Day is lost

day is lost time has died
broken angel wings
of an unearthly kind
scratched the surface
for meaning and purpose
broke the silence
world of rage and violence
ocean of souls
unfinished roles of time
life slips away
searchin for a new day
~by:michael D~

Strange Mind

you never tasted my sun
you may have dabbled little girl but you never took a bite
where are you trying 2 fly to running with the eagles
the lions roar has died so it may seem
but the old age has yet 2 cry
when soldiers march they seem 2 be marching to there graves
is it honor 2 die for what can be saved!
why doesnt this world seem 2 take a trip
only time it stops 2 cry is when
you take a sip ....take a sip ...take a sip...when you take a....sip
claws digging into your brittle hair
such a clean smelling breathe of air...
toxic but yet so nice 2 breathe
floating sky why do you cry
i ponder what is it like to die
may i touch ur highest mountain?
may i tumble upon your peaks
little girl dont ask me youve never even bitten into me
you dont know my rotton core
youve never gutted someone like me before
taste me now while you can
bite down then return to your land
~By:Michael D~

Blind Chimes

nothing stays the same
misplaced took up space
dark gory bandage over your eyes
theres shame in the prize
do you see yet
that white crumpled vail
has burnd your eyes
that long unpure train blazes a trail
it's your demonic elevator to hell
i watched but i tried to cut out my eyes
i cant bear i sit and rip out my hair
you cant scream cause theres a muffled sound
its coming from under the ground
let the ringing call you to your knees
deseased mind
its in frozen time
nobody ever noticed
that the clock has changed with the years
lonely brutal tears
pray upon the hill
lifes lonely cheap thrills
that river is overflowing
its time 2 change
shocking fears
lonely gruesome tears
~by:Michael D~


conspiricy runs high
its trapped it can not get out from the plot
every door closed comes to it another opens
let it be
you run down the halls
there they are
waiting to take you to the office
"oh no its the office"
i dont care
the hell your out of for a few days
keeps you in suspense
you shall return
every door closed comes to it another one opens
conspiricy runs high
its trapped it can not get out from the plot
~by:Michael D~

Conform Deform Die!

just kill me save yourself
lost throught this god forbidden time
kill me let me be
i wanna scream
life has bled out of me
feel my pain
taste my hate
bathe in my blood
float in my smoke just dont choke
i cut myself for you
what should i do?
kill myself for the worlds enjoyment
get your soul but dont lose it like me
im lost in a never never land story dream
forget about me im useless
just a monkey whore
a deformity of this social pool of popular conformity
if im going down
god your coming with me
words of wisdom from me to the youth and so on
im just like you no better no worse
id rather be shriveled up and dead emasculated
then looked up to as more than any one else
song after song
rhyme after rhyme
am i just wasting my time?
~by:Michael D~


Where is this going
down to where the angels and demons meet
fighting for souls is the only time they eat
whether you’re here
whether your there
it don’t matter they’ll find you any where
you hide in your shell
this time your going to hell
cause maybe this time they have won
you’ve seen it before you get a gun
your leaving on your own terms
your going to where ancient souls burn
its your turn
what is the lesson that you were suppose to learn
your on your knees knelt
with the gun in your mouth
don’t be afraid cause either way they’ll get you
the sky was once blue
is now red
don’t worry
all this time you was already dead
~by:Michael D~


There were two shadows
walking by my side
one disappeared
where did you hide
maybe a shadow from my childhood
I know I missed out
The wind blows
its so cold in here
I don’t know how I ended up in here
Walking down that road disappeared shadows
Maybe there just a picture of my soul
Where’s that place
that missing space in my soul
~by:Michael D~


I sit in despair wating for death
Calling for the beings of life
Hearing the screams of the children
We all sit burning
Burning unto hells wrath
Feeling death with our breath
Feeling hate with our mind
Thers nothing left
For us to find
Keeping hope in our souls
Letting go
Wanting to run
Trying to let go but
being pulled back
Knowing its over
U still try

Hating Love

Death is what i need
Killing is what i do
Hate is in my soul
Your feelings is what i control
Put in Seclusion
Loving you is hate
Hating you is love
Sacrifice my sorrow
Leave me with nothing!


