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Cow Hide

PSP 7 Tutorial
By Frdsnomr

Here is what we will be making.

This tutorial was written for FlyByNightGraphics and is not to be copied, uploaded to another site, or group list without prior written consent by the author.
All rights are reserved.
June 21, 2001.

For this tutorial you will need:

The CowHide Selections.
Download here
Put these Selections in your Selection folder.

CowHide Tubes.
Download here
Put These Tubes where you want.
We will open them in PSP
and Copy and Paste them.

These Fills.
Download here
Put the Fills in your PSP Pattern folder
or put them where you want.
You can open them in PSP and use from there.

These Fills are for the
Wood Sticks and for the Cow Hide.
You can use any Wood fills
and Animal Skins that you want.

Open a New Image.
350 x 300 Transparent.

Open Your "CowHideWood" and "CowHideTan" patterns
if you did not put them in your pattern folder.

Layer> New Raster Layer.
Name this layer "Left".

Selections> Load from Disk.
Click on "Left.sel".
Click Open.

Set your Top Style Box to Pattern.
In your Pattern window pick the "CowHideWood" Pattern.
Setting: Scale> 50%
Angle> 270
Click OK.

Click on your Flood Fill.
Settings: Normal
Opacity> 100

Click inside of the Left.sel to Fill it.
Do this 4 times.
(This Selections is Feathered to make it smoother.
That is why you need to fill it 4 times.)

Effects> 3D Effects> Inner Bevel.
Settings: Bevel> Top Row the Second one from the Left
Width> 10
Under Image: Smoothness> 25
Depth> 5
Ambience> 0
Shininess> 30
Under Light: Color> White
Angle> 315
Intensity> 50
Elevation> 40

(You can save these settings and name it Stick if you want.)

Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow.
Settings: Vertical and Horizontal> 2
Opacity> 50
Blur> 3.5
Color> Black.

Layer> New Raster Layer.
Name this layer "Top".

Selections> Load from Disk.
Click on "Top.sel".
Click Open.

Do the same Fill as you did for the Left.sel but change
the Angle to "0" in the Pattern Window.
(Don't forget to fill 4 times.)
Do the same Inner Bevel and Drop Shadow
as you did for the Left.sel.

Layer> New Raster Layer.
Name this layer "Right".

Selections> Load from Disk.
Click on "Right.sel".
Click Open.

Do the same Fill as you did for the Left.sel but change
the Angle to "90" in the Pattern Window.
(Don't forget to fill 4 times.)
Do the same Inner Bevel and Drop Shadow
as you did for the Left.sel.

Layer> New Raster Layer.
Name this layer "Bottom".

Selections> Load from Disk.
Click on "Bottom.sel".
Click Open.

Do the same Fill as you did for the Left.sel but change
the Angle to "180" in the Pattern Window.
(Don't forget to fill 4 times.)
Do the same Inner Bevel and Drop Shadow
as you did for the Left.sel.

Now we will put the Bottom Stick under the Left Stick.
So it matches the other corners.
Selections> Load from Disk.
Click on the "Left.sel".
Click OK.
In your Layer Palette window
make sure that the Layer named "Bottom" is Highlighted.
Hit the Delete Key on your keyboard.

Selections> Select None.

This is what it should look like.

(If you want you can save this as a PSP file to use later.)
(It makes a good Frame.)

Layers> New Raster Layer.
Name this layer "Hide".

Selections> Load from Disk.
Click on "Hide.sel".
Click Open.

In your Pattern Window
pick the "CowHideTan" Pattern.
Setting: Scale> 100%
Angle> 0
Click OK.

Click on your Flood Fill tool.
Same settings.
Fill your "Hide.sel".
Only fill this once.

Effects> 3D Effects> Inner Bevel.
Settings: Bevel> Top Row Second from the Left
Width> 2
Under Image: Smoothness> 13
Depth> 2
Ambience> 0
Shininess> 0
Under Light: Color> White
Angle> 319
Intensity> 40
Elevation> 40

(You can save these settings and name it CowHide if you want.)

Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow.
Same Settings.

Selections> Select None.

This is what you should have.

Open Your "CowHideCornerTie" tube.

Edit> Copy.
(To copy your tube.)

Click on your Image.
Edit> Paste as New Layer.
Move this Tie to the Top-Left corner.
(Were the wood crisscrosses.)

Edit> Paste as New Layer.
Move this Tie to the Bottom-Left corner.
(Were the wood crisscrosses.)

Edit> Paste as New Layer.
Image> Mirror.
Move this Tie to the Top-Right corner.
(Were the wood crisscrosses.)

Edit> Paste as New Layer.
Image> Mirror.
Move this Tie to the Bottom-Right corner.
(Were the wood crisscrosses.)

   This is what it should look like.

Open your "CowHideTie" tube.
Edit> Copy.
(To copy your tube.)

Click on your Image.
Edit> Paste as New Layer.
Move it into place if you have to.
So the Ties line up with the Holes in the Hide.
Rename this layer "Ties".
(This is important.
We will be moving this layer later.)

This is what you should have.

Open your "CowHideTopTie" tube.
Edit> Copy.
(To copy your tube.)

Click on your Image.
Paste> as New Layer.
Paste 3 of these top ties.
Place them on the top wood
one above each tie.
(I pasted each one as a New Layer
so I can align them later.)

Here is what it should look like.

Open your "CowHideRightTie" tube.
Edit> Copy.
(To copy your tube.)

Click on your Image.
Paste as New Layer.
Paste 3 of these Right Tie.
Place them on the right wood,
one by each tie.
(I pasted each one as a New Layer
so I can align them later.)

Open your "CowHideBottomTie" tube.
Edit> Copy.
(To copy your tube.)

Click on your Image.
Paste as New Layer.
Paste 4 of these Bottom Ties.
Place them on the bottom wood,
one under each tie.
(I pasted each one as a New Layer
so I can align them later.)

Open your "CowHideLeftTie" tube.
Edit> Copy.
(To copy your tube.)

Click on your Image.
Paste as New Layer.
Paste 4 of these left ties.
Place them on the left wood,
one by each tie.
(I pasted each one as a New Layer
so I can align them later.)

In Your Layer Palette window.
Click on the "Ties" layer
to hightlight it.

Go to Layers> Arrange> Bring To Top.

Make sure all your ties are aligned.

Here is what you should have.

Layers> Merge> Merge Visible.
Save this as a PSP file to use later.

Decorate how you like.

We are done.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

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