The CommonWealth Capital : Denartis

(City of Dreams)

At the birth of the CommonWealth Empire, a site to the south of the Escarian desert was selected as a development site for the Empire's military headquarters; and a place where the new collisium would be built - the Empire's CourtHouse. It took almost a year to build the city to what it became at first, the military base and training grounds for the new soldier recruits and fresh imports of Dentarian horses from the Delnaran fields outside of Rome, Earth.

It took the most part of 2 years to build the collisium, the Empire's CourtHouse and living quarters for the ruler, where laws are passed, judgements made and a consultation state for where all of the Allies of the CommonWealth would meet to debate upon the progress of the clans. The building was intricatly designed to withstand heavy impacts from ait attacks, and is built upon stabalisers deep into the earth, to ensure that any disturbances in the Earth will not compromise the buildings position. Merchants and architects from all over the realms came to see this new marvel of modern craftmanship and intelligence. Contributions were made by each who came to view the city's splendor, Art, Carvings, Sculptures and Antiquities were given as gifts to the collisium; which soon made the CourtHouse much of a tourist attraction to many buyers who saught to collect the precious gifts donated.

After news of the CommonWealth's main new city and it's collisium reached the outer lands, people journeyed from far and wide to inquire about the new power in the lands; most having just uprooted from where they lived in lands of oppression and chaos, came to ask for sanctuary within the Empire. Gradually, the city became a hostel for most who visited, drastic action was taken to ensure the people could be given housing, water, food and other living comforts. Immediatly a market was constructed around the inner ring of the city, and guards posted to aid those who flowed through the city. Eventually the chaos calmed within the streets, accomodation was readily available, merchants travelled in to supply all the inhabitants needs and guards were posted day and night to ensure the people's protection. This happened quickly within other areas around the Empire, and soon cities were springing up everywhere within the 5 states. Lady Tera DiVlanche seen a need within the people for assurance that they were protected within the capital, 6 months after the inner-city's completion, an order was carried out to have a 600ft wall erected around the city borders.

Not long after the CommonWealth Headquarters became a living, bubbling city, the people took this place to be their own home. The second collisium was build behind the first, this one being much smaller, but more spaced out upon the grounds. The first collisium was given to the people as a public-house. This was used as a theater, a sport ground, a training ground for both horses & men, a public voting office and the place of "The Gathering". The Gathering was set up as a simple idea by Lady Tera, for all young males and females within the city. They joined The Gathering and partook in social events where they could meet and socialise with other youths. This has been a huge success in occupying the time of the children and adolescents of the city, promoting the laws of the Empire and discouraging violence and vandalism to our beautiful realm; as well as being a meeting place for those who seek romantic aspirations.

(View from the CourtHouse building onto the first Collisium/Public House)

The second collisium was designed and developed into the eventual CourtHouse of the Empire. Here the ruling parties of the CommonWealth meet and reside at all or any times of the year. The leader upon the throne of the Empire rests within the CourtHouse walls of the Capital always, and their right and left hands reach out upon the lands upon the backs of stallions, spreading the whispers of Peace.

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© 2002 Simone Irvine