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(This was taken from personal experience.)

It is still.
Darkness fills the room.
A child rests on her bed,
Nestled snuggly in her covers.
Sleep is nowhere close.

A shadow flitters in the corner of her eye.
She looks,
Frantic to catch a glimpse,
Of what is there with her.

The shadow again.
Behind her this time.
Hiding all the while.
Managing to remain just past the boundaries of her vision.

It seems to know her room,
Know where to stay,
Hidden from her frightened eyes.
It is gone.
Last it was seen at the foot of her bed.

Stay still.
Don’t even breathe.
He can’t see you if you’re still.
Don’t fall asleep!
That’s when he’ll come out!

Breathing heard from under the bed.
She’s sure of it.
Stay calm.
Movement sensed.
She tenses.

It’s dark.
She yearns for light.
Leaping from the bed,
She runs to the wall switch.
The room is illuminated.

Running to the bed.
Dropping to the ground.
No one.
Every hiding place checked.
Light is turned off.

Sleep is near.
Nestled snuggly in her covers,
A child rests on her bed.
Darkness fills the room.
It is still.

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