My personal view's on GOD and religions.

Page 6

The truth about Catholic and Protestant Preachers

While surfing the Internet, I could not help notice that there is a lot of talk about Satan, the devil and of telling lies, on many of those Christian churches/ministries web sites. I find it offensive that these people who claim to represent truth will deliberately lie to people. I think people, especially Christians, need to have a look at this web page titled; Satan, the Devil which explains how the myth of Satan got into the Christian Bible to get at the truth about this important topic, and who is really lying to people. The more I read what is being said by these deceiving lying wonders, these catholic and protestant preachers, the greater I come to realize the extent they are preaching falsehood is just overwhelming to say the least. Talk about who is deceiving people. Personally, I have stopped believing these catholic and protestant preachers a long time ago because they have proven, time after time. that they will not hesitate to lie to people when it suites them. I can not help think about the thousands of people who have been duped and deliberately lied to and been deceived by these shysters. These deceiving lying wonders. How sad it is.


Mighty Hollow Bold Claims

Dec.27th. 2006: I could not help recall how often I had heard Christian preachers boldly claim that the Holy Spirit or that their Christian god/gods had blessed them by the money they receive to support their church or ministry. Yea Right! I suppose that the god of the Muslims had also blessed the Imams for the money they receive to support their Mosques and Islam ministry. I suppose that the gods of the Hindu, had blessed the Shankaracharyas for the money they receive to support their Hindu Temples. Let us not forget to mention the gods of the Aztec, Mayan, Egyptians, Persians, Phoenicians, Greeks and the Romans had also blessed their pagan Temples and supported their priests and ministries with the great wealth they had received from people to spread their religions far and wide. The truth of the matter is, GOD had nothing to do with it. All the money these Christian ministries receive came from people who are gullible enough to support these churches or ministies. None of this had anything to do with GOD. These religions, churches or temples are being supported by people who had been brought up and brainwashed into a particular religion, or had switched to another religion, church or temple and support them through their hard earned money. These Christian ministries think that they are being blessed by their god/gods, like all those ancient pagan religions had believed that their temples and ministries were being blessed by their gods. Hindsight showes us that those people who had supported those pagan Temples and its ministries had been throwning their money into a bottomless pit for all the good it had done them. Those bold claims coming from these Christian preachers who are Baal worshipers, that are claiming they are being blessed by their false pagan god/gods is a very hollow one.


Second Coming of the Christian fictitious god.

Dec.29th./2006. I could not help reflect during the recent Holiday Season on the amount of people who are pining all their faith and hope on a fictitious character made up by a bunch of ignorant Baal worshipers from the second to the forth century CE. I am talking about Christians. Christians have great expectations of the second coming of their fictitious, false god. These people actually believe that their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ will be coming to save their unknowingly apostate hide. While Christianity is indeed an apostate religion, the god that these people are waiting for is in reality, only a fictitious, make believe phantom. Which their priests and pastors, whom they have placed their trust in, have convinced them what they are being told is the truth. Unfortunately; These deceived people have misplaced their trust on those priests and pastors who spew out their lies onto trusting Christians. What Christians are believing is nothing more than like believing in a fictitious cartoon character made up by someone, will suddenly jump out from the big movie screen and actually appear in the flesh. This Je-Zeus Christ which Christians worship and talk so much about, is like that kind of false expectation. I can understand children believing in a fictitious Santa Clause, like we have witnessed, leading up to the recent Holiday Season. I do not believe that adults should tell a child that the Santa Claus who is depicted as a heavyset benevolent character in a red and white colored costume riding in a sleigh with eight flying reindeers and lives at the North Pole is a real, live person, regardless how well intentioned it may have been. It is not the right thing to do. Children need to be told the truth. There is nothing wrong to tell children that the Santa Clause they hear about is only a fictitious character who represents, love, joy, generosity and devotion. Children will believe anyone they place their trust in, but to find out much later in life that they had been lied to by the people they had trusted, is not a very good thing. But for religious leaders like priests and pastors, who claim to represent GOD, and brainwash not only little children, but also adults into believing in a fictitious lie that Je-zeus Christ is god and claim that their soul will be saved by it, is utterly criminal on their part. This Christian fictitious god, this creature, Je-Zeus Christ, which these deceiving priests and preachers also call Heavenly Father, was woven from the same fictitious fabric like the modern day Santa Claus or some cartoon character that was made up by some person. I just find it sad that Christians had been duped into believing in a lie for almost two thousand years. Hopefully, my web pages will rectify this sad situation and enlighten some people who have been deceived by their priests and preachers, to what is actually the truth.


