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Are you Andy Kaufman?
No, I'm Kate.  If Andy's alive, he isn't going to run his own website, lest he give away the fact that he is, indeed, alive.

Are you Universal?
Yes.  I am the whole company.  I decided that the whole "Andy Lives" hoax was tiresome and have produced a completely honest website, that seems suspicious in no way whatsoever.  I am posing as a 16-year-old girl, but you can't see my pic (obviously because I don't really exist), and I'm really bad at it.  After, all I'm FAR too intelligent to be a mere teenager.  Everyone knows that ALL teenagerss are morons.

Where do you get the info for Andyways?
I look up Andy's TV appearances at TVNow, and I look through many other Andy sites.  Uhm, if you have ANY Andy news to contribute please e-mail me with it, okay?

Do you wanna wrestle?
I'd love to!

Why should I send you articles or info?  What's in it for me?
Well you'll have my eternal gratitude!  If you send me info about Andy in magazines or on TV, you get a special "thank you," and if you send something that contributes to the site you get to be in the credits, and then someday when the site is like REALLY popular, you get to take some credit for it!!

Why did you make this site?
I didn't make it by myself, but I decided to start it up because Andy Kaufman is my idol and I have yet to find a REALLY good site devoted to him.  Granted, this is not a REALLY good site, but i hope it will be someday.

Do you know who F'Ugly The Kl*wN is?
*sigh* No, I do not.  Without going into detail, I can honestly say that I do not know who F'Ugly is.  While, I have a few vague ideas, I most certainly don't know anything more than any other Andy fan.

When I try to e-mail you, I get an error message.  How can I contact you?
You can reach me via ICQ at UIN 17486487, or via AOL Instant Messenger using the screen name: Kate Sith 00.


Are you still trading videos?
The answer is yes, I am.  I'm just donig a lot of other things, too, so if you order from me, I may, at the time, have to let you know that I can't make your tape for you, and I'll tell you to try again in a little while.  I won't just ignore you, though.  If I do make your tape for you, it'll probably take a long time.

Why do you charge money for tapes now when you used to be so nice and send them for free?
Because I am an unemployed teenager with no constant source of income.  I cannot afford to keep buying the tapes and paying for the shipping.  I'm really very sorry, but as long as you have something to trade, there's nothing to worry about right?

What type of payment do you take for tapes?
You can either send cash (be sure to fold it in a piece of paper, to avoid it getting stolen), or check/money order (made out to Emily Morrow).

Where am I supposed to send the money for my order?
I'll give you the address to send the money to once I get your order.

I don't live in the U.S.  Can I still order from you?
Yes, you can!  If you live someplace like Canada that isn't overseas, it won't cost you any more than anyone else.  If you DO live overseas, it's just going to be $6 per tape.  I know that only a dollar more won't cover the whole shipping cost, but it'll help, and I'd feel terrible if I made you pay like a ton more than everyone else.

If you're curious about anything on the site or have any questions about Andy, feel free to e-mail me, and perhaps your question will be FAQ-worthy!!  If not, I'll just answer you personally.