Drop Down Box Code
This code is very simple to use. You will need a line of code beginning with 'OPTION VALUE' as shown below, for each link you want to put in your drop down box. Simply put the address of the link between the "" and substitute the name of your link page where shown. To make it a little easier to understand, I have changed the color of the items you need to substitute your information in.
Cut and paste the following code directly into your page making substitutions where needed.
<script language="JavaScript"> // Benny Sparano
// feel free to use this script as long as this text remains intact
// please link JavaScript World- Your Site for any and all JavaScript Info!
// Copyright 1997 JavaScript World
<!-- Hide the script from old browsers -- function surfto(form) { var myindex=form.dest.selectedIndex[myindex].value,"main",""); } //--> </SCRIPT>
<BODY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF"> <CENTER> <FORM NAME="myform"> <SELECT NAME="dest" SIZE=1> <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="">---------- A Simple Menu -----------
<OPTION VALUE="http://your url 1/">Name of Selection 1
<OPTION VALUE="http://your url 2/">Name of Selection 2
<OPTION VALUE="http://your url 3/">Name of Selection 3
<OPTION VALUE="http://your url 4/">Name of Selection 4
<OPTION VALUE="http://your url 5/">Name of Selection 5
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Pull Down Surfing!" onClick="surfto(this.form)"> </FORM></CENTER>
<!-- END OF SCRIPT -->