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(This was the first poem I ever wrote, my Freshman year of highschool.)

Darkness, shadows, threaten you,
But what is really there?
What do you keep running from?
Can you feel my stare?

No need to be scared,
I’m not really here,
No one else can hear me,
I’m only in your ear.

I am your real self,
I’m a part of your own mind.
Although you’d like to believe I am,
I’m certainly not kind.

You always keep me buried,
At the bottom of your soul.
Now I’d like to bury you,
That’s my goal.

I know I said I wasn’t real,
But now with your own eyes,
You see me everywhere you look,
I can materialize…

Thoughts inside from other times,
From stories far and near,
From books and movies and other rhymes,
I’m the demon you call fear.

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