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My personal view's on GOD and religions.
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This brings to mind another issue that may be coming up which is being brought on by some Muslims in Montreal, Canada. It is dealing with the Hate Crime Law. Canadain Muslims want to bring a charge of racialism under the hate crime law against two Canadian publications, the Standard and the Calgary Jewish Free Press , both are in Alberta, for re-printing the caricature cartoons of Mohammed. How these Muslims consider these people to be raciest and should come under the hate crime law, I find to be totally ludicrous. How can these people make such a false claim when the religion of Islam had long ago spilled over into all nationalities? What a stupid statement that was, coming from that group of Muslims from Montreal. True, the religion of Islam had originated from people we call Arabs, but now there are Muslims from every nationality which these Muslims can not deny. So what is this stupid talk about bringing a charge of racialism under the hate law against the two Canadian publications? In the first place, all the cartoonist had done was to depict Mohammed according to what he represents in their eyes, nothing more. There was nothing at all raciest about any of the cartoons. It is just too bad if those silly cartoons happen to offend the sensitivity of Muslims. Personally; I find this whole Mohammud issue ridiculous, given that Mohammed was not even a true prophet of GOD. For he had quickly fell from the Grace of GOD throught his actions. He had allowed his Pride and Anger get the better of him. One can say that Mohammed turned out to be a very clever man of sorts, a very cunning man, but a prophet of GOD? No. This whole cartoon rage that has gone on by Muslims will only open up a debate on the religion of Islam itself. I personally think that Muslims are more afraid that such a debate will open up a can of worms that will expose the religion of Islam for what it really is. Therefore; Muslims will try to suppress any action that may undermine the religion of Islam under the Canadian Hate Crime law. Frankly, I think that all those old established religions which people are lead to believe in, need to be re-examined and scrutinize in order to re-evaluate the truthfulness of their claims by a board of secular academics of religious studies who's only interest is to get at the truth. Those religions that are found to contradict itself, lie about its past history and fail the test of scrutiny should be relegated to the ash heap of mythological beliefs where all such past religions reside. This will separate those religions that can be consider to be legitimate from those that are phony. GOD only knows how much bull manure had been allowed to accumulate under the name of religion.
Speaking about murdering the truth, I can recall a radio program called
Catholic Answers Live, on EWTN where a person by the name of Mark was answering
questions from their Catholic callers. One topic that was discussed on this
particular radio program was about conscience in relation to slavery and natural
law and natural truths. This Mark person gave the caller the impression that the
"Church" was in accord with natural law and natural truths and was part of their
teachings. It seems that what they teach do not necessarily translate into
action of natural law and natural truths. For I can well recall during reading
books on the history of the slave trade, that the "Church" during the begining
of the slave trade was in acquiescence with the idea of slavery in which they
had participated with it in full accord. They had even established special
chapels in various places where the slaves were gathered during the slave trade.
The Catholic priests in these chapels would baptize the slaves as Catholics,
before the slaves were to embark on the slave ships where a great many of these
slaves would die during the long journey to the Caribbean and North America.
