
Appears in: Riven, Book of Atrus, Book of Ti'ana

Actor: John Keston

Submitted by: Alahmnat

Gehn is the son of Ti'ana (Anna) and Aitrus, and is the father of Atrus. When he was 4, he was inducted into the Guild of Ink-Makers, although being half-Human, half-D'ni made things much harder for him than they would have been otherwise. He was 8 when D'ni fell, and Ti'ana took him to the surface to live there. He left when he was 19, following the death of his wife, Keta, and the birth of Atrus. He returned to D'ni and began living on K'veer, an island mansion in the middle of the great lake in the cavern where D'ni was located.

When Atrus was 14, he was retrieved by Gehn and taken down to D'ni, where he learned how to write Descriptive Books to link to other Ages. Following Atrus' rebellion against his authority, Gehn locked him in a room at the bottom of the island. Gehn was later trapped on his 5th Age, Riven, by Atrus and Catherine, during an attempt by Gehn to marry Catherine.

30 years later, Gehn managed to figure out how to create more Books, and began writing Ages for himself and the Rivenese to live on following the impending collapse of Riven. He set up an office on his 233rd Age, and was in the middle of writing his 234th Age for the Rivenese people when he was trapped in a Prison Age by "the player," who was sent by Atrus to rescue Catherine from Riven and capture Gehn so he would no longer be a threat to Atrus' family and other civilizations on other Ages.

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Image © 1997 Cyan, Inc.

Gehn's Crest. Image © 1997 Cyan, Inc.