My personal view's on GOD and religions.

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Archaic, Heathenistic Traditions and Thinking

For many centuries, priests and pastors, be they from Christian or Islamic traditions, have, and continue to corrupted the minds of people with their archaic religious beliefs and traditions. Likewise have Orthodox Jews, which adhere to a Canaanite cultic and Babylonian form of Judiaism, which have corrupted the minds of many Jewish people with some of their heathenistic thinking they had adopted, which were drawn from the wellspring of pagan religions. They had drawn some of those heathen religious beliefs, traditions and practices from ancient scripts, as in the "Mysteries of the Sky Gods", like EL, Elohim and Mithra, (The bull), or earth Goddess like Isis, Asherah, Demeter, Persephone and Inanna. All these ancient, archaic religious beliefs and traditions were based upon astrology, sacrificial rituals, be they human or animals, mutilation of the sex organ, mystical prayers, chants, oaths, curses, the evil eye, the Devil (Satan) and his demons, demon possessions, and black magic which was mostly based upon heathenistic superstitious beliefs. Which these modern Orthodox Jews and gentiles, who believe in their superstitious "Stone Age" religions, continue to run afoul with those people who seek after the truth and enlightenment, and base their religion not upon archaic, superstitious beliefs and traditions, but upon truth, knowledge, logic and common sense.

Note; When I speak of our Beloved Brother Yeshua, I am not referring to that apostate, phoney, man-made Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ, that imposter, which Christians are always talking about. Some Christian's and Jews for Je-Zeus, use the name of Yeshua for their impostor, Je-Zeus Christ to deceive people into believing in their apostate, heretical Balaam Christian religion. It is one of many deceptive tactics Christian's will use to deceive people. Let it be known that we have nothing to do with those heathen Christians and their apostate, heretical Balaam religion.

As for that Rabbi Tovia Singer, who has a great tendency, a propensity to think of himself as being a real "smart ass", he had given the impression on Israel National Radio, that in Orthodox Judiaism, they at no time have or had any kind or type of Trinity in the Heavenly realm within their religion. Really? One has only to look to the Jewish God, they call Yahweh who was originally a Canaanite and Syrian Sky God. The worship of these Sky Gods extends back to the 14th century BCE among the ancient Semitic peoples, who are porported to be the descendants of Shem, in the Hebrew Biblical Noah story. The Canaanite God EL (Elohim),was presented as the God of thunder and lightning. He was associated with mountains. His manifestation was often as fire, as in the burning bush at Mount Sinai. The Hebrews had absorbed many of the traditions of the Canaanite culture. Especially the adoption of the God EL (Elohim), which was later changed to become YHWH, which was to be their God in their oral law tradition. EL (Elohim, YHWH) had originally come from the Canaanite pantheon of Gods. El was the father or head huncho of the pantheon of Gods in the Canaanite pagan religion. He was part of the deity in the Heavenly court along with Baal. (In ancient pagan religions the name Baal denoted the Sun or Lord. Baal was a common name for Canaanite, Syrian and Persian deities). The cult of Baal celebrated annually his death and resurrection as part of their fertility rituals. These ceremonies often included human sacrifice. Baal became better known amoung Semitic peoples as a God of fertility). In the Canaanite pantheon of Gods, Baal was the son of El, the high or Great God of Canaan. When the Hebrew God El was later changed to YHWH, he was regarded as being equal in status with their former Canaanite God El. YHWH then became the National God to the people of Israel. One can see that in the four consonants in the tetragrammaton of YHWH, which means "I am, or I am that I am", in the Hebrew Masoretic text, it represents the four members of the Heavenly Canaanite God family: Y represents EL, (Elohim) the Father; H represents Asherah the Mother; W represents He, (The Sons; Waves, Death, and Rabbim) and H represents the Daughter; Anath. Need I say more?

We reverently and respectfully thank GOD, our Heavenly Father, who had chosen us to advance His determination, by generously giving us the supreme knowledge of His Will. We are extremely grateful for the teachings from Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit, who have duly instructed us on matters concerning GOD, our Heavenly Father and His Heavenly Domain. Which will ultimately displace all erroneous, archaic, heretical religious doctrines and beliefs. Blessed and contented are those who walk in the light of our Beloved Brother Yeshua, the founder of our faith.