Where was the "Church" conscience and natural law and natural truths while all
this was going on? It was only when the agnostics and those who were Unitarians
who had spoken out against slavery and the slave trade, based upon natural law
and natural truths that the general public, mostly in England, Canada and in the
Northern part of the USA, began to feel uneasy about the whole business of the
slave trade and slavery. It was only much later in time during the hight of the
struggle against slavery, that the "Roman Catholic Church" began to have its
conscience seared that they finally began to speak out against slavery. This
Mark fellow on Catholic Answers Lives spoke as if the "Church" was from the very
beginning of the slave trade, in the forefront in fighting against the slave
trade and slavery, when that was not the case. This is only one such topic that
comes to mind which is an example of what they say on their radio program. I
realize that it is their radio program and they can say whatever they like on
it, but it would be nice if they could speak the truth, especially when they are
suppose to represent a religion where one expects the truth would be told. On another
program called Truth, Catholic Answers Live, where a Catholic minister called Tim
Staples, who was an ex-protestant minister, had answered a callers question about
their phony god having been raised up from the tomb in two days, on Easter Sunday,
instead of having remained in the grave for three days and three nights as stated in
that passage about Joana having been in the belly of a big fish for three days and
three nights as stated in the Christian Bible. This guy Tim Staples thought he was
being very clever when he stated that the passage about their phony god having been
raised up from the tomb after only two days, instead of the required three days and
three nights as stated in the New Testament, did not really mean it to be literally
three days and three nights. After all, Tim Staples said "Our Catholic tradition says
that je-Zeus Christ rose up from the brave on Easter Sunday." Oh, yes, according to Catholic tradition, their phony god rose from the grave on the pagan day of Ishtar or Ashtoreth. Originally, the Last Supper is generally thought of as a Passover Seder, based on the
chronology in the Synoptic Gospels. The Jewish feast was taken over by the pagan Christian
Easter celebration which was known as Ishtar or Ashtoreth since its conception as a holy celebration during the second century. Easter was originally a pagan festival which is simply another name for the Queen of Heaven, who was a Pagan goddess. Pagan people associated this festival with Ishtar, the god of fertility. In the Old Testament, this pagan goddess is
ascciated with Tammuz - see Ezek 8:14, and Adonis, Osiris, Perseus and Orpheus, who had been
dead in the underworld during the winter. Even the name Easter by which Christians celebrate
the festival is a corruption of the name of the ancient fertility goddess Ishtar (Esther) whose name also survives in the name of one of the books of the Old Testament, the only Bible book that
contains no reference to God - the Book of Esther. How often have I heard on that EWTN Catholic
program, where these people will lie when they talk about various topics. In fact; I would go
so far as to say that these people are serial killers of truth and perpetual hypocrites. I would also have to include the vast majority of protestant preachers who are broadcasting
on the airways and have thousands of Christian web sites on the Internet. It is
sad to have to say this about the Catholic church or many of those protestant
preachers in various denominations which represents the religion they call
Christianity. Unfortunately, a lot of good people get a bad rap because of what
their "church" had done or neglected to do and what is being done by their
fellow Christians. That is probably the reason why I take such a very dim view
and speak against those people who espouse and preach that perverted Christian
religion with its false god or gods.
I can recall during the height of a lengthy debate when I had first
established the People of the Holy Testament web site. I had people debate me
from various religious persuasions about GOD, the Bible, and of GOD speaking
directly to individuals. Most of the people who challenged me in this debate
were from within the religion of Christianity. I can recall that during these
lengthy debates, one topic in particular had revolved around the question of; Is
GOD still communicating with individuals? There were people from within these
various Christian religious denominations, who had believe that GOD still speaks
directly to individual people. There were also those who believe that GOD no
longer deals directly with humanity what so ever. That any communication from
the spirit world had to come from Satan, (the devil) himself. What these people
who believe that GOD do not deal directly with individuals, are saying that GOD
is no longer involved with humanity, and to find GOD and re-establish a
connection with Him, one needs to go to their Christian Bible, which by the way,
had its pages been greatly corrupted and contaminated by the works of many
hands, many hundreds, thousands of years ago. That what all these people can do
is to refer to their bible text to gain insights from the "Holy Spirit" who is
in their mind, another god in the Christian pantheon of gods, as to how GOD in
the Old Testament had dealt with humanity in past ages. I have also noticed that
those people who believe that GOD is still active with humanity, and can still
speak directly to individuals, these people are considered to be suffering from
schizophrenia by our modern thinking medical authorities. Like everything else,
for every one genuine claimant whom GOD is communicating with, you will also
find hundreds, yes, even thousands of people who will make that same claim and
will be proven to be utterly false. Such is the state of our human nature. What
I have personally noticed about this whole topical debate, the vast majority of
these false claimants come directly from the Christian sector. What I find
interesting about some of these claimants, is that they will claim that GOD
speaks to them through their religious text, by opening their bible randomly and
read the passage where their eyes fall upon a text. It is in this manner, these
people believe that GOD is speaking to them. Then there are other people who
claim that GOD speaks to them in an audible voice, which is easy to detect if
their claims to be true or false by speaking to these people, will eventually
expose the truth. Why are there so many people who claim to be hearing GOD? The
reason for this situation may be because there are many people in our world who
really do suffer from delusion which will lead a person to become schizophrenic.
