for low wages, establish a pilot project for Family Violence Treatment Court and will initiate a joint Action on Resource Sharing program which will Increase Economic Opportunities for the First Nations people. They will invest $40 billion in 2008-09 to provide better health care where it is needed and will work to increase the staff in Nursing Homes. They are investing in infrastructure on modernizing schools, social housing, hospitals, roads, bridges, public transit, community facilities and water systems. They are investing in Ontario libraries to help them bridge the digital divide, and providing more than $100 million in support for cultural and heritage programs. They will modernize business and financial regulations and streamline approval processes in order to help reduce red tape. The McGuinty government will also provide $250 million over the next five years to the Ontario Research Fund for investment in research infrastructure in order to help innovators. They will be given a 10-year corporate income tax exemption. Overall, I have to admit this is about the best buget one can expect in order to stimulate Ontario's economy given the uncertainty in the U.S. and global economy.
Well, it looks like the first major snow storm which had hit parts of Ontario came from the east coast of the U.S., which saw anywhere from five to 30 centimetres of snow on Tuesday, causing power outages and road and school closures throughout the New York State, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. That same snow storm blew through eastern Ontario and western Quebec last night which left behind as much as 15 centimetres of snow and thousands of homes and businesses without power. We were not effected by this snow storm which had completely missed our area at Temiskaming Shores. All we got was strong winds in which Lake Temiskaming had wihtecaps. The wet, heavy snow downed tree branches and power lines, knocking out power for about 22,000 of Hydro One customers in eastern and southwestern Ontario. More than 73,000 customers in Quebec were also effected by that snowstorm. Hydro crews in Quebec cannot speculate when full power will be restored. Environment Canada had lifted its winter storm warning for eastern Ontario and southern Quebec. However, snow squall warnings for Ontario are still in effect as far west as Sarnia and north to the Bruce Peninsula. Snowfall amounts in the squall regions, could total as much as 15 centimetres, which means that driving conditions will become quite hazardous due to very low visibilities and icy roads. The forecast for Ontario calls for rain and temperatures are expected to rise throughout the region toward the end of the week. That's good news for the trick-or-treaters. All that snow should be melted in time for Halloween night.
Western diplomats suggested that more soldiers may be needed to contain the fighting in the Congo, Central Africa. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband met Congolese and Rwandan officials Saturday to discuss the violence in the country and the 250,000 refugees who have fled their homes since August. Britain's Minister for Africa, Asia and the UN, Mark Malloch-Brown, said European Union troops could be sent in to bolster the UN forces. "If everything else fails we cannot stand back and watch violence erupt," he told the BBC. I hope Harper will refrain from sending our Canadian troops to the Congo and get many of them maimed or killed. The lessons in getting involved in Afghanistan should have served us a very valuable lesson, not to get involved in other countries problems. We would be better off just to focus on our own country, and help our own people. Not go running off and butt into other countries affairs. I plan to do likewise.
Kenya president calls for a national holiday to celebrate U.S. Senator Barack Obama win in becoming the 44th President of the United States. Is this photo reflecting an onnomis sign for the future of America? A nation that is already in distress.
Nov.7th, 2008; This morning it is still warm, but by the week-end the weather will be a lot colder. We can expect snow by Monday. I really enjoy this balmy weather while it lasts. I see in the news that the California voters had put a stop to same-sex marriage in California. The constitutional amendment, Proposition 8, limits marriage to heterosexual couples only, nullifying the California Supreme Court decision that had made same-sex marriages legal in the state since June. The decision creates uncertainty about the legal status of 18,000 same-sex couples who had tied the knot during a four-month window of opportunity opened by the state's highest court. Same genger-marriage were also baned in Arizona and Florida. This type of prejudices against giving civil rights for homosexuals comes from the bible-thumping pulpit, fear mongering Christians which have persecuted all types of people since the 4th century CE. I notice that fifty-eight percent of African-American voters in California had opposed same-sex marriage, according to a USA survey poll. It was not that long ago when Negro's throughout America where considered by white "Christians", not to be fully human, and were denied their civil rights. It looks like these Negro people had not only stupidly bought into the flawed religion of their oppressors, but now the onced oppressed, have become the oppressors on human rights issues. This is no doubt a crushing defeat to civil rights for homosexual people. Christians, Orthodox Jews and Muslims hate homosexuals because it comes from their archaic and fundamentally flawed paganized religious beliefs and teaching which has perpetuated this hatred towards homosexuals, and encourage the revulsion, repression, vindictiveness, the beating, and the killing of all homosexual people, as stated in their religious books according to the dictates of their pagan man-made Baal Gods.
