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The Haileybury School of Mines has aquired a diamond drill. FedNor, the federal funding group, dedicated to Northern Ontario, had provided $161,325 to the college, which was part of a $2.1 million worth of FedNor initiatives for the region. During a press conference at NEOnet, Peter MacLean, executive director at Northern College stated that without the help of FedNor, this would have been an impossible task. The diamond drill had cost around $400,000 and by revitalizing their curriculum, they could train people how to handle the equipment. A diamond drill is used to drill for core samples at locations which had revealed clues to mineral deposits or vains on the surface. A diamond drill can drill deep into the ground (rockbed) and confirm or invalidated by analysing the core samples taken from the depths. The shape and composition of deposits from the core samples will determined if the site is worthwhile to mine. There are various types of dimond drill rigs. Some common types of rigs are portable. tractor or truck-mounted dimond drills. Dimond drill rigs are also used for rock blasting. The students will learn how to set-up a portable dimond drill rig, how to set-up skid frames which enables the rig relocation using a bulldozer or skidder. The students will learn the various diamond core drill bit size and various drilling methods.
People are going to be stressed to no end with everything that is being thrown their way within the next few years. Politicians who represent the New World Order will be messing peoples lives while they bring about their "globalization" agenda. Then there is the ever threat of Muslims and their terrorists brotherhood vying for their "religious" Islamic conquest. On top of that, people are being gouged and being inundated with more bans and "regulations" which restric their lives. Then there are various religions with their phony, man-made pagan God or Gods, and various charities all clamouring for donations to sustain their operations. Then there is people's concern with the real potential of loosing one's job or business, and to top it all off, the unexpected threat of some natural disaster. All this is coming upon people from all sides which people will be facing and are expected to deal and cope with. Yes, the next few years is going to be very challenging and a stressful time for a lot of people. How people will handle it, is anybody's guess.
Brokenhead Ojibway First Nation is suing the Manitoba government, saying the province is circumventing a recent court ruling that found the province has no jurisdiction to ban smoking on reserve land. The band operates the South Beach Casino, located about 50 kilometres north of Winnipeg. Gaming in the province is regulated by the Manitoba Lotteries Corporation. The NDP government, Premier Gary Doer had imposed a province-wide ban on smoking in public places in 2004. The Brokenhead band says the province has no jurisdiction to impose a smoking ban on reserves, and that the lottery corporation is trying to sidestep the courts by making its gaming licences contingent on a no-smoking policy that has no effect on reserves. "The province is trying to force First Nations through policy and economics to do what it cannot do by law," said the chief of the Brokenhead First Nation, Deborah Chief. "These actions are a complete and total disregard for our right to govern ourselves". The province has previously been to court over its smoking ban. A Treherne, Man., bar owner had challenged the law, saying it was unfair that patrons could not smoke at his bar when they could on nearby reserves. While the courts ruled against Jenkinson, they did find that Manitoba's anti-smoking regulations do not apply on First Nations reserves. As Chief Deborah had stated, that the imposed snoking bans are a complete and total disregard for our right to govern ourselves, which should apply to all Canadians as well. At least there are some people here in Canada who will fight for their rights and freedoms, that should put the rest of the smoking public to shame, who have so passively allowed themselves to be bullied by these Anti-smoking campaigns and their perpetrators.
I was not going to deal with the Israeli/Arab Palestinian conflict anymore, but this has a Canadian connection that I believe deserve some mention. It was a courageous act for the representatives of the Harper Government to stand up with the sole "no" vote during a United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution which had strongly condemned Israel's counter-terrorist operations in Hamas-controlled Gaza. The non-binding resolution was adopted on Monday by a coalition of 33 African, Asian, Arab, and South American states, who have always supported the actions of the Hamas terrorists and their civilian supporters. Thirteen European states had abstained from the vote. During the debate on the Israeli/Arab Palestinian conflict, there was no recognition of the fact that Israel's actions in Gaza were initiated in self-defense. The United States and Israel are not members of the United Nations Human Rights Council. I believe in giving credit, where credit is due. It is noteworthy to remind people that the U.N. General Assembly had voted to replace the discredited U.N. Commission on Human Rights with the Human Rights Council (HRC) in 2006. Supporters of the Council expressed hope for a "dawn of a new era" in promoting human rights in the United Nations. But the record of the Council has dashed those hopes. After the few years in existence, the new Human Rights Council has proven to be just as bad as its discredited predecessor, which shows how corrupt the entire UN institution is.