The Jewish Bible, the Torah (Old Testament)

The Truth Facts of the Matter

After having studied what was written in the Torah, or the books of the Jewish Bible (Old Testament) I found it to be more of a mythic history of the Hebrew (Jewish) people, rather than what is the truth, as it is outlined in the Jewish Bible which the majority of the Jewish people have come to accept and believe. To make the claim or even sugguest that what is written in the Jewish Bible is totally true, is not an accurate statement, nor is it the truth. Many of the stories or events mentioned in the Jewish bible are fiction, mixed in with some truth from actual historical events. One can say that the Jewish bible is more like a fiction novel, like "The Da Vinci Code" which is a mystery/detective novel which has a peppering of true historical facts, mixed in with a whole lot of fiction. Many of the Bible stories are pure fiction, like the Noah's Ark, the Moses story about being slaves in Egypt and the wandering around the Judean desert for forty years, the conquest of Canaan by Joshua, the fall of Jericho, are more fictitious, than what actually happened in real history. Those stories never had happened as it is written in the Jewish Bible. As to the Jewish people and their relation with the true GOD of Heaven, our Heavenly Father, as it is written in the Jewish Bible, do not really reflect the truth facts. The claim that it was the Jewish people who had come up with the concept of a single God is not true. It was Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), around 1352-1336 BCE, who was a philosopher and a thinker, which drove his religious revolution to overthrow the Egyptian polytheism religion of Amun (Amen) and Osiris, in favour of the worship of a single God, Aten. His father Amenhotep III, had wanted to curb the priesthood of Amun (Amen) down to size, because they were getting too greedy and growing powerful among the people of Egypt. But the idea of having only "one God" and a "monothesitic" religion was a new fanomon. The idea of insisting on having one God exclusively was a new developement in a religion. It was not long after Akhenaten death, the old religion and priesthood of Amun (Amen) and Osiris, was revived to its former glory. History also shows us that during that time, the original "Israelite" tribes were not monotheists. They worshipped a variety of deities which included the Canaanite gods, El, Baal, Astarte and YHWH. Over time, 1200-1000 BCE, the God, YHWH won out against the competition, but as the Elijah narratives record, around 560 BCE, the outcome was still not clear for quite some time. Many of the tribes favored the God of El, Baal and goddess Asherah. Jeremiah complained at the end of the 7th century BCE that women were still baking raisin cakes and bringing them to the Jerusalem Temple and offer them to Asherah, the Queen of Heaven! We can see from this that solid monotheism was not even present during the First Temple period, although the prophets, especially Amos, Isaiah and Jeremiah had championed the idea of the worship of a single deity. Eventually, the Jewish people would find the true GOD of Heaven, and GOD in turn had recognized and chosen these people to advance His determination, despite all of their flaws. Out of these people came David, who unified the tribes and created the nation of Israel. While the Jewish people worshipped the one, true GOD, under David, while still holding onto many of their pagan traditions. A people full of contradictions. There are clear indications that there were times when the Jewish people had reverted back to their old pagan gods of El, Baal, YHWH and the goddess Asherah. During and after the Babylon exile, 598-538 B.C.E., which was not a one time event of deportation for the Jewish people from their land of Israel. It started with the Assyrians and ended with the Babylonians. During this time the Jewish people had made some sweeping changes to their religion. They had adopted and written the Great Flood, the Moses stories, revamped "The Code" of Babylon, to make the Deuteronomy laws (Secondary laws), and adopted the teachings of the underworld, which consisted of demons, devils and monsters from the Babylonian religion. This was about the time when Satan, the accuser, was transformed into the devil with his many demon cohorts, which is reflected in the writings found in the books of the Old Testament. During the late second Temple era, (7 BCE - 30 CE) Yeshua, came to enlighten his people on matters concerning GOD and of His Will, and to set them on the right, true path. Unfortunately, these people had rejected him and choose to continue in their archaic, superstitious beliefs and traditions. The best that can be said about the Jewish bible is that it reflects a people's journey in their search for the true GOD of Heaven, and once found, teaches about life lessons in relation between human beings and their relationship with GOD, which is still an ongoing process. These are the true facts of the matter!

