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CSS is a language that means "Cascading Style Sheets. Like HTML, cascading style sheets are used to change things such as font face, size, font in tables, scrollbar color, link color and hover color, etc., on Web sites but without having to use long HTML codes, in most cases. However, the problem with CSS is that while some of the CSS properties are supported by both Netscape and IE, some are just supported by IE and some are just supported by Netscape.

Below are some basic CSS/Text codes for you to use to make changes to your user lookup. We have tried to make this as easy and comprehensive as possible but if you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the webmisstress.

If you need help with colors, click here or here to see color charts.
NOTE: As of Sept 6, 02 Neopets disabled the use of CSS in shops.

First off, this is the “BASE” code for using CSS. All the effects that you want to add to your page goes inside this base code.

The following are all the different effects that you can use to change your user lookup. Just copy what is in the text box below the effect you want and place that code inside the base code provided above. The areas in CAPS are things you need to change to your own preference.


  • Adding a solid background color:

  • Adding an tiling image background:
  • Making your background fixed (The text will scroll above your background):
  • Making your background image non-repeating (Your image will be centered and displayed only once in the background of your page):

  • TEXT

    • Changing text color:
    • Centering your text:
    • Changing your font type:
    • Font size is 1 being the smallest to 50 being the LARGEST!
      Font family recommended is: verdana, arial, times new roman since those can be seen on all browsers.

    • Making text glow:


    • Adding borders around your lookup profile:
    • Adding a border to your user lookup page:

    • Border Styles
      dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset


    • Adding a fading effect to your table backgrounds:
    • Adding a fading effect to your images:
    • Opacity= can be a number between 0 and 100.
      Style= 1 for a right hand side fade. 2 for circular fade. 3 for rectangular fade.

    • Removing the white around your items:
    • Adding a glowing effect around your images:
    • Strength = You can increase the strength number for a more dramatic effect.


    • Colored Scrollbars:

    • NOTE: Alternatively you can use our Scrollbar Generator to create your scroll bar codes.

    • Changing your link colors:
    • Changing the search box colors:
    • Adding a background image to the searchbox:
    • Changing your mouse cousor:
    • Cursor Options
      crosshair,s-resize, sw-resize, se-resize, hand,help, w-resize, move,e-resize, ne-resize, text, n-resize, nw-resize, ne-resize, wait

    • Adding a space between sentences/paragraphs:
      And add this whenever you need a line between your sentences or parageaphs.


    • Adding an image/banner to your user lookup:
    • This code in complete with opening and closing style tags and should be used separately from your main body code.
      You will need to change the height and width to match the height and width of your image.

    • Adding an image where your name is:
      First you need to go to your User Preferences and change the Full Name text box to <u></u>.

      Then scroll down and add the following in the "About Me" text box:
    • This code in complete with opening and closing style tags and should be used separately from your main body code.
      You will need to change the height and width to match the height and width of your image.

    • Adding a top banner:
    • Again, you will need to change the height and width to the height and width of your banner. Also change the "position" left and top numbers to position it. The position of the code here is set for the top right hand banner. NOTE: Your top banner should be at least 480 width and 62 height to match the space on the user lookup page.

    To go to the HTML HELP page, click here.

    Please repect my hard work in putting this page together...

    This is not to be copied or placed online anywhere else!
    Cydnie at the The Faerie Guild
    TFG Graphics and Website Contents © 2000-2003 All Rights Reserved