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How hypocritical Roman Catholic priests are when they speak on abortions
which they rightly claim their deaths cry out to heaven, when rivers of blood
drench the Vatican from the deaths of the innocents, in which they were
responsible. How much more their blood cries out to heaven, that even the stones
cries out for Justice, for the cruelty of Christians. I can not help think how
the Vatican and its priests try to justify the Catholic reign of terror which
came from its Popes which had ascended the throne of the "Unholy" See. One must
realize that in Catholicism, when it came to the Popes, there where no
questions, no subtleties, no opposing of personal rights to the rights of the
Vatican, only obedience. One must remember that there had been great
collaboration between the Vatican, and the ruling monarchies within the
"Christian" nation. Much like today, with the Vatican, and the various
Governments throughout the world. Exceptions to the general rule was only when
it did not serve the interest of a given monarchy. In times past, all priests
swore to eliminate those whom "The Church" deemed to be in heresy to its dogma
and spies were set loose among the people by the grand Catholic Inquisitor. The
Catholic Church was on its way to becoming a reactionary, fear-filled,
institution. During the reign of terror, everyone who did not adhere to or had
an alternative religious beliefs, or was different than the Catholic dogma or
form of Christianity, was afraid that the day would be their last day to live,
because anyone could be reported to be considered a traitor to the Vatican,
regardless if it was justified or not. People would be taken captive and later
be tortured and burned to a stake if they did not conform to Catholicism.
Members of the Catholic clergy and nobility entered into conspiracies, often
calling upon foreign military involvement. Priests and nobles led armies to wipe
out whole cities, towns, and villages. Killing men, women, the elderly and
children who opposed Catholicism. The Vatican's reign of terror had stretched
from 4 CE to 1794 CE., when the dominance of the Roman Catholic church came at
an end. During the time when the Protestant Reformation began and were at war
with the Vatican, even though they believed in the same phoney, pagan Christian
God, Je-Zeus Christ, they had instituted their own method of reign of terror
among the population which all manner of torture was not foreign to them. It
constituted the ripping the guts out of peoples stomach while being alive,
Streching live people till their arms or legs were ripped off, burning people
alive at the stake, fingernails pulled out by pincers, drawing the eye from its
socket, women stripped naked before a panel of "experts", lashings, gang rape,
ect. The Protestant reign of terror ended in the "New World" after the great
"Which" hunts had ended between 1776-1789 CE. Those witch hunts led to moral
panic, mass hysteria and mob lynching, and involved in official witchcraft
trials. Even "Christians" from other churches were not excluded from being
accused, which was legally sanctioned. The classical period of witch hunts in
Europe stretched from about 1480 to 1700 CE, spanning the upheavals of the
Reformation and two hundred years of terror, resulting in tens of thousands of
executions of innocent people. These witch hunts was brought on by their
religious and superstitious beliefs. People who were accused of causing storms,
sickness in animals or people, or were village healers, which were mostly women,
common fortune-tellers, and those who foretold omens, or anyone who had seen an
apparition, all were accused of being possessed by demons. Witch-hunts still
occur in our modern era in some communities where religious values condemn
homosexuality and what they deem is witchcraft, and accuse these people to be in
league with the devil. Historians today have stated that the actions by the
Christian Churches had constituted genocide and crimes against humanity on a
grand scale in the name of their God, Je-Zeus Christ, and Christianity. This do
not even cover the reign of terror upon the Negro people, the First Nation
people or the Jewish Holocaust which was condoned by the majority of European
Christians. This may be the reason why I have so little regard towards
Christianity aside from the false theology they continue to preach. Why I remind
people of the dreadful legacy Christianity had upon humanity, least we forget,
and the Christian reign of terror may once again raise its ugly, diabolical
After reading about that amphibious Grumman Goose aircraft which had left Vancouver International Airport on Sunday and had crashed while heading to a remote hydro-electric project in the Toba Valley, at south Thormanby Island, British Columbia, I was surprised to hear that anybody had survived. That person who had managed to walk away from that plane crash must feel very fortunate to have survived at all. The plane was carrying construction workers to the work site. The pilot and six passengers had died in the plane crash. A seventh passenger, who had been sleeping during the plane impact, had managed to scrambled out of the wreckage moments before the plane exploded. It seems that the seaplane was trying to climb, to avoid hitting the treetops on the side of a hill, which was obcured by fog. The plane had hit the hill at high speed and broke apart on impact. The lone survivor was found by rescuers several hours after the crash on a nearby beach. The lone survivor had been burnt, cut-up and bruised and managed to make his way down the hill from the crash site, wrapped in a yellow tarp. 35-year-old Tom Wilson of Edmonton, the servivor of the plane crash, is now in hospital recovering.