As to the Hebraic taboo on pork, it had more to do with the idea that the Egyptians, the Canaanites and Philistines had domesticated pigs and it was a good part of their diet. "If they like it, we will shun it" was the real basis for the taboo on pork, which the text in Leviticus 18:3 suggests for Israel's behaviour which governed their desire to reject the practices of eating pork. They then incorporated that idea into their biblical text as a taboo, (Leviticus 11:7-8). The taboo of eating pork was really based more upon a long held grudge against the Egyptians, Canaanites and Philistines than anything else. As Yeshua had once explained when speaking about how and what a person eats; There is nothing that enter into a person's mouth, which can defile a person, but the things which come out of a person's mouth which come from the heart. Those are the things which can defile a person. Likewise, people defile themselves when they speak against the Holy Spirit.

Jim Long and The Riddle of the Exodus

It seems like Rabbi Tovia Singer is out to prove me wrong. So what do he do? He gets James D. Long, a Christian, turned Noahide, on his Tovia Singer radio broadcast to try to prove me wrong. I am already quite familiar with the type of deceptive tactics Christians use in trying to prove their point. You will get the same false kind of arguments from James Long that Christians are fond of using. I am not surprised that Tovia Singer would use a person like Long, because he is involved with the Noahide group. It is a group of Christians and non-Jews who want to be involved with basic Orthodox Judaism, like Tovia Singer, who is an Orthodox Jew. Long is the author of "The Riddle of the Exodus. Long takes people on a fool's errand to try to prove that the "Exodus" story as it is written in the Bible are true. Frankly; People will come to find out that James Long has about as much creditability as those other authors who had claimed that they had found Noah's Ark, or the James Ossuary or found proof of the Jewish destruction of Jericho. All of their so-called "Proof''s" were written by people with no serious background in archaeology or Egyptology. Who's only credentials they have is a strong religious bias which tries very hard to support their Bible by Jewish and Christian fundamentalist who make the bold claim that everything that is written in their Bible is totally true, when we know that is not the case. These people are that determine to find proof, that they are like someone who is trying to fit a piece in a Jig-saw puzzle where it will not fit, and force it to make it fit, even though they have the wrong piece. James Long reminds me of that fellow, Simcha Jacobovici who went to Israel with a camera crew on a four-million dollar filming project, trying to prove that he had discovered the tomb of that fictitious, Christian, Je-Zeus Christ. We all know how all that turned out after a few months went by, after the real experts had a look into it. These authors with their "proof", were proven to be full of hot air! That's not surprising, after all. They were in Israel, Dauuuuuhhhh! Personally; I am totally for finding out what had transpired in the distance past. I think the more we know, the better it is for everyone. But let it be done correctly, with truth, honesty and accuracy. What is uncovered must be undisputable proof. There has been many assumptions made about a dig or a find in the past, which turned out to be false. If we are uncertain about something, fine, accept it and say it is so. Maybe one day something will be found in a dig, which will reveal the answers to our many questions about the past, regardless wither it collaborates with the Bible or not, and accept it, and move on. Don't do what the Christians have done. They have already lost every sense of authenticity and credibility due to their deceptive tactics by lying, twisting the facts, use of forgery, fudging on events by omitting facts or trying to re-write history. Despite everything that is said, the nation of Israel which King David had established, belongs to the Jewish people. No American or Israeli Government has any right to give away any part of the land of Israel from the Jewish people. This is an undisputable true fact!

