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    European influences permeate Argentina's art, architecture, literature and lifestyle yet it manages to retain a healthy and unique identity of its own, evident in the writings of Argentinian authors such as Jorge Luis Borges and Manuel Puig, whose works have pushed Argentina onto the world stage.  Known for the liveliness of the tango, the exploits of Maradona and the beauty of the language, Argentina prides itself on its energy and its talent for sumptous living.

    With the education of many Argentines taking placve in Europe, Buenos Aires in Particular had self-consciously emulated European cultural trends in art, music and architecture.  As a result, there are many important art museums and galleries in the city.  Argentine cinema has also achieved international stature, and has been used as a vehicle to exorcise the horrors of the Dirty War.

    In the filed of literature in particular, there has been a significant cross-cultural transaction with Europe, with Argentina producing writers of international stature such as Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Ernesto Sabato, Manuel Puig and Osvaldo Soriano.

    Meat dominates Argentina's menus, and 'meat' means beef.  Mixed grills are apparently the way to go, serving up a cut of just about every part of the animal.  In the vegetarian's nightmare, Itlian favorites, such as gnocchi are a welcome alternative.  Exquisite Argentine ice cream deserves a special mention.  The sharing of mate, paraguayan tea, is a ritual more than a beverage, and if offered is a special expression of acceptance.  The leaves , a relation to holly , are elaborately prepared and the mixture is drunk from a shared gourd.



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