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  Jesus Freak Presents  

  The Lord Jesus Christs Saving Power  

  With this site what I intend to do is bring souls to freedom through JESUS CHRIST. Brother Jesse Duplantis said that he got saved in a bathroom, you yourself can get saved! anywhere. At this moment if you'r not saved you can get saved. Praise Jesus! All you have to do is accept him with your heart and confess with your lips that JESUS CHRIST is Lord. You can speak it with the natural, your lips. And with the spiritual your actions and worship. Sometimes hundreds of people get saved at a time and that is through the wonderfull saving works of the Lord. No one said that the road would be easy but we have the Word of God, the Truth through CHRIST our Lord, and the Holy Spirit to guide us. We have the church of worship to interact with fellow believers. To learn and understand from their experience called testemony, because we overcame the beast by the power of our testamony(Rev 20:3-5). It is good for you to find a good church because with a earnest heart and attendance you can get to know and all powerfull Almighty God. (Your destiny)

"But everything that belongs to God must be given to God."

"Everything that is now hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light."

Suicidal thoughts,

need help?

If you'r facing a situation or a problem in your life don't think twice about giving the Lord way into your life to help you. Online and now you can receive help through one of the Lords spirit filled ministeres. Here are books that you can download and also have them mailed to you. If your going through a problem there's no need for you to go through it alone. There's help here for you. Visit this site and download a words of wizdom that will help you through the storm. You can call TBN prayer (1-714-731-1000) ,Aquire The Fire (1-877-ATF-FIRE) or a minister that you feel close to.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord

"As the church submits to Christ, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything."

The LORD says, "I will rescue those who love me.I will protect those who trust in my name.

the LORD God gave him this warning

"I love all who love me. Those whosearch for me will surely find me.

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