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"Hello, my name is Andy and this is my memorial."


I’m afraid it’s too late,
Because so many of us never got to know you.
I couldn’t have had a chance,
But I feel like I might as well have.
“We didn’t understand you,” they say.
But now…I think we finally do.
Andy, you gave so much love.
You did so many beautiful things.
And when I think about it,
An odd but amazing feeling overcomes me.
One I cannot explain.
One that makes me smile and cry at the same time.
A terrible illness racked your body.
The body of a 35-year-old,
Who deserved so much more life than he got.
But you remained strong.
People always said you were weak.
But, Andy, you proved them all wrong, once and for all.
You fought hard, and you were always so brave.
Never letting up.
Never letting go.
And not once did you break down.
You had every right to, Andy,
Every right to break down and scream,
“Why?  Why me?  It isn’t fair!”
Because you would have been right.
It isn’t fair.
But you never gave into it.
And though it appears you lost your final battle,
You went down with brilliance, Andy.
You gave off your love right until the end.
Even as you lay dying, barely able to sit up on your own,
You glowed with a radiance that only you could glow.
Only Andy could glow that way.
And you lost the battle, Andy,
But in a way, your victory could not have been greater.
For while the cancer claimed your body,
It never, ever, claimed your spirit.
Nothing could claim your spirit.
You won, Andy,
Because you are not dead.
I cannot say, “We loved you,”
Because, in reality, we love you.
You will never be dead, Andy.

Kate Sith
We'll never forget you.   ^_^

Andy Kaufman
1949 - 1984
"..let everyone who doesn't already know, know how much I always loved them,
and how much I still love them.  People think that 'this skit' or 'that skit' is so important,
or whether I like Jim Carrey, or if Bob did the right thing.

"Everyone is someone who can get better.  I said it before, and I'll say it now.
Everyone grows.  Be friendly and loving to one another, and let each other know that you care,
because that is how to make the world a better place for all the people everywhere.
Forgive each other."

                              - Andy Kaufman

With love, from:

  Mary Anne
"God Bless You Andy, Rest in Peace!
I'll see you on the other side -
I'll bring the chocolate goodies
and you supply the laughter!
Love, Mary Anne"

"You were a performer, an artist, and an eternal enigma.  If they don't
remember you forever, it will cease to be a friendly, friendly world."

"Hi there Andy! Do you know how much you mean to us? Your body may be dead,
but your spirit lives on in the hearts of all of us. When I finally get to
see you on the other side, we'll wrestle, ok? I love you!"


Holly Baca
"Andy--you fooled us!  Now please come back because we are vaiting for
you to gib us de punch, and we have chocolate ice cream!"

Esmerelda T. Minimus
"You Showed Me The Way."

  Don Winsor
"Your life goes on beyond when you live."

  Dr. Jitters
"In any case, it's always the others that die."

Norma Conrad
"Andy, you were the greatest. I
wish I could have been a fan of yours but I was only five when you died.
I read about you, and realized that you were a extraordinary person. We
miss you veddy much.

Kelley Jarvis
"Dear Andy,
Thank you for teaching us to open our minds and THINK. You will always be
remembered for your own personal magic and insight."

Cintia and Sergio
"Tank You Very Much, Andy.
São Paulo, Brasil
May, 14 2000"

"Andy, wherever you are, I am ready to wrestle you in chocolate!!
I miss you vedy much."

Chad and Crew
"Andy even though i was five when u passed,
after I saw your movie i did research on you.
I also started to watch Taxi. You were truly
gifted. Its just too bad that you are getting
the credit you deserve now. See you when
I get there."

"I was so young when you were physically on this earth, Andy.  I was too young
to appreciate your innocent genius.  But you live on in my heart....  I'll
look into your beautiful blue eyes on the other side.  Love, Meredith"

"Thank you so much Andy for teaching me to dance- even if I'm the only one who can
hear the music. Though I just recently learned of you, I miss you, and I wish so much to
have known you. I pray I'll see you on the other side."

Even though I am so young and hadn't even been born
before you left, I enjoy looking at your work and at
your life. People my age don't seem to understand
things. Just because you're not physically here
doesn't mean that you can't live on with your work. I
know you've acomplished what you wanted to here on
earth. Look! We're still talking about you 16 years
after you left us! And we'll keep remembering you

Sarah Williams
"Andy, your spirit lives through all of us who love you."

"Andy, i really love u sooo much i miss ya and i wish
ya would have never died cuz i just turned one year
old 2 months before you died,  if u would have lived i
would wanted to meet u but oh well,  in a way you are
in our hearts.  I Love You!!!!!!"

"Hope you're in a better place Andy"

Shane Prutzman
"Andy,  I truly believe that the reason you were taken from us early in your life is because someone somewhere knew that one day you would take us somewhere and we wouldn't know
how to find our way back."

"Andy, I'll see you someday.

Adam Case
"Andy, you are my hero."

Morten Lambæk
"Andy was the biggest entertainer on the earth...ever!!!"

Miss Rori
"I never knew of you while you were alive because I was too young then. And now that I know so much about you, it hurts that I will never have the chance to touch you or talk to you. It hurts me to hear people speak ill of you when you're unable to defend yourself, to treat you like a hideous freak of nature. But I'm willing to bear that pain because you have brought so much beauty to me and to all of us, even if some can't see it. Andy, I love you with all of my heart. God bless you."

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