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Angie's Art Garden Gallery

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Linolium print of a cat. 1996(left)

Linolium print of Picasso. 1998(center)

Pen and ink of a mansion ruins. 1996(right)

Dyed silk scarf with a butterfly. 1998(left)

Dyed silk scarf with a flower bouquet. 1998(center)

Dyed silk scarf of a dragon breathing fire. 1998(right)

Oil pastel of myself. 1998(left)

Watercolor of my friend Amy. 1997(center)

Pen sketches from The X-Files. 1999(right)

Sketches of the villains from The X-Files. 1999(left)

Watercolor of a a cup of tea and fruit. 1997(right)

Watercolor. 2000(left)

Watercolor. 2000(right)