Here are the conditions that must be met when using any of my graphics:
1) You must SAVE ALL graphics to YOUR computer or disk and upload them to YOUR web site. WebTV users may use the "transloading" feature such as offered at AngelFire.com web sites that copies the graphic from my site to yours for you. If you link directly to graphics on Angel Fire sites, all you'll get is a graphic with the Angel Fire URL and name on it!
2) Do not alter my graphics in anyway. Do not resize them. Use them as they are without changing the appearance in any manner. When you resize, you distort them. I do not want them renamed either. No changes are to be made in any way.
3) Do not offer my graphics in a collection or on a CD. You may NOT sell them in any manner.
4) Do not alter my graphics and claim them as your own.
5) Do not mix and match the sets, as most match the background in the set.
6) You are required to place a link, either one of my logos or a text link, on the same page where my graphics are used.
7) I would appreciate it if you send an email message to me to tell me what graphics you are using along with the URL of the page. Email: graphicsbykelly@hotmail.com
8) Web sites that display pornography, hate material, condoning of violence and abuse toward humans or wildlife, and such themes may not use my graphics. Only "G" rated - child safe sites may use my graphics.
9) Business sites are hereby required to ask permission to use my graphics. There is still no charge yet. When permission is granted, you must place a link on the page where the graphics are used.