Focus on the Bible ministry.

Dec.31th./2006. I happen to have my TV on this morning and some Christian guy was preaching from Focus on the Bible on the CTV network. What I was hearing coming out of this preacher's mouth was interesting enough for me to listen to for he was talking about enemies of their perverted, heretical religion. He talked about how these people who are against Christianity will lie, deceive and twist the scriptures in their attack on their religion. I found his comments quite interesting because I happen to be one of those people who is exposing that perverted Christian religion for what it is and the lies and deceit that comes out from the mouth of these preachers. They must have come across my web sites and feel threaten by it because of what is being revealed about that perverted, apostate religion. Checking the CTV web site, I found that Focus on the Bible was a regular program that airs across Canada every Sunday morning. The day of their pagan sun god, Je-Zeus Christ. I checked if this ministry had a web site and found it to be nothing more than a Christian mega-store where they sell everything from sermons, books, jewelry, tapes, videos, music, fiction books, (I wonder if their Christian bible is listed there?) DVD's, apparel, giftware, toys, food, church supplies, ect. They sell their sermons from $9.89 to 15.29 ea. This reminds me of a person who called these establishments, a den of thieves. This ministry appears to be based in the USA which is spreading the Christian perversity across Canada. Very few of these ministries are actually home grown. Isn't it like these Christian preachers to cry foul when someone dares to challenge their religion and expose it for what it is, while they lambaste everyone else. They have a knack of attacking even their fellow protestant ministries. I must say; They had a grand time attacking me for three years before I had the chance to make use of the Internet and created my web sites to expose the likes of these people as the vipers that they are. Only because I had viewed their program this morning reminded me of this fact. They appear as upright, nice religious people but in reality, are conniving, lying wonders, spewing out their apostate, phony heathen god/gods religion. Anytime these people from "Focus on the Bible" want to debate and explore their sermon in depth on who are the one's that have been "attacking" other religious groups, or lying and deceiving people, I welcome it. It is time we got the protestant dirty linen out of the closet and get it out into the open, and thrash it out.


Conjuring up excuses.

I have often noticed that when there are statements written in the bible which do not mesh up with historical facts, protestant preachers will not hesitate to conjure-up all kinds of excuses in order to justify such text as being error free. These preachers will not admit to the fact that there are indeed many historical and other errors which are found within the pages of the bible. Statements made by protestant preachers, that the bible is totally error free, or that the bible has no fabricated text within its pages and was written by GOD, will not allow them to admit to the true facts despite what is revealed to them. It is a well known fact that a great many biblical scholars are fully aware that the bible has a great many historical errors and that many of the stories found within the bible are fictitious, which were only meant to illustrate a moral teaching. This gives me a clear indication how deceitful these protestant preachers are and how their diabolical mind work. Another thing I have noticed as an observer of these protestant preachers is their constant bold claim about the millions of people who have converted to Christianity. Making bold claims on how many people they are presently converting. But the true facts prove otherwise. Ever since the great heydays when Christianity was in full bloom, which had literally covered the whole world, there has been a steady decline in their membership ever since the late 18th century CE right up to our present era. Christian priests and preachers blame this decline, on their fictitious battle with Satan, the devil, as an excuse, when the real blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Christian priests and preachers for not being honest with people. Their atrocious historical past had not helped matters any when trying to convince people on the moral virtues of Christianity when it has been proven, time after time, to be full of hypocrisy. These Christian priests and preachers will conjure-up all kinds of excuses in order to explain away why Christianity is failing as a religion. How many people have been killed and persecuted during the span of Christendom rule, GOD only knows. History has revealed to us that a great many people have been persecuted, killed, tortured, murdered, and accused under false pretexts under the iron fist of Christianity, in the name of their phony, heathen Christian god , Je-Zeus Christ. But these events had not escape the awareness of Almighty GOD, the true GOD of Heaven. For the judgments of our Heavenly Father are true and righteous . For He will judge the great prostitute, that Great Whore along with her sisters and her harlot daughters, who had corrupted the earth with her immorality and worship of a false god. For GOD will avenged the blood of the innocent that was shed by the blood-soaked hands of the Great Whore and her harlot daughters. I believe that at an appointed time, a day of judgment will come upon that perverted, apostate Christian religion and it will be shunned by people and persecuted in turn, when Christianity will be fully exposed as the great sham that it is.