That person who had tossed some Molotov cocktails (fire-bombs) at the Skver-Toldos Orthodox Jewish Boys school in September 2006, and at the Ben Weider Jewish Community Center in April 2007 in Montreal, Que., had pleaded guilty. Azim Ibragimov, 25, claimed the crimes he committed were in the name of Islamic Jihad, which is a militant group that has vowed to destroy Israel and set up an Islamic Palestinian state. How many more of these Islamic Palestinians are in Canada ready to act out their hatred towards the Jews and the west? It is quite obvious that these Palestinians had imported their hatred into Canada. It seems that some of these people can't let go of their hatred when entering a new country to escape the troubles they had left behind. When will people learn to leave their hatred behind when entering a new country that is giving them a home and refuge? These people had better smarten-up quick, least they give their fellow Palestinians here in Canada a bad reputation. Canadians will not tolerate such actions without a reaction. The reputation of Palestinians and Muslims abroad is very low as it is. With actions like this Azim person, here in Canada, is it any wonder why Canadians are becoming very leery of Palestinians and Muslims? My own personal view of Palestinians and Muslims is not as tollarant, as most Canadians. This is coming from a Canadian who is neither a Jewish person nor have anything to do with the Middle-East.
I can not help wonder what the newly U.S. president-elect Barack Obama really meant when he stated that he and Republican Senator John McCain plan to work together to "fix up" the country? Are these two peas from the same pod? I can not help wonder wither Barack Obama is an American, or a citizen of the world? The reason I wonder about that, because as I recall, Obama had stated that; "Burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together. The greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us. Now is the time to join together. People of the world, this is our moment." He said this when he was addressing some 200,000 Germans in Berlin, Germany. In essence, he was implying that he was a "citizen of the world", which can only mean that he is a citizen of the UN New World Order. No wonder Europeans are so delighted with this new American President. That must be the "Change" that Barack Obama was talking about during the US election. He is going to bring the USA into the New World Order. Interesting, very interesting. I wonder if Canada is also going to give-up its sovereignty to the New World Order?
False news is going around the Internet by many Christian groups that an Israeli newspaper Maariv "Sof Shavua" (End of The Week) had stated that "The Israeli government is passing (or has passed) a law whereby all citizens will be required to have RFID chips implanted into their hand". That Christian claim is as phoeny as their religion. The original article in Hebrew stated that the technology is only "available" to implant RFID chips, and could be used to track people by putting it on their clothes, in food or under the skin as is used now on animals. This technology is widely used to track animals and commercial goods and might in the future be installed in IDs and passports alongside biometrical identifications such as fingerprints. Crime suspects could be also tagged with this chip without their knowledge. The newspaper artical DID NOT say anything about the Israeli government is going to pass, or has passed, a law where all citizens will be required to have RFID chips implanted into their hand. This is just another lie that is being spread by Christian groups around the Internet and various Christian broadcasts.
