I am currently teaching 5th grade at Woodlawn Elementary.
This is Mrs. Stover. She is my supervising teacher during my internship. Mrs. Stover is WONDERFUL! She has taught for over 25 years. She has shown me what it is like to love to teach!
These are some of the wonderful teachers that I work with (L to R: Bonnie Gavin, Dana Gavin, Barbara Stover, and Amy Tisdale).
This is part of my lesson on maps. We all went to the computer and learned how to use mapquest to get directions somewhere.
These are some of my children reading during AR time.
This is my children counting M&Ms and then they turn their numbers into graphs that are seen below.
This is Misty and I after our christmas parties. WORN OUT! LOL!
When I get free time, I enjoy spending time with Jonathan, going to visit friends, reading, and mud riding.
Here are some pictures of one of our mud riding trips.
This page is under construction!!! sorry! More to come!