"Another one nameless"

down through the halls everyday
and everyday it remains the same
walking with the ones who ignore me
mocked by all the ones who abhor me
seeing all your happy smiles
most of which all stretch for miles
i long for the day i'll be happy again
but in this world i don't see that happening
on the outside i seem fine
the truth is i'm dying on the inside
it feels like my innards are being eaten out
and "let this pain end!" is all my heart will shout
erased from this world is what i wish to be
and to not be remembered by society
you didn't know who i was when you passed me everyday
never cared how i felt or what i wanted to say
so when i'm gone don't pretend to feel sorrow
'cause you'll forget about me again tomorrow
another one nameless just another number
fuck this, the social wonder!

"The Socially Challenged Of The World"

I'm among this group
I've been most of my life
"The socially challenged of the world"
the neverending strife
I didn't ask for a membership
but I have a lifetime card
I can't give it back
so forever i'm scarred
No meetings are held
because no one would show
we're all locked away from the world
with no place to go
You become a member
without even knowing
until you realize you're alone
our population is growing
Our numbers are increasing
each and every day
but we'll not speak out against you
for it is our way
but if by some rare chance
one brave one did cry out
you'd ignore us like you always do
no matter how loud we shout
So you go your way
and we'll go ours
"the socially challenged of the world"...
societie's scars.

"I don't know TRUE happiness"

i cried last night
i cried and cried and cried
it wasn't because my dad's gone
not because my mom feels she has no reason to live
or because i don't eiter.
i held them in my hand,
clenched my fists tight and then the tears just came, i couldn't stop them,
i tried but nothing would hold them back.
i wiped my eyes and on my hands... blackness.
it fell to the floor, i picked it back up,
looked at them, rattled them and watched as they hit the sides of their cage.
as i sat back in my chair,
tears flowly freely from my eyes like drops of hot candle wax,
i realized my happiness does not come naturally,
my happiness is dependant upon a little, pink pill.

"paranoia, paranoia"

demons creeping, while minds are sleeping
eating away at your soul
fear is growing, minds are blowing
it's too strong now to control
eyes are staring, so far from caring
each day now is the same
lips are whispering, tears are glistening
you're the only ones left to blame.

"the killer"

your throat is slit from ear to ear
strange your still alive
quiet, the killer hunting you is near
will you, or will you not survive?
my bet is on that you won't
the killer's intentions are willfully strong
you want to run, but you don't
hush, it won't be long
chills are racing down your spine
the fear is too intense
death is consuming your fukt up mind
the need to no longer escape is immense
you shudder from the cold steel on your arm
from the pain, you whimper and moan
you can't stop the killer from inflicting this bodily harm
for the hands, they are your own.

"who cares"

who cares if i'm alive or dead
if i put the bullet in my head
if i decided to take away my own life
if i wasn't afraid to pick up the knife
if i went to play in the busy street
if my body and the front of a semi meet
if a hundred pills is what i wanted to take
if the very next morning i didn't awake
if i wanted to leap off the top of the mountain
if when i hit the ground my blood spurts like a fountain
if with my feelings i can't cope
if i hung myself with the rope
if i can't deal with the problems in my head
who gives a fuck if i'm alive or dead?

"Without Wings"

slit your wrist, here's the twist
blood flows out, scream and shout
what have u done? get your gun
pop in a clip, let one slip
in your head, now you're dead
fly above, like a dove
hear you sing, plane clips your wing
plummeting down, without a sound
spinning round and round, Splat! hit the ground
sink within, burn your skin
maggots and flies, in devil's eyes
no halos, just horns, demons born
fiery pits, earth's been lit
fire blazes through it all, baby chokes on bouncy ball
mother screams, then combusts
burnt to ashes, dust to dust
god is laughing from above
our suffering he does love
finally the world's come to an end
the one problem money cannot mend
the devil and I enjoy your pain
all our laughing is in vain
no more tears will be shed
you cannot cry when you're dead.

"Visitor At Night"

I was sound asleep dreaming of you
when i was awakened by a chill
i sat up in bed and looked around
becoming confused and feeling ill.
I turned my head and squinted my eyes
letting them adjust to the darkness of the night
that's when i saw him standing there, glowing in the starlight
He was watching me sleep
like i wish you could so many times before
just the thought of not having you next to me
leaves my heart bruised and sore.
but he promised he'd take my pain away
if i would take his hand
he said he'd make me forget about you
when we returned to his land
I told him i couldn't forget the one i love
he said our love was unreal
"he doesn't love you the way i would"
and once again he assured me my heart would heal.
His voice was trusting so i reached my hand out
but when i viewed him closely his eyes were rolled back in his head
that's when i realized i was giving my hand
to the hand of the dead.
Just then i pulled my arm away
as i thought of you
softly kissing down my neck
I felt our love was true.
I wouldn't go with him to eternity
I can't die without meeting you
but he said that he would be back
only next time he'd come for you
And when those shadows gather 'round
and reach out to you with their touch of death
don't leave with them michael, stay here for me
don't let them take your final breath.

"The Storm And I"

Looking out my window during the storm
is like looking at my face in the mirror.
The drops of rain trickling down the glass,
are like the salty tears that stream down my cheeks.
The storm and I both have black clouds
although mine never seem to drift away...
so the rain on me never stops
It's always dark where I am, I search,
but i'm never able to find my way to the end of that rainbow.
The loud thundering is like the screams I constantly hear inside my head.
They're as loud as the thundering booms outside,
but no one ever seems to hear mine.
Every time I see lightening rapidly streak across the sky,
it reminds me of how fast my soul is deteriorating,
and it feels like every jagged bolt shreds another piece of me.
There's really only one difference between the storm and I,
unlike with me, after the rain outside,
the sun always shines again.


on my knees praying in the mud
alongside the river of semen and blood
dark shadows around me, faces in the trees
shards of broken glass beneath my knees
fists clenched tight, pain came too soon
imprinted in my palms from my nails---crimson crescent moons
the clouds descending, smothering my head
town of birth nearing, town which we fled
souls intertwined , mended with scars
come join me, my dear, for a lunch bizarre
feed on the minds of which we stole
sip the brain juices or devour it whole
skull cracked open, nice little bowl
light up and smoke your lover's soul
punctured blue webs, crook of arms
be back in an hour , no need for alarm
hello kitty in the tree
hanging from a bough in a noose for eternity
look what you've done sir, please pay the bill
find a duck my friend, he'll help you, he will
a slaughter here, a slaughter there
7 sins committed to a home in your care
sink in the marshland, the soggy bog
echoing the croaking of mr. frog
no wait, that croaking, i believe its me
i've finally died, oh, dont you see
mind on track, here comes the train
will you be attending the funeral of my brain?

*All poems written and copyrighted by amy B.© Copyright Amys mystic poetry*
Penny Royal Tea By:Nirvana