I recall another article that was being spread around the Internet when Proposition 8 had been passed. It stated that threats of violence were made against Christians and their churches by homosexuals. It claimed that homosexuals had cried out; "Burn their f---ing churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers". I did not recall any of the major News Network had ever mention this when Proposition 8 was approved. All that was said was that Four Bay Area counties are the latest to join the legal fight to try to stop state Proposition 8, a ban on same-sex marriage in California that voters approved Nov. 4. The Board of Supervisors for Alameda, Marin, San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties have approved joining a lawsuit filed in the California Supreme Court by the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles and Santa Clara and Los Angeles counties. The lawsuit is one of six cases filed directly in the state high court in San Francisco to challenge the Proposition 8. All six lawsuits contend the measure is a constitutional revision, not an amendment, because it strips a minority group of a fundamental right. So I Googled to see what, if any of the major news network can confirm the threats of violence claim. Nothing at all came up from any of the news media. So I Googled for Canadian news network web sites, and again it came up empty on this alleged threat that homosexuals was supposed to have made. From the sound of that artical, I would not be surprised if that was a Christian spreading more lies on the Internet. Go Figure! That's not at all surprising, given that they are real experts at lying. After all, they have almost two thousand years of practice under their belt.
Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean unveiled the Harper government's five point plan to protect Canada from the global economic meltdown in the speech from the throne. The plan focused on cutting costs and didn't rule out a deficit -- a far cry from last year's throne speech, which was focused on using big surpluses for tax cuts. Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean stated that it would be "misguided to commit to a balanced budget at any cost," a sign that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's budget may be headed for the red this year. The speech repeatedly mentioned the importance of the need for "prudence" and said the government would put department spending "under the microscope", so to speak. The general plan is to support the auto and aerospace industries. Aerospace industries, fine, but are we talking about supporting the big three American auto industries? Have we not seen what is going on south of the border? How the auto executives are giving themselves huge wages, pensions, bonuses and fat perks despite that their decisions has put them in the fix they are in? It would be more prudent to let them go into bankruptcy so that they are forced to get their own house in order. They can build cars until it comes out of their ears, but if people can't buy them, what good are they? Just look at them and wishfully dream that one day, mabe people can buy them? Making cars and selling them at a loss, do not make much sense. Electric cars are much cheaper! Instead, it would be better to help Canadian owned and Canadian companies who are making electric and hybred cars, to help lessen pollution, that gasoline and diesel engines spew out. Canadians will always have cars to buy, even if the big three Amerincan auto companies no longer exist. That is if Canadians will have the money to buy them. We need to learn to adapt to our present circumstance. We can not go on like we use to. Remember, we are in, or about to get into a global recession. China already is in a recession. Europe is well on its way. People will have less cash or credit to spend like they use to. Lets move on; Investment, competition and copyrights laws to be modernized. Fine. Rededicating efforts to work with international partners to improve and strengthen global financial rules. Fine. Reduce regulatory barriers to speed energy projects such as; gas pipelines to the north and nuclear projects. Good. Reduce Canada's total greenhouse emissions by 20 per cent by 2020. OK. Don't forget electric cars to cut down emissions. An objective that 90 per cent of Canada's electricity be provided by cleaner energy resources. Legislation to ban all bulk water exports from fresh water resources. About time! A renewed focus on rebuilding and construction efforts in Afghanistan. I thought that Harper wanted to be prudent about where the Canadian taxpayers money is going towards, yet he is willing to sink billions more of Canadian taxpayers hard earned money into that bottomless sinkhole? Yeah Right! That is a sure fire way to put us well into a deep red deficit, in which we help support a corrupt regime and in the end, will get nothing in return for all that effort. Not even a free Afghanistan, but one that keeps on suppressing women and its people with their archaic, Muslim religious laws and its tyrannical enforcement. Remember? The whole idea is to protect Canada from a global economic meltdown. This is not the time to squander away taxpayers money on floundering ventures.