I had not intended to ever bring up the topic of Orthodox Jews and their pagan, man-made Canaanite/Babylonian God ever again, but this is an opportunity, another good example to reveal just how deceptive these people can be. I had been informed by a friend to listen to Malkah Fleisher's radio program, titled " The Jews Secret Weapon", with Malkah Fleisher and Rebbe Nachman of Breslov who reveals the Orthodox Jews "secret weapon" on Israel National Radio, which is an Orthodox Jewish Radio Station in Israel. The Orthodox Jews so called, "Secret Weapon", that Malkah Fleisher is talking about on her radio broadcast is very deceptive when it is fully revealed. Malkah Fleisher is asking people on her radio broadcast today, Jan.13th., 2009 to "pray" for rain, when she is fully aware that the weather forecast calls for rain on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday for most of the region in Israel. No doubt when it do rain, she will boast to all the people that their pagan, man-made Canaanite/Babylonian God that they have named YHWH, which they often refer to as "Hashem", had heard the people's prayers and sent them the rain. This is how clever and deceptive these Orthodox Jews are, in order to convince Jewish people that they are worshiping the true GOD of Heaven. After having spent a great deal of time listening to many of their "Rebbe", like Rabbi David Aaron, of the Israelite Institute in the Old City of Jerusalem, who talked about such paganized nonsense as why a person soul/spirit can never die, and his claim that a person can re-incarnate into an animal, a vegetable or a rock, which is clearly a pagan adaptation from the Hindu religion. Reincarnation was designed to attain a correction of the soul/spirit during former lives. How that can be accomplished being reincarnated as an animal, a vegetable or a rock, is beyond me, when I know that a person's soul/spirit can never be tramsformed into an animal, a vegetable or rock. A soul/spirit can only re-incarnate directly into a human being. This clearly shows how perverted these "Orthodox" Jews are, and how they have adopted pagan ideas. Other Rabbi teachings I found, are infused with many pagan ideas and superstitions that do not come from GOD. It is sad to find out that the Judaism which these Orthodox Jews ascribe to and teach, is a Canaanite/Babylonian form of Judaism, which is as perverted as Islam, or Christianity. How sad to find out how deluded these people have become! A deceptive people with a deceiving mind. Given this is the case, anyone can understand the reason why I have no interest in Orthodox Judaism or Orthodox Jews when they are an idolatrous people, in that they worship a man-made, pagan, Baal God, and adhere to a man-made, pagan religion. Truly, my heart is deeply sadden and I weep for the nation of Israel.
Speaking of weather forecast, as I was watching the news tonight on my TV, the weather forecaster was calling for frigid northerly winds blowing across the country. Forecast are calling for frigid temperatures from the western prairie provinces, all the way into Quebec. Residents in northern Ontario were also warned about frigid winds, which will make it feel like it is -50°C, which will be the coldest weather we had this winter. I recall my first winter here, we had this type of frigid temperatures in North-eastern Ontario. Right now at Temiskaming Shores, the actual temperature is -33°C. But combined with a northerly wind of 20 km/h, it will produce a wind chill factor of around -45 to -50°C. Frankly, as I found out, it is quite common to have this kind of frigid temperatures around here. On days like this, I would not mind having some of that rhetorical "global warming". It sure would be nice right now.
Jan.16th. 2009; Frigid temperatures continue to
hover around the -33°C mark this morning, though Environment Canada is
forecasting for temperatures to rise to -17°C over the weekend. This will get us
back to normal winter temperatures around here in North-eastern Ontario. It will
no doubt feel like balmy weather after all this frigid weather. While provincial
and territorial leaders are presenting their lengthy list of new infrastructure
projects to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to kick-start and stimulate their
economies during the two days of pre-budget consultations, one must keep in mind
that the Canadian debt burden is at $583 billion. Adding $40 billion to Canada's
$583 billion debt is going to substantially raise the interest on that debt.
Unfortunately, we do have to create jobs for ones that have been lost with
infrastructure projects at times like these, but I recall that in 2007, the
Harper government had once announced money for infrastructure projects under the
Building Canada Fund, but nothing was built because projects got bogged down in
a lot of bureaucratic and over regulated red tape imposed by various
Some good news is coming from Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty office who is
studying ways to speed up the introduction of electric cars to the province. The
study is scheduled to be released in May. It will look at financial incentives
to encourage drivers to buy electric vehicles, giving such cars "preferred
access to the transportation grid", and having the government buy electric
vehicles and promoting them.
Because of the high level skill of Pilot Chesley B. (Sully) Sullenberger III,
age 57, of Danville, Calif., he had managed to successfully land his crippled
jet airplane on the Hudson river. Most people consider that feat a "miracle".
Aviation expert Vernon Grose said this incident marks the first time a
commercial jet airplane has landed fully in-tacked as it struck the water and
had survived. Sullenberger's jet engines were struck by birds, shortly after
taking off from New York's LaGuardia Airport. Thanks to the pilot and crew, and
all the people who had gone to the aid of the downed jet airplane, along with
the cool, level-headed passengers, all of the airline crew and the 155
passengers aboard US Airways Flight 1549 had survived the chilly waters of the
Hudson River. The downed jet airplane had remained afloat and was later towed to
shore. Investigators are now probing how the near-disaster had happened.
