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"as beautiful as you"

your spirit meant the world to us
your soul could not be tamed
we won’t let things so trivial
as death snuff out your flame

we pray that you were not afraid
as your nearness to death grew
for fear was never meant for one
as beautiful as you

you opened up an unknown door
you walked an extra mile
and when dejection reared its head
you met it with a smile

we hope it didn’t hurt too much
as death’s embrace consumed
for pain was never meant for one
as beautiful as you

you taught us to love every aspect of life
each moment, to cherish and keep
from you, stems our ability
to love rather than weep

for along with life will always come death
but death does not mean we are gone
for, although your body has died
your soul lives on and on

You always will live on and on
with your presence strong and true
for death was never meant for one
as beautiful as you

--Kate Sith