I see that California's Supreme Court has decided to hear three legal challenges to a gay-marriage ban approved by the state's voters earlier this month. The state's top court is refusing to allow gay couples to resume marrying until it rules. The court did not elaborate on its decision. No one has the "right" to dictate to people who they can love, or who they can or cannot marry, between two consenting adults, when it comes to people's personal relationships. I always understood that "Democracy" means protecting the rights, freedoms and privicy of every individual. Just because a large religious segment in a society had "voted" to impose their "religious" views and beliefs upon others, do not mean that it was "democratic", it was more like mob rule. To me, there is a big difference. A democracy that do not define human rights, freedoms and privicy for every person regardless of gender, race, religion, or affiliation, as legal restraints upon the actions of an assembly, tantamounts to mob rule. Many of the bans which had been imposed and enacted into law upon Canadaian citizens by various assemblies, had been passed through by such a mob rule fashion.
Eight Canadian soldiers were injured in Afghanistan after their armoured vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb, north of Kandahar city. The incident had occurred in the Arghandab district, an area where two major battles with the Taliban had taken place over the past year. A Canadian Forces spokesman said the soldiers were airlifted to the medical facility at the Kandahar Airfield for treatment, and are expected to make full recovery. In the meantime, poverty is rapant in Afghanistan. Nearly seven million people don't have enough food to meet just the people's minimum daily needs, despite that billions of dollars in aid had been given from various countries, like Canada, the United States and Britain. So where is all that aid money going to? Where else but into the privet coffers of the various ruling elites in Afghanistan. Yes, this Afghan war is turning into a big business venture, for some people. Things really never change. It just keeps repeating, like an old broken record.
At least five people were injured in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, yesterday during a protest over the country's economic meltdown. Several thousand people had attended a demonstration that began in front of the country's parliament. Saturday's protest was one of several held recently in Iceland, whose banking system had collapsed in October. About a third of Iceland's population of 320,000 are believed to have lost their savings.
Eight Canadian soldiers were injured in Afghanistan after their armoured vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb, north of Kandahar city. The incident had occurred in the Arghandab district, an area where two major battles with the Taliban had taken place over the past year. A Canadian Forces spokesman said the soldiers were airlifted to the medical facility at the Kandahar Airfield for treatment, and are expected to make a full recovery. Poverty is rapant in Afghanistan. Nearly seven million people don't have enough food to meet just the people's minimum daily needs, despite that billions of dollars in aid had been given from countries like Canada, the United States, Britain and other countries. So where is all that aid money going to?
Astronauts are preparing for the most challenging of the four spacewalks on NASA's latest mission to the International Space Station. The astronauts will be repairing a jammed rotary joint, which allows a solar-panel to move and turn to catch the sun's rays. The repair mission is expected to take seven hours, making it the longest spacewalk on this mission. Meanwhile, NASA engineers will be trying to fix a glitch with the new recycling system that's supposed to convert urine and other wastewater into drinking water. The $154-million US recycling system was started up, but was promptly shut down again after it was working for two hours. Do that mean the astronauts had been drinking their own urine and other waste in their drinking water? Hopefully, they had some bottled water on hand to drink from, while the recycling system is being repaired. The space agency wants samples of the unit's finished product before space shuttle Endeavour pulls away from the space station late next week.
It appears that automobile dealers are now putting pressure on Canadian politicians to help them. They want the Canadian Government to take immediate steps to increase liquidity in the car markets. Any effort by government to support the banking sector must also be accompanied by a strong message to the banks that they must continue to support small, sound businesses. This statement is no doubt being made on behalf of auto dealerships that represent the big three US automakers, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. These businesses may be small, but are they sound? Given the trouble the big three US automakers are in. If these car dealerships were sound, they would not be needing a bailout financial aid from Governments or Banks. You don't hear our own Canadian Zenn, and other car manfactures and dealerships like Toyota or Honda in Canada asking for massive bailout financial aid, do You? Canadian Banks are not foolish to start giving out loans to those dealerships that represent and sell cars from General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. At least not until they know that the big three US automakers are back on a sound footing.