This is the so-called democratic society that Americans are so proud of, who claim to uphold civil rights, and cannot even accept basic human rights for two human beings who happen to be homosexuals, who are in love and want to be a married couple and recieve the same rights and freedoms as their fellow Americans. Americans tend to accuse and bash other countries for their intolerance. Well, look at America now. Where is the respect for human rights in this whole affair? So much for the idea that America is the land of liberty for those who are oppressed! Frankly, the USA is far behind other developed countries in terms of defending human rights and having an openness and tolerance towards homosexual people.
This year's ozone hole over Antarctica was the fifth biggest on the 30 year record, reaching a maximum area of 10.5 million square miles and four miles deep on 12th September, which is considered to be "moderately large," according to NASA atmospheric scientist Paul Newman. Last year, the hole was 9.7 million square miles, about the size of North America. The hole is an area of ozone depletion in the stratospheric layer, which blocks harmful ultraviolet rays from space. The ozone hole is believed to be created by human-produced gases, which reduce the level of ozone which encircles the world. Ozone, is a type of oxygen molecular, which forms a protective layer between six to 30 miles deep, in the stratosphere, which absorbs harmful ultra-violet (UV) radiation from the Sun. The hole generally forms in August and grows to its maximum size in September or October before breaking up. Last year the ozone hole had returned to average size and depth and was 30 per cent smaller than the record size. Unfortunately, the ozone hole NASA is tracking do not give any indication wither this type of fluctuation is normal or not, since we have no long term historical records on the condition of the ozone stratospheric layer and its associated hole. Scientists have only been studying and tracking this phenomenon for only the past 30 years.
Speaking about the planet Earth, I recall in the early part of September, students from around the world, including Canadians, had gone to the North Pole, which was co-sponsored by the U.N. and the European Union in order to promote their "Global Warming" agenda. (View page 36). They claim that emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by the industrial age was accelerating the warming of planet Earth. The U.N. is hoping that these students who visit the North Pole will buy into the Global Warming hype and spread the message and strongly support the Kyoto Protocol. They had gone to the Ice Pact when it had receeded to its lowest level, before it started to expand once again during its normal cycle of shrinking and expanding. I have downloaded this photo from the NASA satellite at The Cryosphere to see the amount of ice that was at the North Pole during the month of September, 2008, (Left Photo) and what it looks like on November. 1st, 2008 (Right Photo) . I notice that in September 2008, when the students were going to be at the Ice Pact, it was at its lowest level. That gave the impression to the students that the Ice Pact was indeed disappearing for good. That the planet was indeed warming up, given the state of the Ice Pact. This show's me the type of deceptive tactics the "Global Warming" crowd use in order to promote their agenda. Those people must have taken a few pages out from the textbook of the Christian clergy, on how to use deceptive tactics to deceive people. From the photo for November 1st, I can see that the Ice Pact has already begun to expand. We are not even in the deep depth of winter, and yet, the Ice Pact has already expanded quite a lot since the students had visited the Ice Pack in September.
Israeli police had to rush into one of Christianity's "holiest" churches today (Sunday) and arrested several clergymen after an argument between Christian monks erupted into a brawl. Fists flew at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the old walled city of Jerusalem. The brawl started after a long-running feud had erupted between Greek and Armenian Orthodox priests. The long standing dispute over their phoney Christian pagan God had erupted into violence. The faithful kicked, punched and lashed out at each other. The Orthodox Greeks blamed the Orthodox Armenians for not recognising their rights inside the holy site, while the Armenians said the Greeks had violated one of their traditional ceremonies. Several Christians were left with black eyes, bruises and cuts as priests tore at each other during the brawl. The famous Christian pilgrimage shrine is used by several religious denominations who use it to worship their phoney Christian pagan God, Je-Zeus Christ. The feud and bewildering array of rivalries among the various Christian denominations there regularly fight over turf and influence, and occasionally the Israeli police are forced to intervene. Frankly, I find this whole affair to be totally ridiculous. I am fully aware that GOD, the real GOD of Heaven, finds all of the Christian liturgical services and celebrations to be utterly worthless in His sight! The lot of them are hypocrites to what is the truth. The religion of Christianity had originally established itself as a means to amass great power and wealth and control the gullible people through their fear of demons and hell fire which stem from their pagan superstitions. In the case of those representing Christianity, for centuries they have received unwarranted, unearned respect, excessive tax breaks, and had the privilege not to be held accountable for their fraudulent claims. They had been given a free ride to expand unhindered and brainwash people with their religion, which was exclusively based upon their man-made apostate theology. Historically, these type of apostate religions with their phoney man-made Baal Gods has caused more wars than anyone else. People ought to be seeking the true GOD of Heaven. The sooner people realise this, the better off they will be.
