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Traditional &  Classical Cambodian Music On CD

History and background of Court Dance

Dance Costumes & Dance Characters

Royal Dance Spectacles

Classical Court Dance Music

Masked Theatre (Lakhon Khol)

Shadow Theatre (Nang Sbek)



Ken Kunthea's Dance Homepage

Youthful Optimism

Chamrouen Yin's Classical Cambodian Dance Page

Danse Celeste

Apsara Dance

Poetry In Motion

Classical Cambodian Dance

A Determined Survivor Revives Khmer Classical Dance

Classical Cambodian Court Dance

Sovannaphum Assoication

Sam Ang Sam's Khmer Music page

Scott's Cambodian musical instrument report

Khmer Classical Dance at the Temple

The Dance Spirit of Cambodia

The Dance Spirit of Cambodia Arts & Culture


Cambodian music recorded by western countries are very rare indeed. Especially when the country itself suffered under the destructions of the Khmer Rouge from 1975-79. There are very few remnants of music recorded before the war. The only recordings of pre-war traditional Cambodian music was made by France and Jacques Brunet, who did extensive research into the music. These recordings were released by Radio Ocora France. However Cambodia is bringing itself out of the war and starting all over again. The arts flourish in music, dance, theatre etc... Music once again is being played at temple functions or just for leisure. The very first Cambodian cd on traditional music that I have purchased was back in 1999 and the title was "Homrong: Musicians of the National Dance Company of Cambodia". It gave me an insight into what Cambodian music was like and how different was it from Western music compared to R/B, pop, techno etc... With the first cd my interest grew. I started off with one and my collection has grown over the years.  Soon I had rare Cambodian music that was once heard in the royal palace of decades ago or centuries ago recorded on cd. This is a very rare privilege considering what the Khmer Rouge have done. They totally killed off all the artisans, musicians and anyone who possessed an education in society. Their intentions was to wipe out Khmer culture and start all over again. 

In my cd collection I have a range of Cambodian music from the very well known and ubiquitous pinpeat orchestra that would be used to accompany royal court dances, temple or monastic functions, royal rituals, shadow theatre and masked theatre right through to the rare solo instrumental like the one stringed stick zither or also called a monochord called the "sardev". Songs also accompany music from the beautiful vocals of phleng mohori right through to the sad and sombre songs for funeral rites.

Apart from collecting music from Cambodia I also collected music from the Island of Bali. With Balinese music there can be countless recordings since Bali's gamelan music had been widely studied and documented. I actually compare to see if there are similarities in the music and structure as well as instrumentations. 


Echoes From The Palace: Court Music of Cambodia

Mohori: Khmer Music from Cambodia


Homrong: Musicians of the National Dance Company of Cambodia



Air Mail Music: Cambodia



Music of the Ramayana, Vol. 2: Cambodia

Music of the Royal Palace: Cambodia (1960s)



Music of Cambodia Vol. 1-9 Gong Gamelan

Music of Cambodia Vol. 2-Royal Court Music

Music of Cambodia Vol. 3-Solo Instrumental Music

Music of Cambodia Vol. 1-3 [BOX SET]



Royal Music [Cambodia]

Folk and Ceremonial Music [Cambodia]