While I was doing some research on the space program, I inadvertently came upon an article about extraterrestrial spacecraft, what people refer to as UFOs. After having spent 50 years of study on this subject, having researched classified materials, collecting and evaluating a number of large scale scientific studies, and reporting on sightings and observations from credible people, this person maintains that there are some extraterrestrial spacecraft that are indeed real, despite the many false claims made by a lot of people and Government cover-ups. This is the article I came upon while surfing the web, Flying Saucers Are Real By Stanton T. Friedman. I am one who have always had the sixth sense that extraterrestrials and their spacecrafts are real, despite that I had never had the good fortune to have actually seen one to date.
With so many restrictions already in placed on people in Canada, like banning people to smoke in most places, fast-food advertising on television, use of cellphones in a vehicles and now another ban which will limit the number of teens allowed to be in a vehicle at one time, and make it totally illegal for drivers under 21, to have any kind of alcohol in their system, when they're behind the wheel. I have no problem for Government officials to warn and point out things that might put us at risk, but putting direct bans on people is not the way to go about it. People since the beginning of time had to assess for themselves what the risks are, and if they are willing to take the risk, and live with the consequence of having made a poor choice. Seems to me our Governments through legislations, are inacting bans which initially always sound good, but in the long term, the accumulated effect will result in a sanitize, ultra-safe, risk-free, totally controlled, over-regulated society that is removing people's choices and risks. Going that route will only cause people to feel very restricted, so hemmed-in with all those bans, laws and restrictions that it will make people feel like they are in a prison, rather than in a free society. I may be wrong, but that is what I see is going on and the direction we are heading towards. But if that is what Canadians want, so be it.
I was just watching, more like listening to it, the CBC News, Sunday Night, which spoke about corporate fraudsters and how people lost most of their investments and pensions. Canadians are only now finding out that their investments in stocks and securities were not as safe as they might have thought. With Enron, WorldCom, Nortel and a host of corporate scandals have raised the public’s concern about the integrity of management, the adequacy of accounting standards (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP), the independence of auditors, and poor corporate governance practices of publicly traded corporations. If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00 With Enron, you would have $16.50 of the original $1,000.00. With Worldcom, you would have less than $5.00 left. Most Canadians had thought that there was more integrity in Canadian management, and good accounting standards and financial reporting system, only to find out that it is quite inadequate. Now there is going to be a huge demand for regulators to “fix” the current financial system. Now that a great many Canadians had lost their life savings and pensions to retire on. I escaped such financial loss, I am glad I had no financial investments like that to loose. That would be quite depressing.
This is a serious matter that needs to be given great consideration. The results of the G-20 economic summits amount to nothing less than the seamless integration of Canada and the United States into the UN and European Union. During these diplomatic meetings, Canada and the United States are invited to unilaterally abdicate economic and national sovereignty to the Western European model, represented by the UN. The sovereignty of Canada, as will the USA, will be thrown out the window. I am aware that Canada is well on its way to join the UN and European Union, given the excessive government regulation there is here in Canada. During these diplomatic meetings, Canada, thanks to our "Canadian" politicians from the four political parties which ran in the last election, the Conservatives, Liberals, NDP and the Green party, are all handmaidens of globalization, (The New World Order). So no matter which political party one picks, globalization is in, independence and sovereignty of Canada is out. Don't say that I had not forewarned you.
Well, back to reality, I see in the news that Finance Minister Jim Flaherty will slash $30 million a year from federal party budgets to show that Ottawa is willing to share the country's economic pain. Meanwhile, Defence Minister Peter MacKay told the House of Commons today that eight specially modified CH-146 Griffon helicopters will be sent to Kandahar in the new year to fly escort for the new CH-47 Chinook transport.
Premier Dalton McGuinty may be willing to back off from a proposed regulation that would restrict teen drivers to just one teenage passenger in a car, after an online protest against the new rules grew to more than 117,000 members.