Persecution by Christians

When one listens to Catholic priests and protestant preachers, they give the impression they are pure in heart and full of piety, when speaking about Christianity and its godly virtues, a person will get the false impression that Christianity, the Christian churches or the body of their Je-Zeus Christ is pure and pristine. They dare not mention the dark side of Christianity. Therefore; it is people like us, who are outside the influence of that perverted religion to bring out the full truth about Christianity. But before we get into the dark side of Christianity, we need to be reminded that when Catholic priests and protestant preachers speak of god they give the false impression that they are representing Almighty GOD, the true GOD of Heaven, when they make statements like; Heavenly Father, Almighty GOD, but in reality, they are actually speaking and praying to a fictitious, man-made sun god, they call Je-Zeus Christ. Don't forget; To these people, the Heavenly Father or Almighty GOD is their Je-Zeus Christ which they claim is the main god among their pantheon of three gods they duly acknowledge in their Balaam, apostate religion. How a person can figure that one out, is a mystery. That's the excuse they give to cover-up that lie. While these priests and preachers appear to be so pious as they read their scriptures and preach from their Christian bible which represents their like-minded perverted religion, I could not help reflect upon the dark side of Christianity. In how Christians had represented their religion over the centuries. Ever since Christianity came into power and had established their religion and soceity of Christendom, Christians went on a rampage of terror, persecution and religious discrimination throughout the world, which started with the Jews. The one's whom Christians had recieved the Gospels and its teachings from. Figure that one out. Then their reign of terror had spread outwards to the pagan Greeks, Romans, and swept across Europe. Christians continued their reign of terror, all in the name of their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ. By the sword and brute force, Christians extended their power and reign of terror towards the Britons, the Irish and Celtic people. (Speaking of the Celtic people, this reminds me of a movie I had seen titled "Braveheart" which was a good representation of the Christian Holy War and there reign of terror, persecution and religious discrimination towards all non-Christian people.) During the Medieval era, Christian persecution had done a little ethnic cleansing which extended even to those people who had consider themselves to be Christian, but were regarded as non-Christians by the Catholic church which was still the dominant force and influence over Christendom. This is the same Roman Catholic church which claims to be the vicar of their fictitious sun god, Je-Zeus Christ and claims to be the sole arbiter of truth. What a sick joke that is! The sole arbiter of truth, coming from a church which has every kind of mumbo-jumbo rituals and pagan beliefs. Who have been proven to forge documents of Apostolic succession and royal decrees, to lie or tell half-truths and omit large parts of their dark history when it suites them. After the Protestant Reformation was established and Protestants had gained some power, various Protestant churches had engaged in their own reign of terror, persecution and religious discrimination upon non-Christian and Christians alike who did not follow or fit their teachings. While Catholics tend to downplay, omitt or just tell half-truths about the extent their inquisitions had upon people, Protestants hate to bring it up or be reminded of their own reign of terror and inquisitions and its effects it had upon people they had dealt with. You will never hear Protestant preachers admit to their own dark history of reign of terror, with its persecution and religious discrimination. Most Protestant preachers just pretend that their involvement in any reign of terror and inquisitions never existed, when they preach their sermons from their pulpit. But both Catholic and Protestants had engaged in their own forms of inquisitions and had committed unwarranted arrests, treachery, robbery, beatings, rape, torture, imprisonment, forced conversion under the threat of death and executions upon people who were against Christianity and who were simply non-belivers. People like the Wicca's, Africans, First Nation People of North and South America, Asians and a wide variety of religious and social minorities within the countries that were predominantly Christian were harrased, persecuted and killed in the name of their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ . Both Catholic and Protestants had indulged in persecution and religious discrimination against Islam, when Muslims had been defeated and lost power . Christian persecution and religious discrimination on non-Christians were felt in the Soviet Union, towards Buddhists, Hindus, Bihar's, atheists and other Christian minded groups. This is the true face of Christianity which people in our present era are falsely led to believe is squeaky clean, pure in heart and full of piety. Who claim to be a holy people while they pray to their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ. In vain these people are praying to their false god. They might as well pray to any statue, a house or a tree for all the good it will do them. This is the religion which people want to associate themselves with? Some people have strange, perverted desires. Ever since the time Christianity had lost its hold on power over people through the establishment of Democracy, with its Charter of Rights, they could not continue their reign of terror and persecution upon soceity as they had once done, but they still retained a good portion of discrimination against some segment of society. Here is a good un-bias web site which will give people an in-depth view on the topic of persecution by Christians. Historical persecution by Christians. from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. After having gone over that web site, you will no doubt be asking, Is this the religion which catholic priests and protestant preachers want people to follow? They believe that their sins had been forgiven by the shed blood of a fictitious sun god, they call Je-Zeus Christ and expect to dwell in Father's Heavenly Domain? That the Holy Spirit had guided the Christian church throughout the ages? Not according from what we have read here. All of those Christians claims are blatant lies or just wishful thinking on their part, considering what their horrendous history has revealed. Christianity is nothing but an apostate, corrupt, religion which is no different than any of those ancient religions with their false Baal gods which have long ago turned into dust. The Christian religion is heading on the same path. It is plain to see from what has already been revealed, that Christianity has not the true gospel nor that they have the full truth. The claims of Christians are very hollow indeed. Almost everything they claim about Christianity is hard to swallow or can really be believed. Their actions speak louder then their hollow words of piety. But then, we live in a Democracy and Christians are free to believe whatever they want to believe. Just because they believe in what they claim, doesn't necessarily make it so. Those Christians who had left their religion because they had become disenchanted and totally confused by it, will have a far greater chance to be reincarnated than those people who have chosen to remain within that apostate, corrupt Christian religion where their soul/spirit will be condemned and be relegated to everlasting death.