They will imagine and believe that they are really hearing from their god. What
gives these people away is that they do not realize how easily one can detect
such condition and expose their fraudulent claims. Yes; The vast majority of
these people I have found to make such fraudulent claims come mainly from the
various Christian protestant denominations, along with a sprinkling of people
from the Roman Catholic church, thrown into the mix for good measure. All of
these people have different religious beliefs and contradict each other. All of
these people are claiming to be Christians, while they are all claiming that GOD
has spoken to them. There are also some people who believe that GOD is speaking
to them directly, when in reality, the voice they are hearing is only coming
from their inner voice which they have convinced themselves that it is their god
who is speaking to them. So what do all this say to me? It tells me that there
are a lot of sick people who are lying to themselves for whatever the reason
they may have. What is the reason they feel the need to lie about such matters,
I can only guess, for the reasons are many. One must remember that these people
who pray and call upon their god, even calling him, Father, or Father GOD, and
believe that their god is this creature Je-Zeus Christ are in reality, praying
to a false man-made god. Speaking of praying, I see very little evidence that
their prayers are being heard. I am not surprised, for what good is it when they
pray to a man-made god that cannot hear them. They might as well be talking to a
piece of wood for all the good their praying to their god will do. In fact, they
could expect the same results praying to a large bolder, or a tree or a statue.
Evidence of this is plainly seen when one looks at the mess their Christian
churches are in. Anyway; We will see how far their prayers to their false god
will get them when they come under the bondage of the New World Order system and
when the days of the Great Tribulations will come upon them! I know that GOD
would not communicate with such people who believe and pray to a false god, like
this fictitious, man-made creatuer Je-Zeus Christ, whom Christians boldly claim
as their god. Nor will GOD communicate with those people who believe in that
phony "three gods in one" theology and dogma, a pantheon of gods which is a
perverted heresy. I also know that these people had not really heard from GOD,
our Heavenly Father, when they continue to believe that the Noah's Ark and the
fallen Angels myth is totaly, absolutely true, or that the mythological figure
of Satan, that old devil, is a real live being, which they read in their bible.
These myths had found their way into the pages of the Old Testament, which had
originally been invented by people that were part of the various pagan
polytheistic or animistic religions. To these people, I can truly say without
any hesitation that they had not connected with the true GOD, for they would
have known where these myths had originally come from. You will find these
people to be very delusional in their thinking, or be schizophrenic about being
possessed by demons, or are just blatant liars. Take your pick. Most of these
people will also claim that their Christian bible is totally inerrant, and that
all of its text written in their bible is the infallible "Word of GOD". The
question remains, who's or what god are they speaking about? It is very clear
and well established that in the Christian bible, there contains many
contradictions within its various passages which becomes very obvious and clear
when studying the scriptures. It also contains a great many errors in
geographical locations and errors in historical facts, and a bit of fibbing
thrown into the lot. Not to mentioned that the Christian New Testament contains
a lot of text which had been reworked and had works of forged text inserted
within its many pages once the early Christian church fathers (2-4 CE) got
through with their alterations. These same people had even obliterated much
earlier works to protect their little secret of text tampering. Given all of
these known facts before me, I know that these people who claim that they had
heard directly from GOD is false because they would have sensed and been made
aware that something was dreadfully amiss, when reading the Christian bible.
During all of the years I have been around, I have yet to hear from anyone who
belonged to and believe in that corrupted Christian religion who I can clearly
say that they had indeed heard from GOD, our Heavenly Father. There are some
special knowledge that I am personally aware of, that is not commonly known by
the vast majority of people, or by those who are involved in any other
religions, that would be known to them, unless they had truly heard directly
from GOD. It is for this reason that if it were at all possible, which is highly
unlikely, even the Very Elect would be fooled by these imposters. We; Who are of
the Very Elect, are not fooled by them.