It is said, who than the Jews, better knows what went on during the days in which the "Bible" was written about. But I say, who has more at stake to fudge in the telling of what had happened in the ancient of days, than the Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. Think that a Rabbi will not fudge in the telling of what had actually happened in the ancient of days? Think again. The Hebrew people did not live in total isolation from other people, in which other people than themselves would know what had transpired during those ancient of days. The modern Hebrew or Jewish sages have no more knowledge than the rest of the people, given that they have no records, other than what is written in their Bible and the scant information they have through archaeology and what is written by those who had lived in ancient times. In philosophical circles the prevalent thinking denies that Moses wrote all of the books attributed to him. It is believed that various anonymous authors had compiled these five books (plus other portions of the Old Testament) from centuries of oral tradition, up to 900 years after Moses was supposed to have lived (if he even existed at all). It is believed that the various anonymous authors are designated as follows, based upon the four streams of tradition;

Authors of J; (standing for Jahwist-(Yahwist) who lived about 1200-900 BCE., which had adopted Canaanite Gods and gathered the myths and legends of Babylon and of other nations, and added them to their stories of the Hebrews, producing those biblical passages where the Hebrew letters YHWH are used as the name of GOD.

Authors of E; (standing for Elohist). Most theologian's believe they lived around 750-700 BCE in the northern kingdom of Israel, and wrote those passages where "Elohim" was used as the name for GOD.

Authors of D; Who wrote most of Deuteronomy during the exile in Babylon 598-538 BCE.

Authors of P; Represents Priests who composed a code of holiness, the ("Secondary") Laws or the 613 mitzvoth (commandments) for the people, during the exile in Babylon 539-334 BCE.

Authors of R; for Redactor. Some Theologian's think that the editor who put it all together to form the Torah, was done by Ezra sometime between 459-397 BCE. Other Theologian's suspect that various editors, other than Ezra, had put it all together to form the Torah, as it is presented today.

Note: It was as late as the 6th century CE, that the Jewish scribes gave final authorship of the Torah to Moses. They based their assumptions solely upon their analysis of passages in the Torah and subsequent books of the Hebrew Bible. Theologian's based the authorship of the Torah upon historical records.

Much of the Old Testament which deal with many of the stories and pagan traditions the Hebrew (Jewish) people had picked up and adopted, as found in the Old Testament, were ideas which had evolved from lower stages of thinking, including the worship of pagan Hebrew Gods. By claiming that those stories such as Noah's Ark, the Moses story about being slaves in Egypt and the wandering around the Judean desert for forty years, the conquest of Canaan by Joshua, the fall of Jericho as it is written in the "Bible" are all true, greatly undermines the authenticity of the religion of Judaism, and the Old Testament as one gigantic literary fraud, and calls into question the integrity of Judaism, the Torah or the books of the Old Testament.

Well, look at that sun shine, after all the rain we had this summer, it's nice to see the sunshine again. I'm getting my camping gear and canoe ready and hit the trail while I can. The weather forecast calls for sunny weather for the next few days. Oh, if that Tovia Singer want to come along, we got plenty deep water here.

By the way, while I am gone, here is something that might be of interest to read, Religious Tales. Writers Promote Religious Tales as "History".

