My personal view's on GOD and religions.

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EWTN John Martignoni, a lying wonder

I believe that John Martignoni was once a Protestant Baptist Minister who had become a Catholic Priest. Having been a lying protestant Baptist preacher, John Martignoni must feel quite at home at EWTN,Global Catholic Network where people there lie through their teeth on a daily bases. So this guy is now one of their Apologetics to explain and promote the Roman Catholic Church with all the lies he can muster. Here is some examples of what I mean. I have heard John Martignoni on EWTN Answer Live, make a lot of outrageous false statements concerning his fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ. He stated that his fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ is a real live person who actually lived in Israel. That there is actual historical proof and other facts to prove that, outside from the Gospels writings. John Martignoni also claims that the Roman Catholic church has Apostolic succession directly from Peter, the Simon (Cephas). The very same Peter who was the Head Apostle of the Congregation of Yeshua, the Anointed One. He had better recheck his data given that the religion of Christianity is nothing more than a pagan, apostate, gentile church with a phony god that had no real connection with Peter of the Congregation of Yeshua. These early pagan Christian church fathers had plagiarized the teachings of our Beloved Brother, Yeshua, the Anointed One, and his Apostles and re-worked these into their apostate, pagan religion of Christianity. Therefore; One of us is lying. We can not be both right. Therefore; In order to clear the air of who is right, I am willing to challenge this John Martignoni to an open public debate on an none-Christian broadcast which will be televised throughout North America . I had downloaded and listen to John Martignoni talk on Apostolic Authority and the Pope. He made many false statments I had noticed. We will discuss those topics he had touched on in his Apostolic Authority and the Pope mp3 file, like who in fact is the real GOD, we will examine the making of the Christian Bible, Apostolic succession to Peter, the origin of Christianity and the whole thing about Satan the devil which the church teaches is a real live being who can possess people. I hope this guy John Martignoni has the guts to take up the challenge, or will he be like the other Protestant yellow-bellied loudmouth preachers who had refused to take me on. This guy John Martignoni is used to debates since he had already had a very easy debate with some guy named Joe Mizzi. The Online Debate was about Faith and Works in Justification, John Martignoni v Joe Mizzi. In our Open Forum Public Debate, it will be on a person to person live telecast Open Forum type of open public debate where people can view or become part of the audience. If this John Martignoni feels he is not up to this challenge, maby he can get his head guru to get his butt over here to step in his place and take up the challange. I am talking about Pope Benedict / Joseph Ratzinger who claims to be the head represenitive of all the Christian churches. The same guy who was once the Popeís keeper of doctrine of Christianity. I have heard how Catholic priests have bragged about how Pope, Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger is a great theologian, who knows his stuff very well. Well, Benedict XVI has now the oppertunity to step in and accept this challange I had put out to defend the claims of Christianity and refute the statements I have made against the Christian religion and of the Roman Catholic church. It will give the oppertunity to salvage that fictitious image of their phony Je-Zeus Christ from recent "unpopular" depictions, in order to restore any sense of credibility they may still have. I state here that the Roman Catholic church do not represent the truth nor do they represent the true GOD of Heaven. All they represent is just some pagan, man-made imitation god/gods and a man-made apostate religion. Will the Catholic's champion, Pope Benedict / Joseph Ratzinger be willing to enter into this duel for the truth, and defend their false claims they had spun from the very conception of Christianity? We will examine the lies, the fake documents and forgeries and the atrocious history of Christianity along with those topics such as John Martignoni's Apostolic Authority and the Pope. Like who is the real true GOD, Apostolic Succession to Peter Simon (Cephas), ect, which the Roman Catholic church had always maintained for centuries. During this tornament for the Truth, we shall see who's head will be crushed in this debate. I await for an answer.


Well this John Martignoni has responded to my e-mail. Give the man a cigar or pin a medal on him! Here is what he stated in his e-mail; Dear Jean Pall, Well, it's obvious to see that you aren't out to win friends and influence people in the Dale Carnegie way, eh?! I think you should have added a bit more bluster if you really wanted to make your statement effective. Perhaps you should have added at least one nanny nanny boo boo. Your comments have taken me back to the days when I would respond to something like that with: "I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." When was that, 5th grade? 6th? Let me ask you a couple of questions: What is the English version of Cephas? Peter, right? Then, what is the English version of Yeshua? Or, is it not permitted to have an English version of Yeshua? Je-Zeus??? Oh, please. You state that we both cannot be right, yet you didn't do much in the way of letting me know what you believe and why, now did you? Not very effective if your intent was to evangelize me. Very effective, however, if your intent was to make me think that the Congregation of Yeshua is filled with folks who simply like to go around calling people names. If you would stop braying like a donkey and address me in civil terms, I might be willing to have a conversation with you. If not, then please don't bother writing me again.May God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - bless you! John Martignoni