Nov. 11th, 2008. Today is Canada's Memorial Day.
Nov. 12th, 2008. Today is a nice sunny, but cold day. That is expected since we are heading into our winter season. I see in the news that a same-sex couple had been attacked while picking up their child from school. This did not happen in the U.S.A. but here in Ontario, Canada where we have legislation, known as the Canadian Human Rights Commission, against hate crimes which protect homosexuals and same-sex couples from this kind of assults. According to news reports, a same-sex couple, in Oshawa, Ont., were assaulted by a man because of their sexual orientation. This incident happened when children were gathering in the school playground and parents were picking up their children. Jane Currie and her partner, Anji Dimitriou, both small women, were waiting with other parents at Gordon B. Attersley public school in Oshawa, when a man attacked them. His blows were as harmful as his words when he yelled; "Which one of you two 'men' spoke to my kid? F------ dyke, Lesbians". The man spat at Dimitriou's face. As she was wiping her face, eyes closed, he punched her on the cheek, slamming her backward onto her truck. As Dimitriou's partner, Currie, ran towards the attacker, she remembers him shouting, "F------ dyke bitches," and punched her on the cheekbone so hard that blood was splattering from her face. This happened while children were still in the schoolyard. Two people, a man and a women nearby had intervened, pushing the attacker aside. Police were called. The principal led the attacker inside the school to her office. There have been several other occasions where this attacker had verbally attacked the same-sex couple. Durham Regional Police have arrested and charged Oshawa resident Mark Scott, 43, with two counts of assault causing bodily harm. The women said based on what their assailant said to them, the charges should be upgraded to a hate crime. Insp. Brian Osborne, of the Durham Regional Police, stated that the department will investigate the possibility that the assaults could be classified as a hate crime. The decision to pursue those charges is usually made with the Crown attorney's office. Where do people like Mark Scott think they have the right to attack a same-sex couple because of their lifestyle? I can not help but suspect that religion was the motive for this assault. Mark Scott may well be a Christian who thinks that it is his God given right to physically attack homosexuals. After all, their bible condones such actions. Generally, when talking to Christians about the topic of homosexuals, if they sense that their Christian religion is being attacked, they will quickly quote verses from their bible, in the New Testament about forgiveness and being meek and kind and appear to be ever so "holy". Otherwise, they will quote verses from the Old Testament and spew out their venom to justify their condemnation upon homosexuals. This is the type of sly tactics Christians will use when confronting them. I had found the vast majority of Christians are two-faced, like their forked tongue.
It seems like there is another E. coli outbreak in Ontario. This time it is related to a vegetable, instead of meats. Romaine lettuce is believed to be responsible for four E. coli outbreaks in southwestern Ontario that sickened people, food inspectors say. There are 128 confirmed or probable cases of the E. coli 0157:H7 in the Niagara, Halton, Guelph and Waterloo regions. Of those, there are 14 confirmed cases in Niagara, five each in Halton and Guelph and two in Waterloo. "Romaine lettuce is the prime suspect," Rene Cardinal, an official with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, told the Canadian Press. Officials are tracing suppliers and distributors of the lettuce. Health officials still don't know the source of last month's E. coli outbreak at the Harvey's restaurant in North Bay. On November 3, 2008., health officials had to investigate 28 cases of people with diarrhea that had been linked to an outbreak of E. coli connected to Johnathan's Family Restaurant in Burlington, Ont. Three cases had been confirmed as E. coli O157:H7 by laboratory tests. On November 7th, 2008 public health officials had confirmed four students at the University of Guelph had suffered from an infection caused by E. coli 0157. The four students had consumed food at the University’s Pita Pit. The university had to shut down the Pita Pit pending the outcome of the public health investigation. The same University had an incident of E. coli 0157:H7 contamination slightly over three months previous to that E. coli outbreak. There were eight confirmed cases during that outbreak. Another E. coli investigation took place on November 7, 2008 in Ontario's Niagara Region. The M.T. Bellies Tap and Grillhouse in Welland, Ont. The Little Red Rooster restaurant in Niagara-on-the-Lake was also found to have E. coli O157 contamanated food. The public health department had investigated 55 cases, 13 of which have been confirmed by lab results. Last November, the University of Western Ontario suffered an outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium that resulted in 90 laboratory-confirmed cases and many suspected cases. The outbreak was traced to contamination of the food preparation area of the University’s Pita Pit. The Middlesex-London Health Unit had issued an 118 page report (PDF) on the UWO outbreak in June. I recall during the Maple Foods E. coli outbreak, people were suggesting to become vegetarians. Seems like even vegetarians can not escape from being hit with an E. coli outbreak. I am aware that raw meats can harbor the bacterium E. coli O157:H7, a pathogen that threatens the safety of people and make people ill, and in some instances, kill them. Now we are seeing vegetables and fruits being contaminated with E. coli and other disease-causing microorganisms. I understand that some kind of irradiation process to make produce safe is already being used in the U.S.A. Why have Canadians not done so here? The process of irradiation, has drawn praise from many food industry and health organizations because it can control E. coli O157:H7 and several other disease-causing microorganisms. Maybe our federal government should look into this process and implement such measures here in Canada. After all, we can not do without eating food to sustain ourselves.
