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I use Paint Shop Pro for all my graphic's work. Download it here!
This site is best viewed at 800 X 600 screen resolution
Click on the button for the category of stationery you would like to view. All are in zipped format and include all graphics, music and scripts needed. Note: Most non-simple scripts require that the base tag that Outlook Explorer adds be deleted. You can do this by clicking on the source tab once you open your stationery in Outlook, find and delete the text at the top of the page that is similar to the following: <BASE
href="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\dolphins\">
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Stationery Tips
OE instructions
Hint: The newer additions are on the last pages of each catagory.
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I have not knowingly used any graphics that are protected by copyright without the permission of the artist. All graphics used in making this stationery was used either with the express permission of the artist, or graphics I have found browsing the web. If I have used a graphic belonging to you and you have not given me permission to use it, please e-mail me and I will immediately remove it from my site.

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I have worked very hard to make my stationery and make it available on this site for your free use. So if you like my stationery, please consider voting for me in one or both of the sites listed below. Thanks for your vote.
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