If you would like any of your fanart or fan fiction to appear on this site, please e-mail it to and it will be placed on this site under the name of your choice. Any donations are highly appreciated, but more risque pictures will be put on a sister site that is currently under development that will be called "A Darker Realm".
Fanart: If you donate fanart, you will receive one page per every ten pictures you donate to make loading easier on slower browsers. Each donator will have their own pages on which their work will be displayed, including a place for the thumbnail, a place for an explanation if necessary, and the date when the picture is added. For about two weeks the each new picture will have a notification beside of the thumbnail saying that it is new.
Fan Fiction: If you have a story, song, or poem rudimentilly inspired by Dragonball Z and related series, it can be posted on this site. Each story will have with it a summary, the author, when the fic is posted, and any warnings if necessary. No fics will be denied, and will be placed in alphabetical order by the first name of the author's moniker (whatever pen name your using, basically).
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