Among scientists, there is an ongoing debate on the cause of global warming,
wither is it due to the action of human beings or if it is just part of earth's
natural cycle. Evidence shows us that the earth goes through changes in
temperature every so often throughout the ages. But Al Gore and his like minded
scientists have made it a crusade in 1988 about the rapid rise of global warming
due to human activity. Al Gore's "truth" about the rapid rise of global warming
is dogged with so many falsehoods and exaggeration one could say that he greatly
helped to created the problem he now complains of. For years we have been told
that Canada's polar bears are teetering on the brink of extinction. Now, all of
sudden, we are hearing from local Inuit experts that Canada's polar bears are
not teetering on the brink of extinction and don't need the alarmist rhetoric
coming from some of the world's biologists. During a one-day summit where
world's biologists, World Wildlife Fund and global warming scientists have
discussed the fate of arctic mammals. Scientists warned that vanishing sea ice
and over-hunting means two-thirds of the polar bears could be gone within 50
years. Peter Ewins, with the World Wildlife Fund, told the meeting that sea ice
is thawing at an alarming rate, putting polar bears at grave risk. The Inuit
people who have shared a "personal" relationship with polar bears for thousands
of years say the threat is greatly exaggerated. Inuit leaders stated that 50
years ago, there were about 8,000 polar bears in the area of Nunavut. Now, there
are over 15,000 polar bears. Nirlungayuk said his grandfather used to hunt polar
bears without any government telling him where, and what to hunt. Now,
Nirlungayuk said he needs a permit and game tags. Biologists only study polar
bears for several months of the year, he said. Inuit people have been living
side-by-side with the hulking mammals for centuries. Once again we find out that
those so-called "experts", where scientists and biologists are found to have
exaggerated on their collitive data. The same can be said about their claim
about the vanishing sea ice and the over-hunting of the polar bears. Maybe these
"expert scientists" should take a trip to Nunavut and get a good taste of the
winter mean temperature of -35ºC (-31ºF) and a mean July temperature of 10ºC
(50ºF) that is causing the sea ice to vanish, huh? Conditions in all parts of
the territory can become very hazardous when there is a combination of low
temperatures and a strong wind which feels more like -50ºC when exposed skin
will freeze in seconds in the north, and far north. Here is a direct link to the
weather forecast for the region of Nunavut. Frankly, right
now I give more credence to what the Inuit people have to say, rather than take
the word of those people from the World Wildlife Fund, or those biologists, and
their rapid global warming scientists. Local people who live their lives in the
area have a far better sense of what is, than what those biologists and
scientists tell us with all their fancy global warming data models, computers,
and many of their wild theories. Common sense will tell you that if one feeds
faulty data in a computer model, you will end up with faulty resaults.
After the debate here in Canada about laying charges on people who practice
polygamy, a debate over the practice of men marrying children in Saudi Arabia
was back in the spotlight this week, with the kingdom's top cleric refusing to
annul the marriage of an 8-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man. Saudi cleric
Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh says it's OK for a girl aged 10 or 12 to get
married, according to a CNN news report. "It is incorrect to say that it's not
permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger," Sheikh Abdul Aziz
Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, said in remarks quoted Wednesday in the
regional Al-Hayat newspaper. "A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who
think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her. In December,
Saudi judge Sheikh Habib Abdallah al-Habib refused to annul the marriage of an
8-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man. The judge rejected a petition from the
girl's mother, whose lawyer said the marriage was arranged by her father to
settle a debt with "a close friend." The judge required the girl's husband to
sign a pledge that he would not have sex with her until she reaches puberty.
Young girls can start puberty between the ages of 8 to 14 years. Not to mention
that in this case, the 8-year-old girl is looked upon as a commodity, rather
than a human being, that can be bought and sold as a settlement to pay a debt.
In Saudi Arabia, the religious establishment holds sway in the courts, and the
Judge can only base its finding and judgement upon the Islamic Sharia laws. The
issue of child marriage has been a hot-button topic in the Saudi Arabia kingdom
in recent weeks. Premier McGuinty did the right thing in blocking the proposal
to have Islamic Sharia laws in Ontario, and put an end to the use of these
barbaric religious tribunals in determining legal precedent in this province.
Jan.19th. 2009; The frigid temperatures has
passed as we get back to normal winter temperatures of around the -15°C mark.
But we can expect the temperature to drop around the -23°C mark by the weekend.
If the wind do not pick up to make the temperature feel colder, I will hitch
Buddy to the dogsled and go for a run on the frozen lake. According to a Nanos
Research poll, most members of the general public do not really know the new
Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff is, or what he is all about. According to the
poll, most Canadians cannot form any type of opinion about the new Liberal
leader. I have a strong suspicion that Michael Ignatieff is delighted that
Harper is forced to rack up a deficit of $40 billion, so that the Liberals can
turn around and say that the cupboard is bare and Canada is once again in the
"Red" under a Conservative Government.
A six-year-old girl has been shot when people in an adjoining room shot a gun
during a domestic dispute. When officers and ambulance personnel arrived, they
found the child who was shot, and her caregiver in the living room and
determined that the bullet had come through the wall from an adjoining room,
striking the girl. The six-year-old girl is in critical condition in a Saskatoon
hospital. Three males were in the adjoining room where the gun was shot off. The
men had fled the scene but were later apprehended by police and taken in for
questioning. A third male was being sought by the police, who said no charges
had yet been laid. Personally, I would not be surprised if this incident was
drug related.
With all the hype being laid upon Barack Obama leading up his inauguration,
Americans are heading towards a great letdown from this new president of the
United States. While I do wish Obama well, I find it strange that Canadians are
so caught-up in their approval-rating of Barack Obama to take over the Oval
Office. Whatever Barack Obama does, he will be working in the interest of the
New World Order rather than in the interest of Americans or Canadians. But then
again, considering who he is replacing, anyone would be a breath of fresh air
from the departing Republican President George W. Bush. Speaking about who is in
bed with the New World Order, it is plain to see why the Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert's Government and their sidekick political parties had called for a
unilateral ceasefire. The only reason the Israeli Government is calling for a
complete withdrawal out of the Gaza Strip, by the time Barack Obama is
inaugurated as president of the United States on Tuesday, despite that Hamas has
continued firing rockets at Israel, is because the Olmert Government and their
sidekick supporters are working for the New World Order, rather than looking out
for the interest of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. Frankly, as far
as I am concerned, there is nothing more to say about this whole matter.