The Seven Seals

Lately, a great many people seem to have a great interest in the revelation of what is to come in humanities future. Christians seem to be obsessed by it, though they are totally confused by the book of Revelation which is found in the New Testament of their Christian perverted bible. So I decided to take a look at it and see what I get from its pages. Chapter 6 speaks of the Seven Seals. It begins with verse 1 where it states that when the lamb opened one of the seals, the first one, he saw a white horse, and he who sat upon it had a bow in his hand and a crown was given to him and went conquering and to conquer. This speaks of the age of Christendom when Christianity had obtained the crown and it went about on its reign of terror and its inquisitions and had committed unwarranted arrests, treachery, robbery, beatings, rape, torture, imprisonment, forced conversion under the threat of death and executions upon people. Yes; It went forth conquering and to conquer. The Second Seal was a rider on a red horse and the power was given to him to take peace from the earth. That was the first and second World War. The third seal was a rider on a black horse and he had a pair of balances in his hand. That black horse represents black oil (black gold) and the gulf wars that are presently being fought over there. It also speaks of the many famine that are going on around that part of the region of the world. The forth seal has a rider on a pale horse and death followed him. That will be a nuclear war. Could this be the third World War that is yet to come? The fifth seal is where the souls of them that were slain for the word of GOD, and the testimony which they held will be avenged when that perverted religion of Christianity will see its demise. The seventh seal will of course be the shaking of planet Earth when a huge asteroid will pass very close to the planet and pull it off its present axis's. Hummmmmm; The sequence which was revealed to me was that the New World Order will first come into full implementation, then the shaking of planet Earth by a huge asteroid will come some time later, then the demise of the Christian religion and then the great nuclear war. But with the latest news from the Sunday Times, January 07, 2007 which has revealed that Israel plans a nuclear strike on Iran. The Sunday Times claim that Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. According to their artical, Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-busters” bombs. This could very well tie-in with that third seal and the rider on a black horse, and not be the start of a nuclear third World War.


Messianic Jews

Wolves pretending to be followers of Yeshua

There are Jews, who call themselves Messianic Jews who turn out to be Christians and are preaching the very same heretic teachings as their fellow protestant preachers whom I have already exposed as charlatans. These so-called Messianic Jews no doubt want to cash in on the lucrative windfall of easy money to be had from those dumb Christians who are so willing to part with their money, that is to throw their hard earned money at these shysters, all in the name of Yeshua . Oh; They will talk of Yeshua this and Yeshua that in their presentation. Did they say Yeshua? I beg your pardon, they really mean, Je-Zeus Christ. After all, they are Christian Jews. Here is a little sample of the kind of text they present to people, which I had taken from these deceivers whom are no better than their fellow protestant preachers. Here is what they write.......

