I don't really do anything with this homepage nowadays. I still design fansites, most recently I designed one for Adrian Quinnell. You can find it at http://flippin4adrian.bravehost.com. I'm fairly proud of that one. Carey's site was my introduction to web design, and I hope to eventually put together a much better site for him! Scroll down for the link to Carey's site.
Me on my 25th birthday in May 2007, expressing my distress at being "a quarter of a century old"...ok, not really, I was making faces at my brother, the cameraman.
About Me
Just because I think this page at least needs something on it, LOL. I'm a girl who hates to shop and is a disaster in the kitchen. Really, I've burned holes in plates and melted a bag of Fruity Pebbles...and that's just what happens when I'm not cooking. I love sports (go Rams!) and I love music. Currently I'm into Adam Pascal and Celtic Thunder...or Celtic *Thud* as my friends and I call it. My favorite all-time actor is Paul Newman. I have lots of opinions on everything but I tend not to share them too often. I love life and I love people. And I'm kinda curious as to what music videos I put on this site since I haven't been on it in a little while, LOL. - Em