No; I was not out to make friends with the likes of these people. Nor do I intend to chit-chat at length on the web with them. Nor do I have any respect, tolerance or compassion for the likes of these morons who willingly and deliberately deceive trusting people. I wonder if that moron noticed that? This moron should read his Christian bible more often. I recall that Yeshua had used far stronger words than I, to those clergy vipers who had verbally attacked him and his teaching's during his ministry. I am very aware that these lying wonders at EWTN have been at my web site reading the web pages for a long time now. They know full well what this challenge is all about. I have no intention to evangelize people that can not, or are too stupid to not distinquious between truth from fiction. They should stay in their perverted, apostate, pagan religion with their phony Baal god/gods. Notice how this moron has evaded the direct question to take up the challenge. This is the usual method these people use to avoid a direct challenge. It was a simple question, was it not? Will he accept or reject the challenge? A simple yes or no answer. I thought I had explained what this challenge was all about. Did I not write the e-mail in an easy to read method for him not to grasp its full meaning? He should go back to his 5th grade class and learn how to comprehend what he was reading. Here is the letter I had e-mailed to John Martignoni at his web site and from my hotmail to make sure that he got it.

P/S; I had just happen to listen to Steve Ray on EWTN. Here is what I think of that man. These people claim that the only way to Salvation is by the Roman Catholic church or by their fictitious god. Je-Zeus Christ. That Christian belief is just anothe lie among the many lies that they teach and preach. The road these Christians are traveling on is broad and wide. Those Christians need to be reminded what the real Yeshua, the Anointed One had once said; "Enter in by the narrow gate, for the wide gate is broad, and is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in by it. The narrow gate restricts the way that leads to life. Few are those who come to find it. Two billion Christians is not what I would call Few! I only say this to give people something to really think about.

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Camping also refuses to back up claims

Another Christian ministry I had asked to back up their unfounded claims was Harold Camping of Family Radio (Stations) Ltd. He had made a great many unfounded claims on his radio broadcasts over the past years. Claims like, the (Christian) Bible was written by GOD, that the King James bible is inerrant and infallible. That they are the people spoken of in the bible who will be part of the great multitude who will saved through their Christian ministry. Other claims are, those people who do not interpret the Christian bible passages as he interprets it, are not reading the entire bible. That people who receive visions, dreams ect, are not getting these from GOD, but from Satan, the devil. Camping also claims that people who do not agree with his teachings are not using the proper hermeneutics. He also made the unfounded assertions that the bible, King James Version, is derived from the original Greek or Hebrew text! Camping also gives the impression on his radio broadcasts that he has studied his Christian bible for the past fifty odd years, so he know what he is talking about, and knows how to interpret and understand the bible correctly. Camping also claims that the world is going to end in 2011 CE. These are just some of Camping's unfounded claims he makes on his radio broadcasts. Camping makes a couple of statements which is correct. That he and the rest of those pagan gentile Christians had switched their day of worship for their fictitious pagan sun-god, Je-Zeus Christ to Sunday, the standard worship day of the Baals, and the Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Sidon, and the gods of Moab, the heathen gods. He also made the statement that he has only a pea size brain which he can not understand how his fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ can also be the Father as he often claims. His Christian ministry is targeting not only Canadians, but to people around the world using the public airways with his radio sations. I am fully aware that Camping and/or his students have been reading from our web pages for many years in order for him to gain Insights and also try to debunk what is written on our web sites. Making such bold claims on the public airways without backing them up, is easy to make. On his Open Forum segment of his broadcasts, he really do not allow callers to fully explain their point of view. He cuts them off quickly and elaborates in a lengthy manner his own views and then cuts the caller off without giving the person a chance for rebuttal. Camping's "Open Forum" program is there for only one purpose, that is to allow Camping to get his long winded point of view across to the Open Forum listeners. He has total control on the situation as it is not a truly Open Forum standard situation, where callers can fully explore the comments Camping had made. It is for this reason I had put out this invitation to Camping, since that Rod Hembree and his Christian ministry had refused to take up the challenge for an Open Debate. I want to challenge Camping on the above claims he made as well as these very key issues, like who in fact is the real GOD, details about the Christian Bible and the origin of Christianity. But Camping, like all the other yellow-bellied loudmouths will not face the scrutiny of a real "Open Forum" debate. Here is the e-mail letter I had sent to Harold Camping, Letter to Harold Camping who is not only the manager, he is also the owner of Family Radio (Stations) Ltd. Frankly; I had not expected that Harold Camping of Family Radio would take me on in this open forum debate. He is a coward, like the yellow-bellied loudmouths which is common among these Protestant Christian ministries. They sure talk loud but when it comes to back-up their false claims, well, they stay silent and continue to speak boldly in the safty of their radio broadcasts, like the sly vipers that they are. I wonder what his students will think when they see their bible teacher is a coward to defend himself or the perverted, paganized, apostate Christian religion he believes in? Some fine example he is setting for his Christian students. All these Protestant and Catholic preachers who thought that they knew it all, had only shown the world that they had outsmarted themselves.