The two men accused of helping James Roszko kill four RCMP officers in
Mayerthorpe, Alta., Shawn Hennessey, 28, and Dennis Cheeseman, 23, both from
Barrhead, Alta., who had been charged with first-degree murder in the 2005
deaths of four RCMP officers are now going to receive lesser charges of
manslaughter. Their defence lawyers are expected to ask for a five-year sentence
for each death, because the accused had pleaded guilty to four counts of
manslaughter. The Crown is requesting a sentence of 10 to 15 years. I wonder
what their fellow RCMP officers, and their families must be thinking. I would
think they would be pretty upset about it, given that the lives of the RCMP
officers who had risked their lives to uphold the law are regarded to be so
cheap by politicians and our present Court system. Personally, I am very
disappointed with the kind of sentences that might be given to these two men who
were involved as accomplices in the murder of the four RCMP officers. Nothing
short of the death penalty would be good enough for those two men, especially
when there is no question as to who were involved in the death of the four RCMP
officers. May we light a candle in remembrance for those brave police officers
who's lives were cut short and had paid the ultimate sacrifice during the
execution of their duties. May we ever be greatful and show our gratitude during
Canada's National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Day on September 24th, as a
tribute to our fallen and presently living law officers.
Background Note; The four RCMP officers who were gunned down on the morning
of Thursday, March 3, 2005 at Rochfort Bridge, Alberta had lost their lives
while guarding a crime scene, a cache of stolen auto parts and a marijuana
growing operation belonging to a notorious local thug named James Roszko. That
morning appeared to be one of those dull, routine police work that police
officers quickly grow accustomed to. But instead of a routine day, all hell
broke loose when Roszko returned to his farm at Rochfort Bridge, just outside
Mayerthorpe, Alta., with an assault rifle and rounds of ammunition he had
obtained from Shawn Hennessey and Dennis Cheeseman who had also driven James
Roszko back to his farm. Roszko had killed Constables Brock Myrol, Anthony
Gordon, Leo Johnston and Peter Schiemann, before turning the gun on himself.
Reviewing some of the data obtained from the news media about Shawn Hennessey
and Dennis Cheeseman, the men who had helped James Roszko, suggest to me that
they were involved with James Roszko not only in the shooting of the four RCMP
officers, but also in Roszko's stolen auto parts and marijuana growing
operations. Now that these two are facing murder charges, all of a sudden, they
no longer want to have anything to do with the Roszko affair. No doubt they now
realize that they had "made bad choices" to get involved with Roszko and the
money they got from him. They men claim that they gave Roszko a rifle and a box
of ammunition because Roszko was going back to durn down the marijuana hut the
Mounties were guarding on his land. So why did Roszko need a gun to burn down a
hut? A lighter and some gas would have done the job. The men also claimed that
they gave James Roszko a rifle and ammo and a ride back to Roszko property,
before Roszko went on that killing spree, because they were afraid of Roszko and
feared he would come after them. If that was the case, giving Roszko a rifle and
a box of ammunition would be the last thing anybody would do if they were afraid
of Roszko. They would have kept the rifle to defend themselves if Roszko ever
tried to harm them or their family. Speaking of family, was not Roszko related
to one of the men who is charged with first-degree murder/manslaughter? I have a
gut feeling that the family were also complicit in James Roszko privet
enterprise and have the same strong feelings against all RCMP officers or anyone
involved in law enforcement. Also, I can not help wonder why would Roszko ask
for a rifle and ammo, when Roszko already had an assault rifle on his property?
According to some known facts, Hennessey and Cheeseman provided James Roszko
with a rifle, although it was not the one he used to kill the RCMP constables.
Were these two men with Roszko during the shooting, but had managed to slip
away, accidentally leaving the gun behind, before Roszko had pulled the assault
rifle on himself? These are some of the questions I have about this case that
need to be answered.
Jan.21st. 2009; This morning the temperature is
-11°C with light snow falling. Seems to me someone needed to borrow my shovel
without asking me. It was gone this morning when I wanted to clear the snow from
the walkway. This reminds me that January is Crime Stoppers month. Crime
Stoppers has played a pivotal role in ensuring the recovery of stolen property
and has brought a sense of safety to local communities. According to Crime
Stoppers, despite the number of tipsters being down in 2008, the recovered
property and seized drugs was up. OPP Police are warning the general public that
there has been a string of stolen snow machines, snowmobiles and ATV's. This
type of theft has become a habit over the past several years.
