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~ Welcome to My Life ~

God's love is perfect.
"Love is patient and kind;
it is not jealous or conceited or proud;
love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable;
love does not keep a record of wrongs;
love is not happy with evil,
but is happy with the truth.
Love never gives up;
and it's hope, faith and patience never fails."
~ Corinthians 13:4 - 7 ~

~ My Favorites ~

Subject: English Lit Color: sky blue
Books: The Norton Anthology of English Literature; Portrait of a Princess; Jane Eyre Magazine: O (The Oprah Magazine); Seventeen
Song: I Turn To You (Christina Aguilera) Group: Savage Garden
Poet: I love all the English poets really, but Donne and Keats stand out to me as the brightest stars Literary Period: I love everything, but most of all the Renaissance and the Victorian periods. Don't even try asking me which poem is my favourite, I'll die of indecision ;)
Actor: Roma Downey; Julia Roberts Singer: Celine Dion
Animal: puppies Sport: swimming
Day: Friday Time of day: sunset
Food: chocolate; do mocha lattes count? Place: on the beach at night, listening to the waves on the ocean and looking up to the stars
Movie: Notting Hill; Titanic TV Show: Touched by an Angel
Celebrity: Diana, Princess of Wales Flower: Princess of Wales roses; lilies of the valley
Hobbies: reading; writing; pop music; the internet School Grade: 1st year university

~ More From Me ~

Hello! I'm so glad that you've dropped by to get a glimpse into my real everyday life. Well, since my webpages so far have been mostly centered around my obsessions, I think it's safe to say that you've basically figured out what I'm obsessed about by now? Yes, you've guessed it, Princess Diana and 'Touched by an Angel' ;-)
But let's just get off those topics for a moment *gasp!* because, chances are, you are probably here, looking at this page, to find out more about ME *yay!* so I'll tell you a wee bit about my world...

I live in Vancouver, Canada, and it's generally a very pleasant place, sometimes a wee bit too much rain though. I went on vacation last year in Los Angeles and now I really, really, really want to go back to's so warm and bright and sunny! However, I have many fantastic friends here and it would be really hard to leave them all if I do move to another city, so that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon...especially since I can't even drive yet ;-) *so while I'm not willing to leave my best buds, maybe you can go visit them at their pages? -check out my links* I would also love to go to England *it's the whole Diana/royal family thing*, and I'm planning to tour Europe some time in the next few years *I hope!*

Now I'll tell you a little about the school I've just graduated from. It's the University Transition Program (or simply called Transition) and it's a special program for "academically gifted" kids *whatever THAT means...* who are between 12 & 16. Anyway, we finish high school in two years instead of the normal five, which means that we generally enter university a lot earlier, and younger, than most *normal* people ( that good or bad?) The workload is tough (well, what can you expect?) but I've met some wonderful people in here (both students and teachers) and I've never regretted the decision to enter the program :-) The one thing which I have to get through here is that I am NOT a genius (trust me on this one...take a look at my last chemistry test and you'll belive me), which is exactly what most people think of once we Transitioners tell them about the program...oh yeah, and they give us this really weird look too. Before this year, everyone only had to do this one psychiatric test to get in the program because there weren't many applicants (actually, most people have never even heard of us) but we've been getting a lot of media attention in Vancouver lately so the teachers had to make the entrance exams more difficult (and like I said before...I'm not sure if this is good or bad either) Well, exams or no exams, everyone in Transition is special in their own way. And in my view, you'd have to be pretty special, determined and persistent to finish the two years. Getting in is the easy part, it's finishing the program once you've realized what Transition is really about (that is, homework, homework, and oh yes, did I mention more homework?) that's the hard part. But there are many good aspects to my life like all the friends I've met, the supportive teachers, the places we get to go to, and the chance to get a taste of university life before we start taking courses like Psychology 101 :-) because our classrooms are located on the UBC (University of British Columbia) campus. Transition may sound good to some, and awful to others, but all I have to say is that I would go through it all again if I have to *well, okay, maybe not ALL of it...* I have learned so much in the past two years from my experiences and I've realized that you can't really judge anything in life, including Transition, without having experienced it for yourself, and maybe not even then...but that doesn't mean that I'm not looking forward to university! ;)

I'm very happy and optimistic about everything right now, and there's so much I'm looking forward to in the future. I know how fortunate I am in all aspects of my life. There will always be hard times and rough patches, but hey, life goes on as long as you keep on loving and never give up. C'est la vie! I thank God everyday for all the things I have in this world, I can always find strength and comfort through my prayers...I hope that you can too.

Okay, I can't think of anything more to write (or type), I said I'd give you a wee peep into my life, I don't want to do a 400 page autobiography here *smile*. So ciao for now (hey, if I took French in Transition, when did I start on Italian?), all right "au revoir" then! Adieu, adieu! Please contact me if you have any ideas, suggestions, or complaints (uh oh!) about my little corner of cyberspace, and come back often for updates on everything! Oh by the way, can you please, please, please sign my guestbook if you have time? I'd really appreciate it...thank you so much!

Live, dream, hope and love. And always have faith...because God loves you!

Love Always,

Diary of an Angel ~Read some more on all the new stuff going on in my life and check out my online diary! Go on, I know you're curious...take another glance into my world!

Angelic Poetry ~Take a look at some of the poems I've written, you might even find a few to be a bit "deep and profound"--in the words of my English teacher. *grin*

Angelic Cyber Pets ~Please drop by and visit my little online friends who keep me company while I work. I know that they'll appreciate it...and so will I!

~ My Friends on the WWW ~

UBC/VSB Transition Program

You must be a member of Transition to participate in this interactive site,
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Lani's Wurld

Ani's Site is Something Like Reality

Sway's Life Iz Luv

Ziggy's Homepage

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