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A look at Vatican Finances

On EWTN Open Line Host: Colin Donovan, Date Produced: 8/17/2007 where a caller asked Colin Donovan about the finance of the Vatican. Colin Donovan stated that the Vatican manages to just break even with its income and expendetures. Here is a look at Vatican Finances. This unique, noncommercial economy is supported financially by an annual contribution from Roman Catholic dioceses throughout the world, as well as by special collections (known as Peter's Pence); the sale of postage stamps, coins, medals, and tourist mementos, fees for admission to museums and the sale of publications. Investments and real estate income also account for a sizable portion of its revenue. The incomes and living standards of lay workers are comparable to those of counterparts who work in the city of Rome. According to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports that in 1992 the Holy See's gross domestic product (GDP) was estimated at $92 million. The CIA defines GDP as the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year and computed on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP) rather than value as measured on the basis of the rate of exchange. Its entire economy is based on tourism and donations (known as Peter's Pence) from Catholics around the world. However, the Vatican remains extremely wealthy despite its complete lack of natural resources because of the priceless artwork it possesses. According to VATICAN CITY (AP) Vatican, Jul. 3, 2007 -- The Vatican reported a budget surplus of €2.4 million (US $3.3 million) for 2006. It is down more than 7 million euro from previous years due to thelarge payout of recent US sex-abuse scandals. The United States has steadily remained the No. 1 source of contributions -- even at the height of the clergy sex-abuse scandal. The Roman Catholic clergy rapes Catholic children and then Catholics gladly pays through their donations for the court fees and fines of these sex offences. Germany and Italy were next in line. The report, which was presented to Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday, listed revenues of euro227.8 million ($310 million) against expenses of euro225.4 million ($306 million) in 2006. Pope John Paul II had ordered an annual financial disclosure in 1981 as part of his efforts to show that the Vatican is not wealthy. Sebastiani said investments are heavily in low-yield but less risky government bonds, many of them dollar-denominated because of contributions in the U.S. currency. Meanwhile, the Vatican bank agreed to pay $250 million to Banco Ambrosiano's creditors. (The Vatican Bank is a common name given to the Istituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR) or Institute for Religious Works, the central bank for the Roman Catholic Church located in Vatican City. It is run by a professional bank CEO who reports directly to a committee of cardinals, and ultimately to the Pope (or the Cardinal Camerlengo during an interregnum), and is the only papal financial institution not overseen by the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.The Bank Identifier Code of the Vatican Bank is IOPRVAVX). The Vatican Bank was involved in a major political and financial scandal in the 1980s, concerning the 1982 $3.5 billion collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, of which it was a major share-holder. The head of the Vatican Bank from 1971 to 1989, Paul Marcinkus, was indicted in 1982 in Italy as an accessory of the bankruptcy. Some Vatican gold is alleged to have a connection to Nazi loot obtained by the Vatican Bank after the Second World War and is the subject of an ongoing lawsuit in Federal Court. The plaintiffs in that case are asking the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order to account for loot laundered after World War II by Nazi war criminals. Alperin v. Vatican Bank was originally filed in Federal Court in San Francisco on November 1999. Go to Vatican Bank Claims for full details on that lawsuite. The Vatican, has also mishandled the overall selling of Catholic churches and is violating church and civil law by taking as much as several hundred million dollars in cash donated and real estate funded by faithful Catholics over many generations. I would not be surprise at all to find out that the Vatican has two sets of financial books, one for themselves and one for the public. It is well known fact that the Vatican clerical bureaucracy which controls and leads the Roman Catholic church, is a very secretive organization. There is little disputing the fact that within its great secrecy, that organization is corrupt. Vatican City as an independent sovereignty can cover up many of its dark secrets from the rest of the world. The Vatican is a multinational conglomerate with a collateral wealth of over two trillion dollars.

