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Off to a place we have never been,
a place with no reminders of what we once were.
I won't see your face on every corner,
no chance or hope you'll be there.
For I am somewhere far far away.


To the middle of the ocean,
so large and impersonal, a place to forget.
There I will cast away, deep into the sea,
All my hopes and dreams,
of what we might have been.


I glance again at my hand,
and a war of emotions erupt.
For on my finger are still two rings,
that foolishly I use to believe,
promised all my dreams would be fulfilled.


These rings that use to shine so bright,
with the light of eternal love.
Are now so dull and tarnished,
that it seems they are as dark,
as a moonless night on this ocean.


To these rings I have bond,
all my hopes and dreams of us,
all the joyfull memories we made together.
To the two simple circles of gold,
I have tied my heart and very soul.


I stand at the railing,
revisiting the dreams once more.
Remembering that at one time,
They use to bring such joy.
Now I must cast it all away from me.


I slowly slip the rings from my finger.
I find that cutting out the heart,
that pumps the blood through my body,
would have been less painful.
But still this must be done.


Now off my finger and laying in my palm,
These simple rings look so harmless.
I close my eyes and in my mind,
tie and bind again all the dreams to them.
One deep breath and now I cast you to the sea.


As the dreams forever sink,
Deeper towards my forgetting them,
Perhaps if I am lucky,
They may carry with them,
The nighmares they have spawn.


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