The enemy hates the Church, and since he has now been loosed, he will soon physically attack it here in the United States, just like he is doing everywhere else on the planet. Most of us have been programmed to believe that we can't worship the Lord, Jesus, serve communion, baptize, or even have elders unless some sectarian seminary sends an inordained pastor to do the job in an inapproved manner: building a building complete with steeple, pipe organ, stained glass windows, a choir, a music minister, and so on. It just isnt so: Psa 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. (Then how come they worship a fictitious god that goes by the name of Je-Zeus Christ?) As church doors close, or as assemblies depart from the truth, the very survival of the true Church will depend upon the obscure godly sheep who are willing to walk before the Lord with contrite hearts, regardless of conditions around them. True saints will again need to learn from the Bible for themselves and gather with other like-minded brethren who are seeking the Lords face. And its all right to do that, you know. After all, the Lord ordained each of us to be a king and a priest: Rev 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; ( unto God and his Father?) to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. We have a thousand pages of guidance on just how to gather together. It is called the (Christian) Bible. Throughout the Christian Era various men and organizations have told us exactly what each verse was supposed to mean, or exactly how each church ordinance should be observed. But if we just trust Scripture, the Spirit of Truth, Himself, will teach us from it (Joh 16:13). In this chapter, I considered writing the usual rules on how to hold a meeting, serve communion, baptize, and so on. But then, I realized that I would be doing exactly what has gotten the Church into trouble all along: giving dictums of behavior beyond what Scripture already states. It's all in the Bible, folks. Everything the Lord wants a believer to do is in the Word of God. We simply need to follow His orders. Suffice to say that the qualifications for eldership are found in 1Ti 3:1-7 and Tit 1:5-9, and how communion should be served is recorded in Mat 26:26-28 and 1Co 11:23-26. There is no scripturally specified method for baptism, but we do have early church history to guide us. Many brethren in home churches now follow a first century church mode of baptism. First, they ask the new convert to renounce his past sinful life. Then they ask the convert to make a firm declaration of his new position in Christ Jesus. Though the words below are not struck in stone, the confession of faith goes something like this: I turn away from, reject, and totally renounce Satan, his kingdom, his angels and all his works. I repent of and renounce all my sins, and ask God to forgive me for them all. I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and ask Him to become Lord of my life, Amen. Then, observing the command of Jesus in Matthew 28:19, the new brother or sister is baptized In the name of the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, and in the Holy Spirit. Amen. If the new believer is being immersed, he is immersed only once. But if he is being poured over, as was a first century practice, the convert is asked to kneel, and he is poured over three times: once as each name of God is spoken. Southern Baptists would probably like me excommunicated for mentioning a mode of baptism other than immersion, however, ect, ect, ect.

When listening to their radio or TV broadcasts, they will use only the name of Yeshua in their preaching, but when you go to their web site, they reveal their true nature. As you can plainly see, these Messianic Jews are no different than their protestant counterparts. These people, use terms like, Lord, God, Father when refering to their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ, just like protestants do. That comment, ( unto God and his Father) is interesting. It makes me wonder just how many gods do these people have? They must be referring to the triune gods which the Roman Catholic had invented. At first glance, one would think they are a people of the true GOD of Heaven, but finding out they are only Baal worshipers. Something some Jews can't seem to resist.


I have just been informed through my sources that R.G. Stair, the leader of a Christian religious group in SC,USA, who claims to be the "Last day Prophet of GOD", and claims that some remnant of the elect reside on his heathen cult compound which he calls Overcomer Ministries, both of Stair's claims are not true. Stair is certainly not a prophet of GOD, though he may be a prophet of his phony god, Je-Zeus Christ. A phony god with a phony prophet. There are no remnant of our elects residing on his heathen cult compound he calls the farm. In no time would any remnant of the elect would want to set foot, let alone reside in a place infested with the heathen Je-Zeus Christ cult group. In the event that R.G. Stair was claiming that his members are a part of the remnant of the elect, that statement is also false. None of R.G. Stair members have any part with the remnant of the elect.