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Will Ravi Zacharias be the Champion

for Christianity?

I came across another one of those Protestant preacher while I was scanning my s/w radio. I had never heard of this guy before, so I stoped and listen to his very elequent sermon. He was claiming how his religion of Christianity and his pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ was credible. I dispute Mr. Zacharias claims. Ravi Zacharias has a Protestant radio outreach of RZIM Christian ministry that mixes biblical teaching and Christian apologetics. According to Ravi Zacharias International Ministries web site, he seeks to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of culture with the gospel of his Christian, pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ which is based upon the perverted, apostate, pagan Christian bible which he claims to be credible. He also say's; "RZIM stands in the gap between the church and the world to reach the minds of men and women with the credibility of the gospel of Jesus Christ; to equip this generation of Christians with a culturally relevant apologetic, enabling them to contend for their faith; to enter arenas of resistance and reclaim ground lost to skepticism and secularism; to impact leaders in their sphere of influence on matters of character and discipline so that both heart and mind are in tune with the heart and mind of God. To this end Ravi has been called and the ministry established. He also claims to be a prophet of his phony god, Je-Zeus Christ." This Ravi Zacharias makes these bold claims. So who is this person, Ravi Zacharias? According to his web site, it say's ; "For thirty-four years Ravi Zacharias has spoken all over the world and in numerous universities, notably Harvard, Princeton, and Oxford University. Mr. Zacharias was born in India in 1946 and immigrated to Canada with his family twenty years later. While pursuing a career in business management, his interest in theology grew; subsequently, he pursued this study during his undergraduate education. He received his Masters of Divinity from Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. Well-versed in the disciplines of comparative religions, cults, and philosophy, he held the chair of Evangelism and Contemporary Thought at Alliance Theological Seminary for three and a half years. Mr. Zacharias has been honored by the conferring of a Doctor of Divinity degree both from Houghton College, NY, and from Tyndale College and Seminary, Toronto, and a Doctor of Laws degree from Asbury College in Kentucky. He is presently a Visiting Professor at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University in Oxford, England. According to these stats, Mr. Zacharias should be well qualfide to defend his perverted, apostate Christianity and his phony god, Je-Zeus Christ. Given my claims against that perverted, apostate Christian religion, and the challenge I had put out to debate the credidility of Christianity. I wonder if Mr. Zacharias, who is a Canadian, will stand up and become the champion to defend the religion of Christianity? Being that Rod Hembree from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. and every other Christian ministers whom I had challenged would not come forward to defend their perverted, aposted Christian religion. Will this guy, Ravi Zacharias turn out to be another one of those yellow-bellied loudmouth like his fellow preachers? Will see. Check back later to this web page for the answer.

This Christian, Ravi Zacharias, seem to suggest in his Introduction to RZIM on his web site that there are no post Christian alternatives. That there are no optimistic, constructive, alternative to the Christian faith to fill the vacuum. Really? How about letting TRUTH fill that vacuum Mr. Zacharias! How about letting people know the true GOD of Heaven, instead of that fictitious, man-made Christian god/gods! But then, he would not know what is the truth, being that he has already filled his head with that apostate, perverted, pagan Christian religion with its pagan customs, myths and demigods. Mr. Zacharias goes on to say in; "A Slice of Infinity", that he is "aiming to reach into the culture with words of challenge, words of truth, and words of hope. We have a genuine burden to offer a powerful option of hope and meaning. We want to share the beauty and truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." Oh Really? Now I take my soft velvet gloves off! What words of truth do this moron propose to bring? All Christians have to offer people is an apostate, pagan, perverted religion, called Christianity which is full of lies. What hope does this twerp want to bring to people? All he has is a false hope with a phony god that can not save people from their damnation. That fictitious, pagan Christian man-god, that demigod, Je-Zeus Christ, was derived from the discarded ash heap of ancient, pagan, mythological gods. All this moron had done was traded his Hindu demigods for those of Christianity. This Zacharias wants to challenge people? Boy; Will I give that moron a challenge! Why am I being so hard on these Christians? I have not forgotten that these Christian vipers had started this "Spiritual" War with me.