Chaos and fear gripped the streets of India's financial capital Mumbai(formally known as Bombay), when Islamic armed Muslims with AK-47 rifles and grenades stormed several popular tourist sites, Mumbai's crowded train station, hospitals and a restaurant popular with foreigners. Attackers took western hostages with American and British passports, and killed at least 101 people in a series of brazen and co-ordinated attacks. No Canadians are known to have been injured or killed in the attacks so far. The Times of India reported that at least three Indian police officials were killed in separate attacks, including the country's top anti-terror official, Hemant Karkare, Mumbai police commissioner Ashok Kamte and terror specialist Vijay Salaskar. Mumbai has been targeted in several attacks since 1993, when Muslim rebels bombed several sites in the city during religious riots. What was these series of brazen and co-ordinated attacks all about? According to a former CSIS Intelligence Official, the attacks could be part of an ongoing struggle between the government and Muslim rebel forces fighting for a Kashmiri state. Muslims had targeted Mumbai's elites, the financial centres, and key tourist areas. Once again Muslims are back in the news, who are invovled in violence. It seems that Muslims who are living in a host country are at it again, spreading their terror against non-Islamic people and countries. Maybe India should expel all of its Muslim people from their country, and let these people fight it out in some Islamic country, among their fellow barbarians. They have no place in a civilized country, among civilized people. Other non-Islamic countries who have a large population of Muslims had better take a good hard look at what is going on in India, least they become embroiled in that kind of violence among its civilized population. It has been proven, time and again, that large populations of Muslims in any host country tend to, sooner or later, bring out this type of violence. Violence is infused and imparted into their Islamic culture and religion.
Massive protests at Bangkok's international airport, where two people were hurt in a blast and thousands of travellers are left stranded. Thai army chief General Anupong Paojinda denied he was staging any kind of coup, but with Bangkok's airport and main government offices over-run, and lawlessness is spreading, he said; "We will send the prime minister a letter to inform that he must dissolve the house and call for new elections". An urgent meeting of military and business leaders are addressing the deepening crisis. The Thai anti-government protesters have rejected a proposal to conduct fresh elections and have refused to disperse. The protesters said that fresh elections will not solve Thailand's bitter political crisis and refused to end their occupation of Bangkok's international airport. Thailand has been troubled by a new round of protests for the past several months. The opposition says the government is corrupt and is indirectly controlled by former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. In July, Thaksin fled the country for the second time in two years after being convicted on charges of corruption. The massive demonstration followed an attack against a tent camp that was set up by anti-government demonstrators near the seat of government in the capital Bangkok. During the attack, one person was killed by an exploding grenade and more than 20 people were injured. The protestors believe the authorities had a direct hand in the attack.
Update on the Islamic militants attack in Mumbai, India. Two Canadians has been confirmed dead in the Mumbai terrorist strikes, federal officials said Friday evening. Dr. Michael Moss, who was on vacation in India, was killed by gunmen. The name of the other Canadain who was shot down has not yet been released. Foreign Affairs Minister, Lawrence Cannon, said the victim's family had already been notified. The Canadians were at the Taj hotel when gunmen burst in and began firing and taking hostages. Gunmen also attacked the Oberoi Hotel, where some Canadaians were shot and wounded when the siege began. India's commandos found the bodies of six hostages in the Mahal hotel. The bodies of a New York rabbi and his wife were found dead, along with two women who had apparently been bound with telephone cables before they were killed in the ultra-orthodox Jewish centre in Mumbai earlier on Friday. Israeli Foreign Ministry has confirmed the deaths of six Israelis in Mumbai found in the Chabad House attack, were the identitiy of three Israelis are unknown. India's commandos have now everything under control. The siege is over and the reign of violence in Mumbai has ended. The death toll in the Mumbai terrorist attacks, which took place at 10 different sites, has now surpassed 160 dead. In the meantime, 1,000 Canadians are stranded in Thailand which has shut down the country's main airports spirals out of control. The Canadian government needs to intervene and make a plan to get those stranded Canadians out of there.
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