This notice is posted by the People of the Holy Testament to clarify this matter about the remnant of the elect.


In the course of Christianities history, few events loom larger than the Council of Nicea in 325 CE. When the Roman Emperor Constantine called the Christian bishops from around the then Roman Empire, Constantine commissioned and bankrolled the paganized Christian sect, known as Christianity, to come up with one dogma in order to stop the infighting among the many Christian churches which had been established. This gathering of the Council of Nicea in 325 CE which established their heretical dogma of their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ for evermore. From then on, the Christian church would reach a theological crossroads in the permanent separation from the then Jewish sect, who was of the true fold of Yeshua. People like Arius, an Alexandrian theologian believed in one of many school of thought which had followed closely to what the followers of Yeshua had held, and had argued that Yeshua, now the newly formed pagan Christian fictitious Je-Zeus Christ, had undoubtedly been a remarkable leader, but that he was not GOD in the flesh. Arius proved to be an expert logician and master of extracting biblical proof texts that illustrated the differences between their Je-Zeus Christ and GOD. He used such text as those that are now found in the New Testament, John 14:28: "the Father is greater than I." and in 1 Corinthians 8:6: "Yet for us there is but one GOD, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one lord, Je-Zeus Christ". In essence, Arius argued that the pagan Christian, Je-Zeus Christ could not possibly be GOD, or share in the Father's unique divinity. In pre-Nicene Christians, There were those pagan Christians who believed and held that their Je-Zeus Christ was god, along with those who followed along the line of Arius, and other schools of Christian thought which had followed in-between these two beliefs. The original Apostles of Yeshua had always petition to GOD the Father, in their prayers, in the name of Yeshua, not in the name of the pagan Christian fictitious Je-Zeus Christ. Arius represented one of the pre-Nicene Christian sect within Christianity that was somewhat more in line with the original Apostles of Yeshua. Until that moment in history, Yeshua was viewed by his followers as a son of GOD, who was a mortal, a prophet and a great powerful man, but a man nonetheless. But the majority paganized gentiles, especially those of the second-century bishops, like the so-called, Irenaeus, and many like minded early pagan Christian theologians overwhelmingly looked upon and worshipped their fictitious, Je-Zeus Christ as their risen savior and god. Before the church fully adopted its comprehensive doctrinal creeds, early Christian church leaders had developed many a set of instructional summaries of beliefs, these were termed as the "Rule of the Faith". One such copy of the "Rule of the Faith" was picked from among the lot and became the "Canon" of the Christian church, which was to affirm their belief that Je-Zeus Christ was their "god". These pagan had made sure that their Je-Zeus Christ was reflected as god in their canon by giving the title Lord, Capital L, that had belong to GOD alone, and placed that title, , upon their now fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ. Thus their Je-Zeus became and is now looked upon as Lord to all Christians. One of the earliest known Christian books, the Didache, which some scholars believe was written around in the late first Century (90-200 CE), in which one can find this pagan heresy in one of the earliest Aramaic speaking Christian sect referring to their Je-Zeus Christ as their god, as their "Lord". The term Lord, (Kyrios) was used by the Greeks to denote divinity, and it was also used to simply mean honorable mention (small letter l). But in the Greek translation of the Old Testament (the Septuagint) this term "Lord" became the preferred substitution for GOD. The Romans had used the title "lord", to denote the honorable mention of a person, and in one case, Lord as the divinity of their emperor. During the first-century, Jews refused to use that title of Lord to the emperor for precisely this reason. To them, only GOD himself was kyrios or Lord. The pagan Christians took over this usage of kyrios and applied it to their now fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ. This was well formulated from the earliest days of the paganized Christian church. They had also doctored up all of their text that would eventually become the New Testament, so that the Christian scriptures will reflect their heretical belief. It is said by Church leaders, that Justin Martyr, a second-century luminary and the first church apologist, had baptized the early paganized Christians in the name of their triune Gods, it being, god the Father, god the Son, and god the Holy Spirit, thereby acknowledging to the paganized Christians of their day that their Je-Zeus Christ as being god, and claimed him to be Lord. Je-Zeus Christ was one of the three distinct persons within their pantheon of gods which was the belief system of these paganized Christian churches. The Council of Nicea did not entirely end the controversy over Arius's teachings. But through the imposition of this now Christian heretical doctrine, that of their Je-Zeus Christ's divinity was imposed upon the people by the "church" through the power of the Roman Emperor, Constantine, that all opposition was squelched. After all, these participating bishops merely