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"Father" John Corapi's Big Mouth

Put your big mouth on the line

I heard that moron, Mr. "Father" John Corapi, on EWTN talk about Satan, the devil, which he claimed to have actually seen this fictitious mythological being, on that program which aired all across the USA and Canada. I figured that mybe this chunp would like to back up his bold claim with facts. Therefore; I had sent this person an e-mail which reads like this...

After hearing you, Mr. "Father" John Corapi, on EWTN talk about Satan, the devil, where you claim is a real live being. You went so far as to claim you had actually seen him. (I wonder if you had been under the influence of some hash?) Well, I am calling you a blatant liar. The Satan, devil, you preach about came from pagan myths in case you are not aware of it. I suggest that you have seen too many horror movies as a kid. Alright big mouth, care to defend yourself in an open debate with me to clear the air of who is speaking the truth? Put your big mouth on the line and defend your pathetic apostate religious beliefs. While we are at it in this open debate. we will also discuss topics like who in fact is the real GOD, we will examine the making of the Christian Bible and the origin of Christianity. This can be televised by an independent secular television station and televised throughout North America where you are well known in the USA. Let me know if you have the guts to take up my challenge, or are you going to be a yellow-bellied loudmouth that I think you are. I await your reply Mr. "Father" John Corapi. Jean Pall/ People of the Holy Testament

I really do not expect to hear from Mr. "Father" John Corapi, because on his web site, there is a note which reads... "Please Note: Father John Corapi receives thousands of notes, messages, letters, and emails every month and cannot answer each message he receives. We regret that he cannot answer individual and unsolicited communication sent to him". What a copout that is.

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Christian clergy refuses to back up their religious claims

During this Spiritual war which had been foisted upon me, I had decided to confront these Christian accusers head on, rather than let it drag on. So far, I had not received word from any of those whom had accused me, who would take up the challenged to back up their pathetic apostate Christian religious beliefs. None will defend their accusations or Christian religion. What does that say to those Christian people who place their trust and faith, based upon the teachings and preaching of their clergy, be they priests or pastors? Be they from Catholic or Protestant Christian churches or ministries. As I have already stated, the religion of Christianity is nothing more than an apostate, paganized religion with its phony god/gods. That the Christian bible is a work which had been greatly tampered with and its text had been altered to reflect the religious beliefs of the early pagan Christian church fathers. That the Christian bible is nothing more than a pagan, apostate, gentile work which teaches about a phony god which had no real direct connection with the Apostle Peter, or with the Congregation of Yeshua, the Anointed one. The early pagan Christian church fathers had plagiarized the teachings of our Beloved Brother Yeshua, the Anointed one, and of his Apostles, and re-worked the original works into their apostate, pagan Christian New Testament writings which is the foundation of that perverted, apostate Baal worshiping Christian religion. Their silence speaks louder than any words these Christian clergy may now speak. I laugh at these morons who claim that their god said this or that to them, or that the Holy Spirit has anything to do with them, when the god or gods these Baal worshipers are preaching about, is nothing more than some imaginary phantom which was dreamt up by those early pagan Christian church fathers way back during the late first century CE. Christians believe in a god or gods that can neither hear them nor help them in any way because they are only make-believe which was drawn up from the depts of their own imagination. That would be like asking Bugs Bunny or Donald Duck to help them in their need or distress, for all the good it would actually do them. These Christians really need a reality check. They are living in a make believe world. These people really need to have psychiatric therapy. For they can no longer distinguish between fantasy from reality. Such is the state of affairs with these Christians who believe there is a demon hidden under every bush ready to pounce on them. Who worship, sing and pray to a make-believe god or gods. As I have already stated some time ago, the religion of Christianity is one of the greatest frauds which had been perpetuated upon humanity.

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Canonization for Archbishop Fulton Sheen and Pope John Paul II.

I notice that a process for Canonization is being held for Archbishop John Fulton Sheen and Pope John Paul II. Archbishop Sheen had died on December 9, 1979 and Pope John Paul II whom Catholics deem him as "John Paul the Great" had actually died on April Fools Day / 2005 CE, are both being cannonized as Catholic Saints. Catholics can claim anything they want but that do not necessarily reflect reality. For these so called Catholic "Saints" have already had their case heard in the Hall of Balance, in the Father's Heavenly Court, and have both been condemed to everlasting death. Such is the fate of these people, despite all of their good intentions. Such is the fate to those who would dare deliberately hide the truth and deceive people with their apostate paganized heretical Christian religion with its false pagan man-made god/gods.

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