March 22nd. 2006: I had not asked for this confrontation, but now that I am
in the mist of it, I will not now back down, not after all what had been said by
these Christian preachers. These preachers had picked the wrong person to start
a Spiritual war with. I had never backed down from bullies when I encountered
them in school yards when I was a young boy, facing older youths hitting upon
young defenseless school mates, and I do not plan to do it now with these
blow-hard bullies who portray themselves to be preachers of their fictitious
god. These preachers have labeled me as the son of perdition as I went about
speaking the truth and accuse those who would deceive people. They may talk
about me being an accuser. Who are these Christians trying to fool? Talk about
calling the kettle being black! These people have as a combine force accused me
for the past ten years from today. Hypocrites! Given all that sweet talk I have
with these Christians, is it any wonder why I do not even try to help those
people, but leave them to their own perversion? I have also noticed that these
perverted Christians have also labeled me as the Anti-Christ. Was that not
originally written as Anti-Yeshua, the Anointed? Before these pagan, gentile
Christians re-wrote the original Apostles text with their filthy hands? Given
what I now know about their Christian religion, I take it as a compliment to be
called an Anti-Christ of the Christian pagan god. I am certin my Heavenly Father
blesses me for that. It was those early pagan gentiles who had taken or stolen
the gospels of our Beloved Brother Yeshua and changed his gospels and name into
their gentile, fictitious pagan god, in their Christian scriptures of the New
Testament which is a corruption from the truth, which is found in their
Christian "bible". Given all of these known facts, yes, one can say that I am an
Anti-Christ. I will also continue to be an Anti-Christ and defend the good name
of our Beloved Brother Yeshua, the Anointed, from those who would dare replace
him, with their perverted, pagan, gentile, Je-Zeus Christ, Baal religion they
call Christianity. We shall see who in fact turns out to be the son's of
perdition. I already know who that is and what their ultimate fate will be.
Until then, it is only those people who had not been snared by the trap which
Christianity had laid out for the unwary, or those who had the good sense to
escape and leave that perverted Christian religion for whatever the reasons,
whom I have chosen to help. For there is a good chance that these people who may
not know the true GOD, may take heed of what I have spoken and begin to be a
child of GOD and live by the words of the Holy Testament, which will help their
soul/spirit, escape that terrible fate of utter destruction. Those people who
choose to ignore my words, so be it. They will be left to their own devices and
fate. Those people who have not forsaken that perverted, gentile, pagan
Christian cesspool of a religion, will not find mercy from GOD, our Heavenly
Father. Nor will our Beloved Yeshua stand before the Great Judgment Throne of
GOD and appeal to Father on their behalf as their advocate, for their
soul/spirit will have been dammed, and be cast onto everlasting death.
Regardless what may now happen, I am determined to stay the course which my
Heavenly Father had set before me. To speak and reveal the truth about Yeshua,
our Beloved Brother, and to speak the truth about the one and only true living
GOD, our Heavenly Father, whom Yeshua and I dearly love. Whom all who are a true
child of GOD dearly love. The next time a Christian comes to you and ask, "Are
you saved?" You can joyfully answer by saying... "Well, yes. I am saved from
your Christian pagan god." These Christians have the false delusion that they
will be saved. What a sick joke that is. As I have said, it is only a matter of
time when that perverted gentile, pagan Christian religion will become a blight
upon the people of this world that they will curse its very existence. This is
the fate that shall befall these people who dare mock GOD.
Father had already made known through our Sacred Scripture, which gave the
warning about the need for people to come out from that perverted Christian
religion that is identified as the Great Whore or Harlot. The one who had sold
her very soul and spirit for the wealth and power of this world. That same
corrupt church from which Protestantism, her harlot daughters had originally
issued from. These Christians run away from the Light of Truth because they can
not bear it, and hide within the shadows of their harlot churches, to be
pacified and spoon fed with her lies, perversion and deception and be told
exactly what they must believe so that they may become her mindless, subjects
under her rule.
What is my personal opinion on these Christians? Not that much different than
what they were years ago. I think Christians to be totally unscrupulous and
filled with treachery. For these attributes keep cropping up during my study of
those who claim to be Christians. I truly believe that Christians would not
hesitate to butcher thousands of innocent people, be they old men, young girls,
babies, mothers, little boys and girls, all in the name of their pagan god,
Je-Zeus Christ. No; I am not basing this judgment only upon the massacres
Christians had committed during the Christian Crusades that went on from the
12th to the 16th Century CE. Nor upon those awful dark days of the inquisitions.
