Last updates
2006!!! January, the 30th
The New Year has finally begun. With a minor pic
which is hopefully to be followed by more pieces.
July 15, 2005
This is more than just a simple regular update.
First of all, there is not only one pic. Second, it is the beginning of a WHOLE NEW GALLERY! The last part is the
most amazing however: page added is not that of a SRatSS fan...
April 16, 2005
One tough weeny is awaiting for you in the pic section.
The main value of this pic is its "A3" size...
March 20, 2005
Another sketch page, as promised.
Please do remember, those are just quick outlines!
March 15, 2005
So I decided to pull myself together and bring in some fresh string to the sketches
- from the cumulate garner, the waiting list of which appeared to be long :)
Now comes the first in line...
February 16, 2005
At times things don't go as we planned them...
This update,
promised to have been looong on, took me several months to accomplish it. Problems kept hindering me
all the way l created the page!
But in the end - YAY! - I really really made it! ;D
Hi there! You're here and curious (:-) if not, you simply wouldn't read this.)
For now this is just a fanart site: no fanfiction, data or character guide. Pics, pics and PICS only.
Then again, on paying a bit of attention, all that you can see just in pics.
Let us say such is my peculiar way of speaking and representing things ;-). It is normal for an animator artist,
isn't it?
It'll be great if my work has some response. Don't straighten yourself, tell me off.
Still, if you're of need in anything this site lacks, go ahead,
try the links. They contain a great deal of different information.
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