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CCR 2 The 2nd K1200LT Rally in the WORLD
09/22/2001 Hot Springs Arkansas - Velda Rose Hotel
most pictures are 50-60 k some are 200k

p9220029.jpg (62928 bytes) Raffy Kouyoumdjian, John Menefee p9220032.jpg (54096 bytes) p9220033.jpg (61820 bytes) Michelle and Randy Prade
p9220035.jpg (60932 bytes) p9220036.jpg (59792 bytes) Don Arthur on left, and Karl p9220038.jpg (59856 bytes) p9220039.jpg (62996 bytes)
Bob Weir on left, El Jeffe on right Judy & Jim Schuyler E. Syracuse, N Y Ken Stormer & Eddie Pharr p9220043.jpg (57224 bytes) p9220044.jpg (58688 bytes)
Grif in yellow p9220046.jpg (58864 bytes) p9220047.jpg (59400 bytes) p9220048.jpg (57712 bytes) Dawn Gringorten, Pep (George Pepper), and Joel Gringorten

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