Nor upon the slaughter and suppression committed by Christians upon the
indigenous people of Central & South America. Nor even on the witch hunts by
the Christian pilgrims. Nor of the murder and unjust treatment of First nation
people in the USA and Canada. Nor of the rape and butchering of Negro people
during the whole slave trade episode, and the hostility shown by these "White"
Christians during their struggle for Justice and Equal Rights. Nor of the
relentless persecution of Christians to the Jewish people which had brought on
the slaughter of Jews during the Nazi regime. Nor the brutal treatment the
indigenous people of Africa had received from Christians who had taken over
their lands and made them the poorest class of people within their own country.
And let us not forget those Christian missionaries who had come to pacify the
natives with their perverted religion while their fellow Christians raped their
land of all its natural resources. No, not just these actions committed by
Christians that happened so long ago. But rather something a little more recent.
An event which I had observed only years ago watching it on my local TV news
media within our own present modern era. I am talking about the horrendous
massacre of Muslims, who were of Serbia and Croatian origin. Who were just young
and old men, young boys and girls and even little old ladies, babies, pregnant
mothers, girls and boy toddlers which were unmercifully slaughtered by these
fine "Christians" in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the country of Yugoslavia during
their horrendous Christian Crusade of ethnic cleansing. We already know that one
of the Christian gods had already demanded one human as a sacrificial sin
offering, so that this god may be appeased. Have this Baal god required of these
Christians more human sacrifices for its alter that we who are outside of this
pagan religion know nothing about? If this is the case, I must list Christianity
as a killer cult religion on my web site. Oh, yes; If that is not enough, let us
not forget to mention the great amount of sexual abuse of our young boys and
girls which were committed by these "holy" Christian clergy that went
unchallenged from Canadian "Law" for a great many years when the Christian
"church" had much influence and power within our soceity and had kept quiet
about it, while our children were abused all the more within our own country of
Canada. What Christians have done in the name of their perverted pagan god,
Je-Zeus Christ, really overshadows anything good that they may have done. And
Christians now have the gull to claim that they are saved and are a child of
GOD? Hogwash! Tell me another lie, will you Christians! This is what I base my
own personal opinion on what a Christian is all about. Not by their hollow pious
accolades spoken during their preaching in their house of perversion.
So when GOD declared to come out from her, He had meant it for only those
people who are searching for the truth, who want to come to know the real living
GOD. We are to warn people to stay away from that Great Whore and her many
harlot daughters who represent that Baal worship Christian religion with its
false god/gods and perverted theology which had corrupted even their Christian
bible text from which their people rely upon as their guide. Given that these
Protestant preachers and priests, along with those people who blindly follow in
their footsteps are out of the loop of GOD's Grace, they may as well return to
their "mother church", than to pretend to be something that they are not, a
people of the true, living GOD. Frankly; Now that I reflect upon how much
killing and abuse had occured because of this Christian religion which had
inflicted upon our human societies, why as a people, should we put up with this
Christian religion any longer? I would think they have already lost any sense of
Moral or Spiritual creditability. Christianity claims to represent moral or
spiritual virtues and ideals, yet as we have read here, their hands are drenched
with the blood of thousands of people. Maby it is time that humanity dump this
perverted Christian religion in the garbage heap where it belongs, along with
that phony Islam religion which we need not tolerate any longer.