Complaining to get your way
Fuck you!! your gonna die any way
surrender to lose your life
i control your every move
i take your pain
i take your life
i stalk you at night
i watch you suffer i own your mind
your end is coming
Its over!
I take your life

Completely Nothing

When i think i think of nothing
Nothing controlling me
Nothing to help me
Nothing to save me
Nothing to want me
Nothing to take me away
Nothing in the empty bottle of pills
Nothing in the chamber of the gun
Nothing on the tip of the knife
Nothing to tie the rope from
Nothing to hold me back
I let go of nothing
And i am gone

Make Believe

Death is taking over
Messing with peoples life
Lie! lie to them
Make them believe they will not die
Make them believe they will never prosper
Make them believe its not over for them
When you know its over for you too!

No Hope

Hope is shattered and...
Life is crushed
I cant take the pain you put out
I cant take the sorrowI have for myself
I wonder why i am here
I wonder should i turn my thoughts to reality
Or...should i pick up the knife
I think it is over now
Well.. now i know it has come for me


I see you walking and i follow....
Watching you breath at night
I will win this time
You will be mine
I caught you
You were damaged but not hurt
Your nothing now
Just shit in the wind
Fearfully i take your breath
Throw it away
The end is in the bag
Take a look
What do you see...
Ha! got you
Now your gone and..
Out of my life

Locked Inside

Swept the feet
off the floor
looked around
for the door
searching for a piece of fun
shying away from me
act ok when really not
speaking to see
alcoholic mood seeps through
while i look for change to lose
guessing where i am
swam to cruise
voices echo round the room
ate a hole lot more than u
now i feel like grass is sick
wish for answers to leak through
apple stuck inside my mouth
cannot speak out of house
waiting for the chance to bleed
junkie heart seems to arouse
pop some more
to feel and float
come join me here
upon my boat
will to inject
the pain i long
safely wet
my draughted bong
pull into my world
never to escape
dont even know
where is the gate.
~By:Ashlee Robertson~

Burning Out

and suspended
by my faith in the
poisen ruining me
i know im alive
yet dead inside
my body convulses
when poison not supplied
im deprived
and pained
for im at loss at scoring
for this endless game
i wish i could see
myself from outside
wait, i think id take pity
and pity i dont abide
floating like a damned
doomed to pop
way too soon
but how can i help
myself if i cant
even believe in myself
dotn tell me it takes time
ive had time
ive given time
wasted, lost, and forgiven time
and all ive gotten
was pain
and memories
that drive through my heart
like stale miseries
lost and distant
in the fading light
burning out inside me
taking my sight
~By:Ashlee Robertson~

Bullet Breath

Bullet echo's like your breath
next to me i lay here
sweet and sounding like my death
i couldnt wish for more
swaying slowly in the breeze
the trees above me
pop each pill with so much ease
how i envy
we share and bare all to say
and crack so to speak
and when its time to float away
u pull me to my feet
ill see u when im dreaming
cos now i can almost sleep
u took away the scheming
and filled it with relief ~By:Ashlee Robertson~

Feeling dead

A situation of mercy stock
drowned through my head of building blocks
and the story u wrote took my turn
strike the match and watch me burn
my laughter rang out in my eyes
lifted the blanket off my cries
and drank the wine tarnished with hate
my destiny crushed while awaits my fate
turning round in circles here
daft and drunken by my fear
shadows around the corner still
wished away at my will
my only thought to make u hear
my desperate call, my hated fear
do u know why i ran away
do u think id want to stay
and hear more voices than in my head
my skin so scarred im feeling dead
~By:Ashlee Robertson~