Reverting back to the Jewish Pagan God

The spliting of the nation of Israel

It seems that the correlation between what is happening in Israel now, as what had happened during Israel's historical past is quite striking. In which Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews are determined to worship their Baal God El/YHWH. This reminds me of the story of Jerobome. Jerobome was the first ruler of the Northern Kingdom of Istael. He was a son of Nathan an Ephraimite, and his mother's name was Sarua. While still a young man he was placed by King Solomon over the tributes of Ephraim and Manasses (1 Kings 11:28). In that capacity he superintended the labours of his tribesmen in the building of the fortress Mello in Jerusalem and of other public works, and he naturally became conversant with the widespread discontent caused by the extravagances which marked the reign of Solomon. Before the end of the latter's reign, Jeroboam received from the Prophet Abias an intimation that he was destined to be king over ten of the tribes which was part of the punishment for the idolatry of Solomon. Jeroboam was to sever their allegiance to Solomon and his house. At the same time it was promised that if Jeroboam were faithful to GOD, his house would be confirmed in authority over Israel (1 Kings 11:38). Not satisfied to await the death of the king, the time set by the prophet for the fulfillment of the promise, Jeroboam instigated a revolt which was unsuccessful, and he was obliged to flee, taking refuge with King Sesac in Egypt, where he remained until the death of Solomon in 975 BCE, or 938 BCE, according to the Assyrian chronology. After this event he returned to Israel, and he was made leader of the delegation sent by dissatisfied element of the population to ask the new king Roboam, to lighten the burdens which his father had placed upon them. No sooner had Roboam imprudently and harshly rejected their petition, ten of the tribes withdrew their allegiance to the house of David and proclaimed Jeroboam their king. Only the tribes of Juda and Benjamin remaining with Roboam. Jeroboam established his headquarters at Sichem. Fearing that his people would make pilgrimages to the temple in Jerusalem, as prescribed by the Torah Law, might be an occasion for the people of the Northern Kingdom to go back to their old allegiance, he determined to provide for them places of worship within their own boundaries, and for this purpose he set up two golden Bulls or calves to be worshipped, one in Bethel and the other in Dan. He also built temples in the high places (1 Kings 12). The prophet Abias announced the Divine vengeance that was to come upon the house of Jeroboam because of his evil deeds (1 Kings 14). He died sometime between 954-917 BCE. He had reigned for twenty-two years. Ever since that time, all Israel kings who were corrupt, were referred to as "like unto the wickedness of Jeroboam, the son of Nabat, who caused Israel to sin". In I King 16:30-33, we read that Ahab the son of Omri, did evil in the sight of the true GOD of Heaven. More than all who were before him. And it came to pass, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians; and he went and served Baal and worshiped him. Then he set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a wooden image. Ahab did more to provoke the GOD of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him. The two temples that Jerobome had built for the northern Kingdom had statues of Bulls or golden calves. It was the same Jewish God (YHWH), which was depicted as the golden Bull or calve, which Moses was to have destroyed at Mount Sinai. I notice that in the Jewish text, the GOD of Israel under David was refeered to as the "LORD". This makes it very confusing for the average person who reads the scriptures, because as I had pointed out, the term "LORD" was also in referance to Baal which signified the Sun God. Baal was a common name for Canaanite, Phoenicians, Syrian and Persian deities. LORD or Lord was also used by the Phoenicians for their god Tammuz. The Jewish people also called their pagan God Adonai, the Hebrew word for "Lord". Since pronouncing YHWH was, and still is considered sinful to the Jews, they had used Adonai instead in their prayers. The vast majority of Rabbis and Jewish people have now substituted the name of "Yahweh (Elohim)" for HaShem, when speaking about their God. Why was this done? Mainly to hide the true meaning of the name "Yahweh". The tradition they claim for substituting another deity's name in place of "Yahweh (Elohim)", was to protect the name of "Yahweh (El or Elohim)" from being profaned or blasphemed. According to the rabbis, while the Jewish people were in captivity in Babylon, the name "Yahweh" was being blasphemed every day, as stated in Isa. 52:5. When the Jewish people had returned from their Babylonian captivity, there was a strong effort by the Rabbis to remove the personal name for their pagan Canaanite God "Yahweh"(El, Elohim), from being used as common usage. They had gone so far as to legislated against any Jew other than a priest to use or pronounce the name "Yahweh", and making it a death penalty for anyone to do so! That sound like what Muslems do. As I had pointed out in the Holy Testament, there is no name for GOD, because there is only "one" GOD. Ancient people used names for their string of Gods in order to differentiate one God from another. When Moses was supposed to have asked GOD, "By what name shall he tell the Hebrew people in Egypt, that you have sent me to them"? What was GOD's answer to Moses question? "I Am that I Am". That is not a name. GOD had never said to call Him by a name, least of all call Him by a name of a pagan God like YHWH, or El, Elohim, Adonai or HaShem. As it is with people, names are given in order to differentiate one person from another. But when I speak of or to GOD, I only recognize the one true GOD, and He do not need a name, for He in the only GOD in existence. This is the reason, amoung other things, that I refer to GOD, as my Heavenly Father, which is not a name. Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews will insist that you can not change what is written in the Torah. That anyone who deviates from their Torah is false, and not to listen to him. These people think that their Torah represents accurately the Will of GOD, despite the fact that in many areas, it is greatly flawed. I also recall that is precisely what Protestants say about their Christian bible, and we all know how greatly flawed that book is. The Roman Catholic Pope, who claims to have the truth, and see's itself as the head of Christianity, also claims that no one can change their theology, and we all know how totally corrupt that is. Muslims will claim that their Koran cannot be changed, despite the fact that corrections are needed in their Koran and in their theology. All of these groups of people have the stupid idea that what they have, do not need correction. Is it any wonder why the Pharisees, who are present day Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews, and their Sanhedrin, had castigated Yeshua and his followers with that mindset? These were the type of people who had persecuted Yeshua and his followers, as it is written in the Gospels in the New Testament. As I have said before, things really have not changed in two thousand years when it comes to GOD and religions. These Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews will see their downfall of their nation and realize their grave error, when these people will not be redeemed and will become the servants to the New World Order. I have spoken what was needed to be said.