During the Easter season, I could not help think about all those
Christians who believe that they are actually drinking the blood and eating the
flesh of their pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ. I am not making this up. These people,
especially their priests actually believe that they are transforming some wine
and some flour dough pressed into a sun disk and through some hocus-pocus ritual
manipulation they transform these items into the human blood and the human flesh
of their pagan god, Je-Zeus Christ. Many Christians, mostly Catholics, get
really upset at me for trying to debunk that whole idea. Yes; I can remember
they were highly offended when I had suggested they should not be taking those
verses in their bible literally, where it speaks about drinking the blood and eating the
flesh of their god. So if these people insist that they actually
believe they are drinking the blood and eating the flesh of their god, who am I
to argue with them. That is what they want to believe, no matter how ridiculous
or disgusting I may think this is. These people within that perverted Christian
religion really believe that they are going up to their alter of sacrifice and
actually drink the blood and eat the flesh of their pagan god. I had gone to one
of their churches to see for myself this blood lust diabolical pagan ritual. I
had to do this in order see for myself if indeed these priests could really
change ordinary wine into human blood and that round white sun disk they held up
in their hands would tramsform into human flesh. To my relief, neither had the
wine changed into human blood, nor had that little round white sun disk had
turned into a piece of human flesh. That priest could have had an off day where
his incantations had failed to produce the expected results. I suppose on that
day these people who were at that church had to just pretend that they had
received the blood and the flesh of their pagan god. Once back outside into the
open air, I thought about what I had wittnessed. All I could think about how
simmular this ritual was with many other pagan rituals which eat the flesh and
drink the blood of their gods. I would think that those Vampire clubs or sects,
and those cannibals in Papa, New Guinea would feel right at home being a
Christian. It would fit right in with their belief system of drinking human
blood or eating human flesh. I had thought that the idea of cannibalism had been
discouraged and had long ago died out, but that is not the case. For these
Christians keep this disgusting idea alive in their perverted religion. As
disgusting this practice appears to me, that kind of a perverted mindset may
very well leave a person on the thin edge of crossing-over that fine line
between sanity and insanity and become semi-human beings who will crave for
human blood and human flesh and become full fledge cannibals if the circumstance
should ever present itself. Just thinking about this morbid and diabolical pagan
ritual sends shivers right up my spine. What sane person would adhear to such a
horrid, diabolical pagan ritual and religion?
Aplil 14th.2006: Now that the holiday of Easter has
passed and it is still very fresh in people's mind, I will reveal how perverse
the religion of Christianity had become. The early gentile, pagan Christians had
adopted the original pagan festival of Esther. Now let take a close look at the
four accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection of their fictitious Je-Zeus
Christ that is found in their Christian bible. Of all the contradictions and
inconsistencies that are in the Christian bible, few make more of a mess of an
event than the four accounts in the gospels of the crucifixion and resurrection
of their Je-Zeus Christ. We have a single narrative, told by four different
authors, that is so contradictory, compared to text found in other pagan
religions. How interesting it is to see how these Christian preachers struggle
try to untangle this fouled up mess. For the sake of brevity, we'll just pick up
the story after they had put their Je-Zeus Christ in the tomb. In (Matt. 28:1)
we read that "In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn, towards the first
day of the week. (The end of this text would conform to the pagan, gentile
Easter Sunday dogma.) I have a strong and high suspicion that the words,
"towards the first day of the week." was added to the text by the person whom
the Roman Catholic church calls St. Jerome who had a great deal in altering the
text in the New Testament to conform with that Roman church perverted teachings.
He is also the person who had changed the six day Sabbath to the seventh day, as
we can see in these text's here where their man-made god had risen on Sunday,
the first day of the week. This text would now conform and indicate to the
believers of that perverted, paganized Christian religion with their fictitious
Je-Zeus Christ had risen on Sunday. I will get into this later, but for now,
let's see what other inconsistencies we can find in the gospel writings. To
continue, we read, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.
But in John 20:1 it reads, The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early
while it was still dark, unto the sepulcher. Here, in this version, Mary
Magdalene was alone. In Luke 24:1 it reads, Now upon the first day of the week,
very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher. Notice the word used as
"they" meaning more than one person. Luke and Matthew are consistent, but John
had only one women going to the tomb. Now in (Matt. 28:2) it reads, There was an
earthquake, and an angel came down and rolled the stone away from the entrance
of the tomb and sat on it, even though it had apparently already been rolled
away when Mary Magdalene had got there in John 20:1, and also in Matt 24:2. We
read on in Mark 16:1 The reason for the visit was to anoint the body with
spices. But in Luke 24:2 the women came just to look at the tomb. Yet in Matt.