Speaking about crime, it is now "illegal" in Ontario to smoke in a vehicle
with a child on board. Premier Dalton McGuinty had initially opposed such a ban,
saying it was a slippery slope that infringed too much on people's rights, but
he changed his mind last spring after a government backbencher introduced a
private member's bill in the legislature. The new law is aimed at "protecting"
children under age 16 from the effects of second-hand smoke, which these
Anti-Smoking morons claims can become highly concentrated inside cars and
trucks. Health Canada claims that merely opening a window won't clear the smoke
from a car, and smoking while kids aren't in the vehicle isn't acceptable
either. Being a person who do smoke, I am quite aware that smoking in a car with
the window partly open do clear the smoke coming from a cigarette. Where do
Health Canada get the stupid idea that it does not, really shows their
ignorance. Notice the statement that was added, "smoking while kids aren't in
the vehicle isn't acceptable either". Is that going to be their next agenda to
make it illegal to smoke in a persons privet vehicle? Seems to me this is where
these morons are heading towards. These people are determined to force people to
quit smoking altogether. This is an infringement on people's rights and is only
going to have a negative effect whereby people will begin to loose respect for
those "laws" and ignore them. Which may well bring the entire concept of
instituting "bans" before a court of law, which is suppose to protect people
rights and freedoms. These Anti-Smoking morons are really inching for a fight!
Well, it won't be long now that Prime Minister Stephen Harper will present
his $40 billion deficit federal budget on Jan. 27th. Gilles Duceppe, leader of
Bloc Quebecois says the coalition with the Liberals and New Democrats is just as
determined to bring the Harper Government down if Prime Minister Stephen Harper
do not meet the coalition's demands in next week's federal budget. Liberal
Leader Michael Ignatieff says he wants to review the Tories' Jan. 27 federal
budget before he decides whether he'll support it or vote it down. Ignatieff
said Canada needs an election "like a hole in the head." Well Mr. Ignatieff, I
would rather go into another election than have politicians who will jump into
bed with a separatist party that are traitors to Canada to form the next
government. It will be interesting to see how this whole political fiasco plays
An Iraqi-Canadian has been accused of being a spy for the Iraqi government.
Mouyad Mahmoud Darwish, 47, is accused by the US State Department of helping to
collect information about opponents of the Iraqi government and report "their
identities and activities" to members of the Iraqi Intelligence Service and
Iraqi government while he lived in Maryland. Darwish will make his initial
appearance in a U.S. federal court on Wednesday, on charges that he hid his role
as an Iraqi government operative from American officials for years and lied on
an application for permanent U.S. residency. Darwish is suspected of having been
spying for Saddam Hussein's regime in 2000 and later while working as a
restaurant cook in Maryland, he did various jobs at the Iraqi Embassy in
Washington DC. How many more spies and Moslem operatives are in Canada who are
not known by our prestigious Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)? It
must give cold comfort to true blue Canadians to have these phoney Canadians who
are actually working secretly for the sole interest of their foreign native
countries. It is quite apparent from this exanple that not all Canadians,
are truly Canadians.
President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel issued a government-wide
directive today. Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel sent a memo Tuesday to all
agencies and departments of the federal government. The memo halts further
consideration of pending regulations throughout the government until a legal and
policy review can be conducted by the Obama administration. Do that mean they
are going to review regulations imposed by the former Bush administration which
have infringed upon peoples rights and freedoms? That might be wishful thinking.
But that is what is needed here in Canada. Is there no politician, public
servant or a Judge who has the guts to review all the regulations that were
enacted by the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments which infringes
upon peoples rights and freedoms? The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
was drafted by politicians for the protection of politicians as we see in that
notorious notwithstanding clause found in s. 33 in the Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. Canadians had no say as to what it would contain when it was made up
and came into force on 17 April 1982. The first thing that is needed is to get
rid of that notorious notwithstanding clause found in s. 33 in the Charter of
Rights and Freedoms. Why else would a Charter of Rights and Freedoms be issued
if not to restrict the legislative powers of those that govern us? The prime
purpose of a Charter of Rights is to affirm that some rights and freedoms are so
important, and so dear to individuals and the democratic process, that never
should they be infringed upon, by Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments
or by business enterprise or by a majority of people or pressure groups who wish
to impose restrictive laws upon any citizen or citizens. Otherwise, our Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not worth the paper it is written upon, and
sorely needs to be re-written in order to better protect Canadian citizens
against the STATE, business enterprise and pressure groups. May this become a
reality so that our nation may become a nation which respects the Rights and
Freedoms of its citizens.
Jan.22nd. 2009; This morning the temperature is
a balmy -5°C with a light dusting of snow. Lately, the reception on my rabbit
ears TV is that good that I can watch some of my favorite CBC TV programs like
CBC News, The National, The Fifth Estate, Marketplace, Doc Zone, and the Rick
Mercer Report. I see that Parliamentary budget officer, Kevin Page, has released
his budgetary projections report ahead of Tuesday’s budget based on the
forecasts of 11 economists. He said forecasters are predicting a decline in GDP
growth of 0.8 per cent for 2009-2010, meaning the deficit that year could reach
$13 billion. That figure does not include a fiscal stimulus package of $64
billion over the next two fiscal years, according to a senior government source.
