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"3pp3s - Od3 No. 2"  AKA "hank's andy opus"

by Anais 00/04/08

i get so fucking sick of
time and again
coming upon these
goddamned hallmark conglomorate
disneyfied hollow-bunny rhetorical
media mainstream
poems (sic)
that pass for genuine sentiment,
these babes that believe it.

i think if i read one more cloud
or rainbow or castle in the sky or star
or dream "fulfilled"
i will not be able to stop myself from
honing up my pet axe, eugine, chaste and sharp.
'til now, he has known only silver but soon he
shall drip precious rubies.
i long to sink eugine's teeth
into walt's pixie tinker-bitch er -bell,
into her pudgy little belly,
(would you hurt my friends, bitch?)
and watch her squirm and squeak as she
breathes and gurgles her last!!!  what ghastly pleasure!!!
what bloodlust is this!!!
what genuine sentiment is this!!!
and then to take that goddamned bag of tricks,
that fat bug's pouch of fairy dust blow, and
sail on a small boat to the center of nowhere
and hold a fuckin' burial at sea
 and scatter the damnable shit once and for all,
and kill it before it kills again.


now, i have no particular quarrel with clouds or rainbows
or goddamned ferry tail dust
in spite of the fact that three of my friends
OD'd on the shit and they found Bonsey's
bones on the
though i do prefer jesters and smaug
and the sand in my hourglass;
lest you mistake me for
i just spent two whole days at my
own private castle with my own White Knight
playing "what is the question", and
"have you seen my pants", and
listeing to KLON and KXLU, and
donning and doffing masks, and
It Was The Shit!
(feel free to drool)


but they do so need their all white tai chi
fed like so much pablum with the morning coffee.
thank you tinkerbitch, can i give you my soul in return?
thank you tinkerbitch, can i have hothouse roses and pay you in bags?
thank you tinkerbitch, will you give me a pretty farce
so i can avoid a not so pretty face
and i will give you reality
and all sense of logic
or truth
or honesty
and i will beg you to take me
for all i am worth
because i am not worth much now
thanks to you

across gra/ey moats
behind locked gates
on secret patios
in castle turrets
something is dying
as something else is reborn
and there is no hiding from it;
as the tale-gate succinctly put it:
it is
everyone but me remembers the name
of the guy who said "beauty is truth,
truth beauty"...


how does one go about hiding from
the nighttime sky, anyway?
i mean, assuming that's your goal
in the first place?
and how well is the dust working for ya?
and do you miss being on the roll call?
and do you even know what you miss?
why do you see coal
where i see potential diamonds?
why must you?

it must be because
tinker is a Reality vegan or
who fears being poisoned by
just one taste of
sure, she might get too heavy
to fly, but o, to savor the flavor
on your tongue!
ah, well, one man's meat
etc etc blah blah woof woof andsoforth andsoforth
and she'll probably live to be
a thousand
and then
die of nothing.


"writing about the
new-fallen snow for
rich people is not a haiku"
or some such shit

where is the black
or white in
a rainbow
or some such shit

a creature is
a creature is
a creature is
not a plant
or some such shit

by pink floyd collins
or some such shit


HM + AN =
"The Code"
All Ways