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The Story

Many of people donate to help kids overseas or to help hunger and while those are great reasons to donate, I hope some of ya'll would be willing to donate to us as well.

Here is the story... I am 21 yrs old and my fiance is 26. My fiance has a 3yr old daughter by another woman.

The reason we are seeking help is because we are trying to get a lawyer to take the mother of his daughter to court and try to get custody of the child. The mother of the child does not treat her right. I have seen the baby with scratches all over her body and when you ask her how she got them she says "momma did it".

We have witness that will testify against her that she slaps her in the back of the head, in the face, and in the mouth. The only reason that the mother will not give us custody is because she gets a government check for the kid. She has placed her in an anger management and resource school in order to get this check. Even though the doctors told her that the baby didn't need the classes and that she was fine.

This child used to be the happiest child but now since living back with her mother she is always crying and saying she doesn't want to go with her mom. It hurts me to see her like this because all kids deserve a good life. I have a ok relationship with her mother and she sometimes tells me what she does to the child. I have actually SEEN her light a cigarette and let the baby take a puff of it. She calls me on the phone and tells me to come pick up the baby before she KILLS HER because she is tired of dealing with her and doesn't want her around anymore.

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