Speaking about food, for years, the Canadian Cancer Society has argued in favor of bans on the cosmetic use of pesticides around homes and gardens. But it has remained silent on the country's biggest user of bug and weed killers, farms., The Canadian Cancer Society is now considering weighing in on whether these sprays pose a cancer risk to farmers, other rural residents near them, and to the wider public from eating foods carrying pesticide residues. To that end, the Canadian Cancer Society is holding a conference starting today at which it has assembled experts to advise it on whether cosmetic-pesticide restrictions, which now exist in Ontario, Quebec and many municipalities, should be followed by tougher action against the use of the sprays in agriculture. We had been told for years by Health Canada that all you needed to do was rinse your vegetables and fruits in running water before we eat it, and it will be safe to eat. Are we missing something here? I know that some people prefer to buy organically grown foods as a better option, but most of the foods found in our supermarkets come from farms that do use pesticides to control weeds and bug infestation in order to produce the quantity of food needed to sustain our population. I am aware that our farms have decreased over the years, replaced by urban development. Are we going to see a food shortage in the near future? That is exactly were we are heading down that "favor for outright bans" road.
Thinking about that Mark Scott fellow who had attacked the same-sex couple in the schoolyard, I wonder if he belongs to one of those Christian Identity movements that are in Canada and throughout the U.S.A. These Christians hate the idea that we have a "hate crime" legislation and a human rights commissions and tribunal, which give protection to homosexuals. Canada can be a model of what could happen in America if a hate crime legislation like Canada, becomes the law of the land in the U.S.A. No doubt that fundamentalist Christians would fight against it as they did with Proposition 8. Now that Barak Obama is going to be their next American President, there might be a good chance that he will do something to protect homosexuals from the harassment and discrimination by Christians. I think that he had said something about the enactment of the Matthew Shepard Act to outlaw hate crimes and put in place a Non-Discrimination Employment Act to outlaw workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. That he will use the "bully" pulpit if he has to, to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws. I would advise Barak Obama to watch out for those "white" Christian supremacist groups, like the K.K.K. and offshoot Christian Identity movements in the U.S.A. They have the stupid idea that Jews, blacks and other people of colour are inferior to whites. That homosexuals should be executed and that only the northern European "whites" and their American descendants are the "chosen people" of scriptural prophecy. Obama's "hate crime" legislation and Non-Discrimination Employment Act will put these "white" supremacist groups out off business or at least put a severe crimp in their endevors. These "white" supremacist groups must by now be real hot, or red under the collar, (where the term "red necks" had come from), now that Barak Obama is going to be their next President. Bad enough that they see Obama as a "black" man, they hate the very idea that Obama will place the weight of his administration behind the enactment of the Matthew Shepard Act to outlaw hate crimes, and bring about a Non-Discrimination Employment Act to outlaw workplace discrimination and repeal the Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA). The DOMA Act is the only thing that is currently preventing a federal judge from ordering every state in the union to recognize homosexual marriages.
