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The 7 Deadly Sins~R.A.Barrington~Sloth



Plopping your body down on the couch to watch a basketball game after work is not sloth. That is called relaxation, getting your head together. Stretching out on a chaise lounge, spending hours toasting one side of your body, then the other...that’s not sloth either. It’s called getting a tan. Making your 11 a.m. appointment to watch Jerry Springer every weekday isn’t sloth, it’s enlightenment. Sitting on a bar stool, sipping a beer, while playing Jeopardy! with the other patrons...that is a learning experience. Can you answer all of those trivia questions? Huh? A synonym for good sloth is rejuvenation.

Sloth is when you let your baby wallow in a shitty diaper while you watch what Barbie told Jake on your soap opera. Bad sloth is when you arise in the morning and can’t be bothered to brush your hair, your teeth. (I mean if you are not suffering from depression or some other brain malfunction.) Sloth is when you have soooooooooooooo much junk in your house only tiny pathways remain. Ugly sloth is being so far down the well that you can’t imagine what daylight looks like.