28:1, we read that When Mary Magdalene and the other Mary had arrived to the
tomb, they had witnessed the earthquake and an angel coming down from heaven.
But in Mark 16:1-5, there is no earthquake, but as they had walked into the
tomb, only to discover a young man dressed in white garment sitting on the right
side, and they were affrighted. But in Luke 24:4 it reads that there were two
men in bright shining clothes. So we need to ask, which version is true? At this
point, John says that Mary had run back to fetch Peter and another disciple. The
other gospel writers make no mention of Mary taking leave of the tomb to go back
and get any of the men. Again we find contradictory and inconsistencies between
the gospel text. In Matt. 28:8 we read that the women ran from the tomb to tell
the disciples. But in Mark 16:8 the women had left the tomb, too terrified to
say anything to anyone. Again we need to ask, which version is true? In Mark
16:8 it states clearly that Je-Zeus is not there in the tomb, for he had risen.
But in John 20:14-18 Mary Magdalene, who was alone, had seen Je-Zeus Christ
appear to her and decided he'd been resurrected. As you can plainly see, the
stories in the gospels diverge so completely, and I have not even pointed out
the rest of the inconsistencies that are within the tomb stories. By now, anyone
should get the point from these examples. Frankly; There are just too many
glaring inconsistencies here, and in the rest of the New Testament, most of
which are mutually exclusive without some really implausible apologetics. So
much so that it's ludicrous to claim that the four gospel accounts of their
Je-Zeus Christ are all true. As anyone can plainly see, they can't possibly be.
As for their Je-Zeus Christ having been raised on Sunday, If that is what the
early pagan Christian fathers want people to believe, then their Je-Zeus Christ
had not remained in the tomb for three days and three nights. Not according to
the text which had been altered, by the early paganized Christian "church"
fathers, which they claim that their Je-Zeus Christ had risen from the tomb only
after he had spent one and a half day in that tomb, when Yeshua had risen from
the tomb after three days and three nights, which would have brought his
resurrection sometime between Monday evening to Tuesday morning. We can see that
the Christians altered text had made their Je-Zeus Christ to have risen from the
tomb on Sunday, is an outright lie. We also know that when the pagan gentile
Christians had departed from the true fold of our Beloved Brother, Yeshua, the
Anointed, they did not want to have anything to do with the "Jewish" Jerusalem
congregation which was established by Yeshua. It was around that time when the
seventh day Sabbath was changed to Sunday, which was reinforced by Constantine.
Let us review a little history; In 135 CE: Serious Roman persecution of the Jews
began. They were forbidden, upon pain of death, from practicing circumcision,
reading the Torah, eating unleavened bread at Passover, etc. A temple dedicated
to the Roman pagan god Jupiter was erected on the temple mount in Jerusalem. A
temple of Venus was also built on Golgotha, just outside the city. In 200CE: The
Roman Emperor Constantine, entailed the persecution of Jews along religious
lines. Persecution of Jews would cease if they converted to Christianity. In
315: Constantine published the Edict of Milan which extended religious tolerance
to Christians. Jews lost many rights with this edict. They were no longer
permitted to live in Jerusalem, or to proselytize. In 325: The Council of Nicea
decided to separate the celebration of Easter from the Jewish Passover. It was
stated: "For it is unbecoming beyond measure that on this holiest of festivals
we should follow the customs of the Jews. Henceforth let us have nothing in
common with this odious people...with the Jews...our worship follows a more
convenient course. We desire dearest brethren, to separate ourselves from the
detestable company of the Jews. How, then could we follow these Jews, who are
almost certainly blinded." In 337 CE: Pagan Emperor Constantine created a law
which made the marriage of a Jewish man to a Christian punishable by death. In
339 CE: Converting to Judaism became a criminal offense. As we can see here, the
paganized Christian had wanted to separate themselves from anything that had to
do with the "Jews" because the original congregation of Yeshua from Jerusalem,
which was the head, would not go along with this newly invented paganized
creature god, Je-Zeus Christ of these paganized Christians. I had heard one
particular Christian protestant preacher, Harold Camping, who is the founder and
President of Family Stations (Inc.) radio broadcast, who has gone completely
off his head when it comes to understanding the things of GOD, which is not
surprising since his only source is his perverted Christian bible which had been
greatly altered from the truth. Which the New Testament part of his Christian bible
has become a work of fiction, much like the book, The Da Vinci Code. On his Open Forum
broadcast, in his usual smugness, he had accused a caller of picking one verse, about the
Seventh day Sabbath, which was quoted from the Creation story in Genesis and
building her entire foundation upon it. Camping, as many of his fellow Christians,
have done away with the seventh day Sabbath and replaced it with their pagan "holy"
day of Sunday. So Camping quoted Deuteronomy 5: verse 6; "I am the Lord thy GOD,
which brought you out of Egypt", ect. to this caller, claiming that the Seventh Day
Sabbath is included with the days of Sabbaths. What Camping and others have done was lump
the seventh day Sabbath with the other days of Sabbaths which is the wrong thing to do.