How Muddled the Hebrew Bible Really Is

How muddled the chronology and historical events in the Hebrew Bible really is to actual history prior to the time of King David. Their seem to be major problems with Biblical chronology despite efforts to unify or fuse what is written in the Hebrew Bible, to what we discover through archaeology. So far, it has caused much debates with biblical scholars on the Hebrew Bible's historical value. In the Hebrew Bible we read in Numbers 32:13 which tells the story of the 40 years wandering in the Sinai desert and the conquests by Joshua, which was at a time when all of Canaan was possessed by Egypt. What is astounding according to the chronology in the Hebrew Bible, is that Egyptian sources say nothing about Israel or Joshua during the time the Hebrew Bible says it was supposed to have happen, and the Hebrew Bible says nothing about the reign of Egyptian pharaohs like Thutmosis III, or of Amenophis IV (Akhnaton, the pharaoh who was the first person to have established and worship only "one" God), or the pharaoh Ramses II during the periods when these Hebrew people were supposed to have lived as it is written in their Torah. The chronology and events written in the Hebrew Bible is so muddled-up that the reason it is that way, is because the Hebrew people made up these stories which were not based upon actual historical facts. As we can see from this little example, the development of the Israelites into Canaan is far different than what the Hebrew Bible would have us believe and the truth of the matter is more complex than the picture which is presented in the Hebrew Bible. Despite what we are learning about that time period, these Orthodox Jews will insist that all the events that are written in their Torah, or Hebrew Bible are true. What hypocrisy is in these Orthodox Jews. They claim to represent TRUTH, while their form of Judaism, along with their Torah and traditions, are based upon a pagan God, pagan superstitions and myths. To think that they see themselves as being a light unto the world, is about the most hypocritical statement I have ever heard. Frankly, if Orthodox Jews can not be honest and accept the findings that is revealed through archaeology, than they had better go their separate ways and live in their world of fiction and fantasy with their haughty utterings, while the rest of us who want to know the truth will keep on searching. Like I had said, these Orthodox Jews are in many ways, very much like Christians. Like Christians, Orthodox Jews will not admit to historical facts but will blindly perpetuate the lies they read from their Torah. Do not think that I am speaking against all Jewish people. I am only against people who are so blinded by their own conceit and are determine to perpetuate their lies about the Great Flood in the Noah's Ark story, the story about Moses and the Jews being slaves in Egypt and the wandering around the Judean desert for forty years, the conquest of Canaan by Joshua, and the fall of Jericho as it is written in their Torah, and will not face up to the truth when it is revealed to them. It do not take one to have a great mind or to be a great theologian to see that the chronology in the Hebrew Bible is very muddled, and were some of those "Bible" stories, along with their pagan God and myths had originated from. It only takes an open mind and some plain common sense to see the truth.