That widely publicized Saudi-backed interfaith three-day conference which was held on Wednesday, July 16, in Spain, which was claimed to be organized by the Muslim World League upon an initiative by King Abdullah was in fact a plan to silence those people who are against their agenda. Around 200 Muslim, Christian and Jewish scholars and other experts on inter-religious dialogue had attended that meeting. Among the attendants were the secretary general of the World Jewish Congress, Michael Schneider, and Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, who is responsible for dialogue between the Vatican and Muslims. In his speech, King Abdullah had said the meeting comes to shore up a "constructive dialogue" between the world religions. The discussions touched upon a number of hot issues including restrictions on hijab-wearing in some European countries, lampooning cartoons to their prophet, Muhammad, and take another look at that unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and find a way to quickly slip it by the jewish people. The Saudi king launched the dialogue plan after meeting with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican last November, in the first visit by a Saudi monarch to the Vatican. What was all that pious sounding accolades really all about? In plain English, it was a front to promote a global law against blasphemy. What that really amounts to, is that they want a UN law to prevent anyone from speaking out against any religion. Saudi Arabia has a vested interest in this because as you might recall, there was an outcry from Muslims when those cartoons which lampooned the Islam religion and their prophet, Muhammad hit the newsstands all over the world. Not to mention that incident when a Muslim women in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to receive 200 lashes and six months in prison for her crime of traveling in a car with a man who was not a relative. If you recall, the pardon came only after she was gang-raped by seven men as punishment, and there was a huge outcry from people all over the world. I have no doubt that this interfaith agenda was instigated behind closed doors by the Vatican, to prevent anyone from speaking against religions, mostly against the religion of Christianity, at the expense of other people. This is how devious that proposed so-called interfaith three-day conference was really all about which was being billed as the Saudi interfaith conference, but in reality it was the UN/Vatican/Muslim plan. Here is the full text on that Saudi-backed interfaith meeting these people are wanting the U.N. to enact and made into a universial law. The Vatican is determined to get a nice chunk of Jerusalem for itself and already has its beady, greedy little eye's set on the Temple Mount for their phoney God, Je-Zeus Christ. I thought people should know what is going on behind closed doors, since it is in the interest of all "Freedom" loving people. If you cherish at all your freedom, you will want to stay away from anything that has to do with the UN (United Nations). Do not say you have not been warned!
Speaking about Islam and Muslims, according to The Associated Press, Islamists had seize the town of Somali, and impose Islamic law on the population. Islamic insurgents advanced ever closer to Somalia's beleaguered capital, The insurgents declared that they will use strict Muslim rules to restore order to the entire area of the lawless Horn of Africa country, now back under their control. The latest conquest by Islamic forces came late Wednesday in Elasha, just over 15 kilometres from the capital of Mogadishu, when the government-backed militia ran away without a fight. Thousands of people who have fled Somalia's bloody, two-year insurgency elsewhere in the country are living in Elasha in flimsy huts made of sticks and plastic tarp. Islamic fighters now control most of southern and central Somalia, with the crucial exceptions of Mogadishu and Baidoa, where the parliament for Somalia's weak western- and UN-backed government sits. "Our fighters have taken the control of the area to provide security for the displaced people" suffering under the constant fighting, said Abdirahin Isse Adow, a spokesman for the Islamist forces in Elasha. Many Somalis say they are willing to accept the Shariah restrictions if the Islamists can deliver the stability the government has failed to bring. The Islamists had brought southern Somalia a semblance of stability, but also frightened people into submission by carrying out public executions and floggings under Shariah law. Fighters recently had stoned a 13-year-old girl to death before thousands of spectators. She was accused of adultery, when in fact she was a rape victim. This is the true face of Islam. That's what the Islamic jihad is all about: Imposing Islamic law upon the people by force, fear or by death. To think that many Canadians were stupid enough to buy into that Islamic crap, hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of idiots! Come to think of it, I recall that Judaism and Christianity in times past had used the same kind of diabolical tactics as Islam, and forced its religion and religious laws upon their people in order to subjugate the people through force, fear or by death. Only then, it was done in the name of Judaism and Christianity. This is the great mistake most of those man-made pagan primitive religions had made in human history. Which they will no doubt quickly reinstate and force its religion and laws upon the people and subjugate the people through force, fear or by death, if given the power and opportunity. It is up to each individual to choose, through their free will, if they will adhere to GOD and His Statutes. Those Statutes are made known for a persons betterment, and it is up to each individual, if they will take them to heart. Each individual person is held accountable to GOD, and to GOD alone, in the outcome of their soul/spirit self, in accordance to the choices a person makes in life. No one has the authority to impose or to subjugate a person or a people through force, fear or by the threat of death through a religion. May we be forever vigilant, and make cretin that such a repugnant situation, never, ever, happens again! At least not to the people here in Canada. May we stand on guard for thee, Oh, Canada.
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