Having heard Camping's teachings on this matter, I am aware that he has not been able to
differentiate between the "Seventh Day Sabbath" which GOD had inaugurated in the Creation
story from the ceremonial laws and the Sabbaths that were later added after Moses had brought
the Ten Commandments to the people. The seventh day Sabbath was set by GOD long before those
other secondary laws and the days of Sabbaths were established. Camping has not a clue as to
what it all means and therefore assumes wrongly about its entire meaning. At the same time,
Camping had also failed to read Deuteronomy 5: verse 12-14 where it states in plain language
about keeping the Sabbath day to sanctify it as the Lord thy GOD hath commanded thee. "But the
seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy GOD hath commanded thee. Six days thou shalt labor,
and do all thy work. 14: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of thy Lord thy GOD, in it thou
shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant", ect. This is
in reference to the seventh day Sabbath which was set by GOD in the Creation story in Genesis.
In which Yeshua had explained the true meaning of the Seventh day Sabbath when he stated that
"the seventh day Sabbath was made for man, not man made for the Sabbath" This was
in connection to all of the hundreds of secondary laws that were later added after Moses had
brought the Ten Commandments to the people. As you can see how Camping's uses his false
teaching and cleverly uses his devious tactic to deceive people, as many of his fellow preachers
do, to maintain their pagan Sunday worship for their phony god/gods. I had found that most
people who call on Camping's Open Forum broadcast have not the knowledge to challenge such a
devious person such as Camping and his ridiculous exotic, false teachings. But get Camping with
a person who knows what he speaks of, and have an open Forum in which Camping has not any
control over it, he will quickly be exposed to be the idiot that he is when it comes to
Spiritual matters concerning the "bible". If you want to know what other utter nonesense this
guy, Harold Camping had uttered, go to this web site... Exposing the
ignorance of Harold Camping and his ministry. and read what other false teachings this guy
teaches on his radio program. I tell you truly, Do not let people like Camping intimidate you.
Frankly; You would be better off just to leave Camping and the idiots that follow his
lead to their perverted world. Those Christians who believe in that Christian fallacy have
sinned against GOD and have fallen well short of His Glory and are preaching in vain, for they
are false wittiness's to the truth. People would be better off to download a free copy of the
Holy Testament to get at the truth about the real person of Yeshua, whom the original Apostles
of Yeshua had spoken about and which was originally written about in what became the New
Testament. It was Yeshua who had risen from that tomb, not that fictitious pagan, man-made
Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ. If you want to get a real sense of the inconsistencies in the
narrative of the four gospels, start with the trial of Je-Zeus Christ, and
compare the accounts in the gospels side by side, reading the account of each
incident in the narrative in each gospel before going on to the next incident in
the narrative. Then check out other places where the same narrative is told by
these four different authors, and you will find many other contradictory
statements in them. It will quickly become obvious just how inconsistent the
Christian New Testament really is. As you have read our examples of those
contradictory text here, you will have come to realize just how imperfect this
supposedly perfect, infallible New Testament document is. And as such, one of
the basic claims of these bible thumping fundamentalist Christians, that their
claim of inerrancy and infallible "Word of GOD" that is suppose to be in their
Christian Bible, will evaporate just like the dew on a summer morning.
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