The Conservatives plan will end up with budget deficit of $64 billion for 2009
to 2010. If the economic downturn is worse, Page said a low growth scenario,
which would include a contraction of the economy by 1.5 per cent in 2009 to
2010, could result in deficits of $105 billion over the next five years. Page
told CBC that "We’ve made huge progress on our fiscal situation over the past 11
years. We've had balanced budgets with surpluses. We've put $105 billion down in
debt, something we should be very proud of and it's actually positioned us
relatively well going into this cyclical downturn". A low economic growth
scenario could mean deficits of more than $100 billion over the next five years
and negate the gains made in fighting the overall debt, the parliamentary budget
officer said. Asked about Kevin Page budgetary projections, Finance Minister Jim
Flaherty did not dispute the numbers. "What we are going to do is what we've
been asked to do by Canadians from coast to coast. We are going to address
Canada's needs at a time of global recession. Canada needs some spending on the
stimulus side…and that will result in a substantial deficit". The minister added
that Tuesday's budget will show how the government intends to emerge from
deficits as the economy comes out of its deep slump, but did not answer how long
he believes that will take. Given that the whole purpose for any stimulus pakage
is to get people who had lost their jobs to get these people back working again
so that people will continue to spend money to revive the economy, any
inferstructure program should be focused on projects which are labour intensive
rather than those that rely mostly on using heavy equiptment which take up 80%
of the workload. Projects like the building of Hydro Dams, a coast to coast
hydro grid line, waterfront refurbershing projects, a coast to coast high speed
rail line, construction of nursing homes for the elederly. Give the middle
working class and small business substancial tax breaks in order to get the
economy out of its deep slump. But what do I know? The big boys on parliament
hill with their big pay will come up with something far better than I can ever
A Canadian Medical Association Journal charged that Harper's government
policy errors had helped bring about the recent listeriosis outbreak. Government
monitoring food inspection system has some of the lowest listeria inspection
standards among developed countries, it said. It demanded a full public inquiry
into Canada's food inspection system. That is not good news given that the
general public rely on Canada's food inspection system to make sure we do not
get tainted food on our supermarkets and grocery shelves. This has got to be a
high priorty to any government to protect Canadians from tainted meats and other
foods. I see that China takes its food inspection system seriously that a
Chinese court on Thursday had sentenced two men to execution and gave a former
top executive a life sentence for their roles in the country's deadly tainted
milk scandal which killed at least six children, and nearly 300,000 people
became ill from consuming the contaminated infant formula and milk products.
Maby we can learn something from China. I had experienced tainted meats and it
is something no one wants to go through.
A fire engulfed a Muskoka Heights Retirement Home in Orillia, Ont., which
killed two elderly residents. The fire at 327 Old Muskoka Rd., started around 6
a.m. Monday morning. Fire, police and ambulance crews rushed to the scene and
managed to account for 21 of the 23 residents who were in the retirement home at
the time. The two elderly men who died were Robert McLean, 90 and Hugh Fleming,
85. Eleven other people were taken to hospital. Five seniors remain in critical
condition. The fire has also raised the issue of sprinkler systems inside care
facilities in Ontario. Under current legislation, only newly built facilities
are required to install sprinklers. The Muskoka Heights Retirement Home was more
than 50 years old and did not have a sprinkler system. John Galt, of the Fire
Sprinkler Alliance, said the injuries and deaths in Orillia are "another
needless tragedy that didn't need to happen. After the tragic fire at the
Meadowcroft seniors home in Mississauga, Ont., in 1995 that killed eight people,
in the wake of that fire, a coroner's inquest recommended all new nursing homes
should install sprinklers. It also said that all existing nursing homes should
be retrofitted with sprinkler systems. Fourteen years later, the province hasn't
acted on the second recommendation. These are lives that could have been saved
with modern sprinkler technology. Linda Jeffrey, MPP for Brampton-Springdale,
has tried on several occasions to get a private member's bill through the
Ontario legislature that would make sprinklers mandatory in all health care
residences. But Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and his office had been stalling
on this for years and claims they are still "studying" the matter about making
it mandatory to have sprinkler systems installed in ALL health care facillities
where there are more than eight residents living there. I notice that Premier
Dalton McGuinty is pretty quick on his feet when it comes to placing bans on
people who smoke, but sure drags his heels when it comes to save the lives of
helpless elderly people. His sense of priority really amazes me.
A search is under way for several suspects after a man was shot inside the
Osgoode subway station in Toronto this morning. Police were called to the
station, at University Ave. and Queen St. W., just before 11 a.m. for reports of
gunshots. They arrived to find a 19-year-old man on the central platform with
gunshot wounds to his stomach. The victim was taken to St. Michael’s Hospital.
His condition was not immediately released. Subway service between St. George
and Union stations is shut down as police continue their investigation. Members
of the Toronto Police Emergency Task Force were called in to search the subway
tunnel for more suspects. Supt. Hugh Ferguson stated that a group of young males
got off the subway and appear to have gotten into an argument. Police are
reviewing TTC security cameras. Subway service has been replaced with shuttle
buses on the University line between St. George and Union stations, said TTC
spokesperson Danny Nicholson.
June 15, 2008 Toronto police were called to four shootings and four stabbing
June 30, 2008 Toronto police were called to an appartment where a 28-year-old
man was shot to death.
July 15, 2008 Toronto police were called to an apartment building where a
53-year-old man is found suffering from signs of trauma. A 23-year-old is
charged with murder. Police say both men had been involved in an altercation the
previous night.
July 23, 2008 Toronto police were called to a wooded area where a female
victim was found dead due to strangulation. A 22year old man is charged with
first degree murder.