Orthodox Jews worship a Canaanite Baal God

Speaking about Orthodox Jews, I had been told that Orthodox Jews now make up more than half of Israel's Jewish population. Orthodox Jews also insist that GOD, the Creator, is with them. Personally, I would have to seriously question that claim given the pagan myths and traditions which had been absorbed and are imbedded within Orthodox Judaism. One can plainly see that GOD, the Creator, is not with them, given all the lying, corruption, rocket bombings and killing that is going on in the land of Israel. I think these Orthodox Jews are giving people a "Cock & Bull" story that GOD, the Creator is with them and that they are the "apple" of GOD's eye, when they are worshipping a man-made Canaanite Baal God! From what is revealed here, the pagan Canaanite God of these Orthodox Jews, whom they call El, YHWH, Elohim, Adonai or HaShem, must be a very tolerant God to have other pagan Gods and their temples and churches in his so-called "Holy" land. This God of Israel, of the Orthodox Jews, do not even seem to mind that there is another pagan Temple on Mount Moriah. The Canaanite God of these Orthodox Jews do not seem to mind all the corruption, organized crimes, extortions, prostitutions, the lies, the deceit, the rape of Jewish girls, the killing of Jews and their children, the rocket bombings, the turmoil and corrupt governments which has become the norm since the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. How often have I heard Orthodox Jews claim that Israel is their Holy Land. A Holy Land indeed, give me a break! Given everything that is going on in Israel, one has only to look back through history since the time of Yeshua to the present era, to see how that phony man-made Canaanite pagan God that Orthodox Jews worship, had done nothing but let the Jewish people down and will eventually bring them to their destruction! We can see this process happening now in the land of Israel. Given what is going on in Israel today, they can keep their pagan Canaanite God to themselves. Who in their right mind would want to have anything to do with a man-made pagan Canaanite Baal God that the Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox Jews worship? I would rather have and worship the real GOD, the Creator, who cares, protects and guides His people. I recall that it was GOD, the Creator, who had granted the Jewish people to return to the land of Israel, for a duration of time, so that they might return to worship the true GOD of Heaven, whom Yeshua had spoken about, as it is written in the Holy Testament. But given what has been revealed here, we can see that the vast majority of the Jewish people had chosen to worship the pagan, man-made Canaanite God, they call El, (YHWH), Elohim, and now "HaShem". Who is the same pagan Canaanite God of the late second temple era, whom its teachings come through the vigorous prompting of Ultra Orthodox and Orthodox Rabbis. Like the Christians and Muslims, Orthodox Jews have choosen to worship a pagan, man-made God, instead of the true GOD of Heaven, the Creator, who is our Heavenly Father.