affirmed the historic and standard pagan Christian beliefs, erecting a united front against any future efforts to dilute their Je-Zeus Christ as being their god. With these alterations which was done in the Gospels and all through the rest of the New Testament, this became part of the Christian "bible" heretical belief system which was to play an important role to portray their fictitious Je-Zeus Christ as god, for all Christians to believe. These were the text that those protestant Christians claim to have been from the original, pristine text that were copied and translated into German, English and French had come from. Even the Protestant, King James bible which these stupid Protestant preachers who are so full of themselves hold up as their authority to the "Word of GOD" which they highly esteem and claim to be accurate, in reality had come from the same corrupt text that had been altered hundreds of years before the Protestant reformation movement, by the Eastern Orthrodox and Roman Catholic churches. This is the Christian "bible" which these protestant preachers falsely base their entire faith upon. Now, the question of these New Testament scripture's so-called "historic" validity is coming under scrutiny by Bible theologians and it bears tremendous implications to Christians who had blindly believed in that phony, paganized, heretical Christian religion. When I read the gospels, those of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, very little is written for the three years which Yeshua had spent during his ministry. All that was said about Yeshua, could have taken place in only three months. There seems to be some talk among Christians lately, that their phony god will be coming within their generation. This false assumption they have, was derived from the false understanding of what they are reading from their fallible, corrupted, heretical bible. There are those priests and protestant pastors who claim that their so-called infallible, corrupted bible with its heretical beliefis, is the final authority of what is of GOD, when the final authority belongs to GOD alone. Not that Christian corrupted bible with its inherent pagan heresy which these Christian priests and protestant preachers fail to acknowledge this fact. Given the present circumstance which exist in our world today, these people really need to get out from their false illusion. I would have hoped that I could give an inspiring and healthy prognosis as to the future of humanity, but honesty prevents me to lie about it. Let us take a close look at the Spiritual situation that presently exist on our world today. I will use only nice round numbers during this discussion to keep things simple. Out of the six billion people that inhabit our world today, four billion of these people, in one form or another, worship a pagan god or gods. There are about two billion of these people who adhere to that pagan, perverted religion called Christianity. One billion are from the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, the other billion are from the various protestant Christian sects. One billion people are from the pagan religion of Islam, and one billion believers are from all of the other various pagan religions that exist on this world. There are also about one point six billion people who are totally secular in nature, in that they do not believe in a god and have nothing to do with any kind of a religion. What is left out of this mass of humanity is only a few people out of the six billion, who have truly found the true GOD of Heaven. So given this bit of reality, why in the world would GOD want to even save this corrupt people. If anything, what people can expect is that they will feel the brunt of anger from Almighty GOD. As for Israel, it too will not escape the wrath of GOD. For that nation has rejected the Will of GOD. The Jewish people there had turned their hearts away from His Will which was for Israel to become a Holy Nation under GOD, and have choosen instead a government based upon their own ideas which has turned that nation into a secular paganized nation. I am not surprise for this abrupt turn-around, for when Yeshua had walked upon the land, he had cursed the nation of Israel (when he had cursed that fig tree and said it will never again bear fruit). The people of Israel will not be saved from what is to come. They need not look for any kind of a messiah to save their nation or its people, for he shall not come among them. Let us take a look at the reality of what has become with the nation of Israel. There are those Jewish people, within or outside the land of Israel, who are from the Orthodox or other like minded branches of Judaism, who had rejected Yeshua and his teachings. Then there are those Jews who claim to believe in Yeshua and his teachings, and yet, these people are unable to move forward and see past the old covenant with its added secondary laws or commands that are found in the Torah. Who continue to observe all of those secondary laws that were added by those scribes who had written those laws after the death of Moses. Who long for the return of their Temple, so that they may once again return to the slaughtering of birds and animals upon their sacrificial alters. Then there are those Jews who have gone after that perverted pagan Baal Christian religion with its fake god/gods, or have gone to other pagan gods, after having known the true GOD of Heaven, they shall not have any chance to be re-incarnated. Because of this damnable act, these people will not be saved from the wrath of GOD. As