August 9, 2008 Toronto police were called to a shooting where a 16 years old
boy was shot to death.
August 16, 2008 Toronto police were called to a stabbed in a park. The
Twenty-two-year-old dies hours later in hospital.
August 22, 2008 Toronto police were called to a sports field. A teenage boy
was shot to death. A youth is arrested several days later after cops get special
permission to release his name and photograph.
Sept. 17, 2008 Toronto police were called to a shooting of a 23-year-old man.
He later dies in hospital. A 17-year-old is arrested three days later.
Oct. 11, 2008 Toronto police were called to a house party where shots were
fired. Three victims are found with wounds and one, 29-year-old was found dead.
Oct. 12, 2008 Toronto police were called to a house party where a 19-year-old
was found dead. The second man is sent to hospital in critical condition.
Oct. 12, 2008 Toronto police were called to a Bar 23-year-old was shot dead.
Oct. 14, 2008 Toronto police were called to a stabbing of a 14-year-old
school boy died from his wounds.
Nov.27, 2008 Toronto Police were called to an apartment to a fatal shooting
in Toronto's east end. A young man aged 18-20 was taken to hospital in critical
condition. The injury proved to be fatal. The young man died in hospital.
I can go on with a long list of killings for the years of 2008, 2007, 2006,
but by now you get the idea of the amount of killings that is going on in
Toronto. All of the shootings on this list were carried out with hand guns. Hand
guns that are already banned from hunting and sporting goods stores. Despite all
the gun regulations and restrictions Premier Dalton McGuinty has put on law
abiding citizens who use their rifles only for hunting purposes, it has not
lowered any of the killings in Toronto, or in any major cities across Canada. It
should be obvious by now that just by putting bans, regulations and restrictions
on guns that has been imposed upon us law abiding citizens, has not worked. Most
of the hand guns that are used in crimes in this country come from the U.S.A, or
from other countries, it begs the question of how effective are all the gun
licenses, regulations, restrictions and bans on guns are. The vast mjaority of
law abiding gun owners will never use a gun in a criminal act. And they will
continue as such, no matter what the legal framework is. Oh please do not give
me the crap about how England, the champions of gun control laws is doing with
its bans on guns. Despite all the bans and controls they have in place, guns
continue to proliferate and the law has not kept firearms out of the hands of
most criminals. The number of crimes in which hand guns was used in England and
Wales has risen from 299 in 1995 to over 21,527 in 2006 and 18,489 in 2007.
Offenses committed with all types of weapons, knives mostly, have also
increased. It is time that Premier Dalton McGuinty look elsewhere to solve the
crime problem in Toronto and other major cities across this province! Otherwise,
people are going to start packing guns, legal or illegle, just for protection.
Why should only criminals have access to hand guns? They sure don’t care about
any bans, license, regulations or any type of restrictions on guns.
Jan.23rd. 2009; This morning the temperature is
-15°C with light snow falling. We can expect -30°C temperatures over the
weekend. I read a recent news headline that has been appearing on all major News
sources, that Antarctica is warming after all, according to what this new study
says. This News story is coming from science writer, Seth Borenstein, that
Antarctica, the only place that had oddly seemed immune from climate change, is
warming after all, according to a new study by scientists at the University of
Washington and other institutions. Then the article goes on about how the
"study" has come to that conclusion. For years people around the world have been
hearing all the hype about global warming and that Antarctica is melting because
of what the UN "Global Warming" crowd have been telling people, based upon their
so-called scientific "research". While these morons were getting the average
person all worked-up about Global Warming, Canadians have been following a trio
of Canadian adventurers, Ray Zahab, 39, of Chelsea, Que., Kevin Valley, 44, of
North Vancouver, B.C., and Richard Weber, 49, of Alcove, Que., who spent more
than a month trudging through dizzying whiteouts and knee-deep snow to break the
world record for the fastest unsupported journey across Antarctica to the South
Pole. During the first leg of their trip, they had to fight their way through
frozen snowdrifts that resembled ocean waves. The landscape then gave way to
knee-deep snow for the second half of the journey. Throughout it all, the
toughest element for the team was fending off the feelings of vertigo brought on
by whiteout conditions. To protect themselves from the biting winds, frigid
temperatures and harsh sunshine, the men had to cover every bit of exposed skin.
Still, even with their faces completely concealed, both Weber and Zahab suffered
sunburns from the light reflecting off the snow. In case some people are not
aware of it, this journey across Antarctica to the South Pole had taken place
during Antarctica's summer months. Given the experience the Canadian team had
during their journey to the South Pole at a time when it was Antarctica’s summer
season, do that sound like Antarctica is melting as Seth Borenstein, Al Gore and
the UN Global Warming "scientists" claim ? Hardly! Most authentic researchers
are very sceptical about the magnitude of "global warming" that is making all
the News headlines, because those claims do not match their measurements from
satellites and that there appears to be no warming in Antarctica since 1980. So
much for Al Gore and the UN Global Warming scenario and hype about Global
Warming. Let's call a spade a spade and expose these Global Warming morons for
what they really are, a bunch of scare mongering frauds! This ought to once and
for all, close the book on the entire rapid Global Warming debate.
