My personal view's on GOD and religions.

Page 31

Christian Chocolate Soliders

While I was waiting for the program, Question Period on CTV to come on, Charles Price from Toronto's, "Peoples Church" was on. Their program fictitiously is called, "Living Truth". Charles Price, the Christian protestant pastor for that church, was preaching about Chocolate Christian soldiers. Charles Price is a pastor who bases his whole belief in his Christian religion, on the contents within the Christian bible. A bible which had been greatly altered, and corrupted by the many passages of its text, which had been deliberately mistranslated from the Hebrew Old Testament and text from the writings of the early Apostles of Yeshua, from which the early Christians had "borrowed" or stolen from. Many text in the Old and New Testament text had been deliberately changed by the early pagan Christian church fathers during the late second century CE, which present day priests and preachers tend to regurgitate and misinterpret the Hebrew scripture texts in an attempt to "prove" that their phony Christian, Je-Zeus Christ was both the Jewish Messiah and GOD. People's Church in Toronto is part of the Paganized Christianity religion that was imported from the U.S.A. where its Head Office is located. They call their T.V. program, Living Truth, yet they blatantly lie as they preach their perverted, paganized, Hellenistic, Greco/Roman Christian religion. It would be more appropriate to call that TV program the "Living Lie", at least it would be closer to the actual truth. Most of their key preachers have been brought in from the U.S.A. and have been taught at their theological school. Now they have hired Charles Price as their main preacher, who is British born preacher, who now delivers the church's perverted paganized Christian message. Charles Price delivered his message titled; Christian Chocolate Solider's, meaning that Christians should not be reluctant to preach the Christian religion or defend it to outsiders. Price stated that Christians in his church tend to melt like Chocolate when they are confronted to justify and defend their theology. I recall that I had sent Charles Price an e-mail to challenge him to defend his apostate Christian religion, and the claim he makes on its theology. Price had not the guts to reply and take me on in a debate about his Christian beliefs in which I claim is based on a foundation of fraud. Seem's to me that Price is one of those Christian Chocolate solider he was preaching about on Sunday, to his congregation at the People's Church in Toronto. What a hypocrite this Charles Price is! Preaching to his congregation that Christians at his church should not be chocolate solider's, while he is one of those who had not the guts to defend his apostate, corrupted religion with its phony man-made pagan Baal Gods or God. I suggest that Price take a good hard look in the mirror, and wake up to the fact that he is one of those Christian chocolate solider, a coward, to be more precise. Frankly, these Christian priests and preachers, like Charles Price, lack the intellectual acuity to realize just how stupid they really are concerning the things of GOD. It is unfortunate that the people who belong to the People's Church do not realize that they belong to a heathen Baal worshiping religion. I am truly sorry for those people who have bought into that "false hope", they had received from that Baal Christian religion. Their soul/spirit will not be re-incarnated upon their earthly death, to be raised up to a new earth, or Heaven, that GOD, our Heavenly Father has provided for those who are found to be worthy.

Yes; GOD had sent a strong delusion to those who have bought into that perverted, apostasy of the Baal worshiping Christian religion. For GOD has choose their strong delusion, in the form of Christianity, which will bring no hope, but fear upon them, because they did that which was evil in the sight of GOD. Worshiping a Christian false, man-made God of their own making, through their apostate, corrupted Christian Bible which is damnable in the sight of GOD. It is not surprising to me that the masses of Christian priests and pastors, mainly from the USA, are viciously attacking what I have to say. But truth will expose the Christian deception and lies. For nothing is hid from the truth, for truth will always expose a lie by its radiant light. For Truth will always bring to surface a lie, a falsehood, and Truth shall set us free, in this case, from the Christian deception! For this reason was I brought into the world. JP.

I am going to temporarily withdraw from this web site l because I have more work to do a at the People of the Holy Testament privet web site which need my full attendion. The Elect members web site is not open to the general public. I will return to the Town of Haileybury web site at a future date.

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