for the rest of the Jewish people within or outside the nation of Israel, their heart and mind is given over to a secular society in which GOD has no connection with them at all. Now, it is much too late to bring about any kind of change in Israel that will prevent that nation and its people from becoming the slaves of the new world order system. Therefore; The nation of Israel and all of its people will not escape the wrath of GOD. By the same token, Christian need not look for their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ to come, for he is only a figment of their own imagination. Those people who may think that their Je-Zeus Christ may return to establish the Kingdom of GOD on this Earth, are sadly mistaken. For after Yeshua had died and was buried, he had then ascended into Heaven. When he had returned to Earth, he had walked among the people of Israel for forty days. He had said he would return before his crucifixion and death, and he had done this. What had Yeshua said to his disciples after he spent forty days with them before he went back to Heaven to be with Father? He had told his disciples to go out among the world and teach what they had learned from him. That in his name, Yeshua, (not that phony, made-up imposter, Je-Zeus Christ,) they will accomplish many great deeds. But for some reason, the Apostles of Yeshua had allowed the pagans to overcome them and usurp the teachings of our Beloved Brother, Yeshua. Yes; The early pagan, gentile Christians had replaced the name of Yeshua with their phony man-made god-man, Je-Zeus Christ which is now written in the book of the New Testament. This is what that paganized Christian church calls its "sacred" tradition. Christians really need to take a second look at the Gospel writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They will not find anywhere after Yeshua had returned, where he had said that he would now establish the Kingdom of GOD in Israel, or anywhere else on this world, for that matter. Given that Yeshua had cursed that fig tree (Israel), why would anyone expect that Yeshua will return to Israel? Yeshua will not return to Israel, not now or anytime in the near or distant future. Those within the Christian sect, had always told me that they will wait for their fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ to bring about that Kingdom of GOD. So let these Christians wait now in vain for their phony god to bring about their expected Kingdom of GOD. It is for this reason that I have tried to point out to people, here and on the People of the Holy Testament web site who is of GOD and who are the phonies, the liars, so that people may discern what is the truth. For there are a great many preachers and false would-be prophets that are broadcasting their perversion on the radio, TV and the Internet, to the people of the world. But those people who have understood what I had been saying and have believed what I have written, will not be blotted out from the Book of Life. For our Beloved Brother Yeshua, who is sitting next to Father's Heavenly throne, will speak on their behalf before GOD Almighty, and his Angels, so that these people may escape the second death, the death of their soul/spirit. Frankly, I am amazed at those people who claim to be Christians, because they have allowed themselves to be so easily duped by those charlatan preachers. Of which the majority of these come from the protestant sect. I am also amazed at the level of stupidity that come from those hundreds of Christian priests and preachers when it comes to knowing the things of GOD. I notice that many of these preachers have a Doctorate of Divinity attached with their name, which makes me wonder if they had obtained their degrees from a Cracker-Jack box, given that they are so inept and ignorant about their religion. But then again, I am not surprise because they tend to pick and choose what they want to believe. As for those people who are Moslems, they need not look for their version of a messiah to come, for he shall not appear to those people. Someone from their ranks may claim to be the messiah, but he will be as phony as that fictitious Christian god, Je-Zeus Christ that Christians falsely believe in. For their Koran had been corrupted in like manner as what had been done with the New Testament. Nor will people change in their spiritual thinking that would cause to change their present destiny, by bringing about a society that would reflect the Spiritual Kingdom of GOD which would have eventually spread throughout the world. I can attest to that, for I had tried in vain to bring that opportunity for people many years ago, but people had choosen not to respond to it. The time that this could have been done, had by now long passed away. It will not happen now, at least not on this planet. For the events that are to come are now set, and will not be altered. All this was foretold through the People of the Holy Testament web site on the "Future of Humanity" which will be fulfilled according to the Will of GOD. But all of this is now a mute point given that the greater part of humanity on this little planet have perverted and provoked GOD to wrath. Only a very small remnant of people who were willing to step out in faith, and walk where the average person fear to thread, who had responded to the call are now the one's who are part of the Very Elect. These are the only people who shall escape the wrath of GOD. Unfortunately; This is the reality of what is to come for the people of this world.

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