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Rocket Ride-

Andy, come on back - sit a spell with me

Let me tell you you’re here, all over this girls world
~A whole new planet in my little solar system~

I need help getting through the darkness
When this world eclipses my little moon
I need a little silver around my rain cloud
I need a little light at the end of this doom

I want the view from your blues
Of this here world of ours
I need to know there’s something better
When my seconds become hours

When I can’t see the good
And my silence turns to rage
When this friendly little world
Throws me into a cage

When she puts wet leather round my throat
And places flames at my feet
When she’s got me at both ends
When I’m sure she’s got me beat

When all I want to do is bleed
When life seems more trouble than it’s worth
When this world just laughs at me
As she tightens up my girth

Andy, I've been beaten
I’ve been sliced and I’ve been crushed
But I swear to you I'm trying
To see the good so much

So when I'm weary and bleeding
And I swear that I am through
I hope that you don’t mind
If I take a rocket ride to you
(June 19th 2000)
(copyright 2000 Leslie Richards)