I cannot help reflect upon how seemingly intelligent people can be so easily
duped and be taken in by people who are perceived to be in some form of
authority, be it in politics, business, various sciences, and religions. Yes,
particularly when it comes to religion. I really do not know how on the one
hand, a person can have the intelligence in some field of endeavor, and at the
same time be so stupid to believe in something in which indisputable facts will
not support it. But I see this irrational phenomena happening all through
ancient history to our present day. One of the reasons this may be the case, in
my modest opinion, is because those who are inclined to be duped, have failed to
exercise their mind to be scrupulous, whenever so-called known "facts" or
"truths" are examined, and continue to believe in them, when indisputable facts
and authentic truths will not support it. But then it could be a combination of
factors that causes the majority of people to be so easily duped, and continue to
believe in a lie or misleading data, despite what indisputable truths or facts is
presented. Even psychologists are not immune to this type of irrational phenomena
when dealing with their own religious belief. I guess that is something for psychologists
to figure out. Because this type of irrational phenomena to some degree, is even
over my head. To sum it all up, I can only surmise that human beings are indeed a
complex creature.
Jan.25th. 2009; This morning it is a nice sunny day with temperatures hovering around the -26°C mark with no wind. Lately, there is much debate about the upcoming budget and what it should contain. People have heard views ranging from holding the "Fort" as it is, to spending a lot of money and end up with a deficit of $64 billion for 2009 to 2010. We have heard that the Bank of Canada is predicting that the current recession, though harsh in nature, will be relatively short in duration. That because central banks had started cutting their monetary policy rates and the government stimulus packages it created in the previous budget to tackle the recessionary problems Canada is facing, these "extraordinary" measures have started to gain traction. As a result, the Canadian economy is expected to recover in the second half of 2009 and to grow above potential in 2010. Despite this economic forecast from the Bank of Canada, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff is forcing
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to bring in a stimulate package that will no doubt add $64 billion to Canada's $583 billion debt, which is going to substantially raise the interest on that debt, or he would enter into a Liberal/NDP/Bloc Québécois coalition, if the budget isn't to his liking. I notice that when NDP Leader Jack Layton speaks about the coalition, he makes sure he do not mention the Bloc Québécois. Ever notice that Jack Layton always talks about a Liberal/NDP coalition during every interview? How sly that NDP Leader, Jack Layton is. Maybe the best way out of this complex situation is to create a lot of local make-work projects, where needed, which are labor intensive, such as repairs to existing infrastructures, or implementing those long standing municipal projects like bicycle/wheelchair pathways, parks and playground, ect., that can be implemented in very short order. Also give middle working class and small business substantial tax breaks for a short duration of time until Canada works itself out from the present economic slump. This might be accomplished with a $40 billion price tag for the 2009-2010 fiscal years, rather than the $64 billion price tag projected for those years. This is not the time to start spending tax-payers money like a drunken-sailor.
The quick action of Canada Food Inspection Agency has confirmed on Saturday that the H5 avian flu virus has been found in a commercial poultry operation in B.C.'s Fraser Valley. Several of the Abbotsford poultry farms were under a precautionary quarantine on Friday after a suspected outbreak of avian influenza was detected on a commercial turkey farm. About 17 million birds were slaughtered in the Fraser Valley in February 2004 following an outbreak of the H7N3 strain of the disease, but it is a different strain from the deadly H5N1 version linked to nearly 250 deaths and other illnesses in Southeast Asia, China, Russia and Europe. Also, The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is warning the public not to consume certain Black Diamond brand Fat-free Mozzarella processed cheese slices. The agency says the slices may contain small pieces of plastic mesh material and may pose a choking hazard. The affected product was sold in 500 gram, 24 slice, packages bearing a best before date of Aug 09 2009 REG1411 and the UPC code 0 68200 88837 8. The product was produced by Parmalat in Belleville, Ont., and distributed nationally.
There have been two consumer complaints associated with the product. Parmalat Canada is voluntarily recalling the slices from the marketplace.
It is a well known fact that people who are donating funds to various Charitable and religious institutions get tax-exemptions. Various volunteer groups are calling on the federal government to consider bringing in a tax break for volunteers. This would help students to elderly people who are volunteers, and would give some recognition that donating their time, is just as valuable as those people who are donating funds.
I happed to view a CTV documentary titled "Mystery of the Toxic Swans". In this documentary, it reveals that the residue from more than 100 years of hunting with lead ammo imbedded within the land and waters in Canada and the USA. Forensic investigators have confirmed that since the mid-1990s more than 2,100 swans have died from inadvertently swallowing lead pellets with their grit and food. The shotgun pellets cripple and eventually kill the swans by lead toxicosis, which one do not have to be a big brain or rocket scientist to figure that this condition would lead to a slow death for all birds, from muscle paralysis, causing organ failure and eventual starvation. Maybe it is high time that hunters start using other type of material for bullets and shotgun pellets, like copper, brass or steel, that are not toxic to wildlife in order to solve this devastating problem as a safety precaution for birds and wildlife. We can melt our pennies for our ammo. Most people who really care about wildlife, will no longer use lead sinkers when going fishing, so why not do the same when hunting or target skeet shooting. At least it will be a start in solving the problem of needlessly and senselessly killing birds and other wildlife indiscriminately with lead.
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