Word of Caution

Before I leave this web page, I feel it my duty to caution people, especially Jews, to be weary of Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews who claim that they want to revert back to the Temple era. Be very cautious when you hear these people make the claim that all that is in the Torah, can not be changed. Take a good look at their so-called 613 mitzvoth (ancestral commandments) that would be binding on all Jews. Comepare those 613 mitzvoth (commandments) which I call the "Secondary" Laws to the 30 laws written in the Holy Testament. Now let us focus on some of these 613 ancestral Laws where they have ruled by force, have led persecutions and the threat of death for the infractions of these laws, as their own historical record has abundantly revealed to us. Look carefully on statements and teachings which are found in the Torah, such as stoning people to death for the infraction on any of the laws in the Torah which were written by the Temple priests. It demands that people need to be stoned to death for doing anything that might be perceived as work on the Sabbath day, like picking up some sticks to make a fire, or driving a car, tuning on a light switch in your home so you can see at night. These people would stone to death a woman for her infidelity to a boyfriend or husband, but does nothing for a man's infidelity to a woman, least of all his wife. They would stone to death any person who is a homosexual, be it a man or a woman. How about the ordering by Temple priests to drag people out of the city and stone them to death, because they were preaching another form of Judaism. Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews would stone people to death for what would be consider minor infractions in our modern day courts. If that is the "gift" that their form of Judaism give to the people of the world, then they can keep it to themselves. I will have no part of it. If people can see nothing wrong with that kind of Judaism and its justice system and death penalties which is written in the Torah, then something is dreadfully wrong with their thinking. These Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews and their Sanhedrin will see to it that these laws are carried out to the letter! After all, like the Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews maintain, that no one can change what is written in the Torah. That anyone who deviates from their Torah is accused. Given their way of thinking, they are no better than Muslims and their seriea laws. Such is the mindset of these Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews. These Orthodox Jews are just like Christians in many ways, in that they are totally unaware they are worshiping a pagan God and had adopted pagan ways in their form of Babylonian Judaism and try to rationalize passages in their bible and religious texts that are in contradiction with other passages, and perpetuate teachings we know are blatant lies, or what is abhorrent and archaic to the modern mind. It should be quite obvious by now that Ultra-Orthodox (Herdic) and Orthodox Jews are not worshipping the true GOD of Heaven, The Creator, but had reverted back to worship a man-made pagan Canaanite God that they have named YHWH, in which the tetragrammaton represents the four members of the Canaanite pagan God family which is like onto Baal. Knowing this, these Herdic and Orthodox Jews have the gull to claim that the true GOD of Heaven, The Creator, is on their side. That they are the "apple of GOD's eye", and that it is the duty and obligation for all none-Jewish people to bless these Herdic and Orthodox Jews because of their so-called "jewish (Canaanite and Babylonian) roots" in which there is no other salvation, while they are worshipping a pagan God! One can see how deluded these Herdic and Orthodox Jewish people have become. When it comes to a religion, it had better be right on the mark. People need to know for certin that they have choosen the real GOD of Heaven, The Creator, and the religion it represents. For on this vital matter, it has no room or place being based upon fiction or some false pagan theology. There should be no room or place for fiction, false assumptions, pagan superstitions and myths or archaic beliefs in a person's religion. A person's relationship towards GOD, The Creator, had better be taken very seriously. When I look at the amount of people, which are in the hundreds, thousands, millions or even billions, who are involved with religions based upon polytheistic religions such as Christianity and Hinduism, pagan folk religions like Buddhism, Taoism, or Voodooism, or religions who have adopted a pagan God, superstitions and myths such as in Orthodox Judaism and Islam, or people who adhear to various forms of pagan Animism religions, it should really be a matter of great concern. While people live their life on this planet, they had better get it right in who they recognize GOD is, for it will greatly effect what happens to their soul/spirit self, in what becomes of it after their mortal body dies. Once that happens, it is far too late to change one's mind because they had been too stupid to realize what type of religion they had been involved in, because they had not taken serious concern in this critical matter. While a person lives, it is their sole responsibility to know what is the truth, despite what religion they were brought up to believe in their particular society. For in the end, it will matter little what other people religious beliefs might have been, but it will matter a great deal how GOD sees and thinks about you, which will greatly determine the fate of your soul/spirit self. Take heed to yourselves, that your heart is not deceived. Do not turn and serve man-made pagan Gods, nor worship them.

I had not intended to say anything more about Israel and the Jewish people on this web page. But a friend had urged me to listen to what an Orthodox Ribbi, Rabbi Avraham Sutton, had to say in his message on Rosh Hashanah. Given what I have heard from this Rabbi, despite the fact that he is an Orthodox Jew, and I have reservations, hesitancies on some of their religious beliefs, I would nonetheless suggest that every Jewish person listen carefully to what this man is saying, and reflect upon his teaching. The future of Israel and the Jewish people is depended upon whom they worship and recognize as their GOD. That decission will greatly reflect the future of Israel, the Jewish people, and the future of humanity. If the Jewish people should return to the true GOD of Heaven, the Creator, and the nation of Israel will come under the Sovereignty and Constitution of GOD, know that those who come against it, shall be repelled, and every enemy that comes to take the nation of Israel away from the Jewish people will be utterly defeated. If the Jewish people continue to worship their man-made pagan Canaanite God, with its pagan traditions, the future of Israel and the Jewish people will unfold as I have previously stated on this, and the People of the Holy Testament web site. Israel will not be the safest place for the Jewish people. The Jewish people will be forced to flee the land of Israel during the many big battles which will ensue the region. Some Jewish people will make it out safely, most will not. Israel will then come under the jurisdiction of the New World Order. After some years have passed, a time of "Great Tribulation" will come when the planet earth will reel out of control and great earthly/heavenly catastrophes will ensue which will bring great hardship to all of humanity. Eventually this situation will lead to world War III and its desolation. Then there will be a span of time of nine hundred years, more or less, for those people who have survived. Then the planet earth and the entire Milky Way galaxy will be destroyed. Therefore; Be not like the Christians and Muslims, who have chosen to worship a pagan, man-made God, in which their religions are infuse with pagan superstitions, pagan myths and traditions. During this Rosh Hashanah, may the Jewish people choose well. Now I am done with this web page.

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