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Stage 32

Roman BritainRoman Society, astrology, philosophy and other beliefs

Read the information in your folder for this stage, then try these questions



1.     Roman society is shown as a pyramid on page 71. Draw  and label the pyramid OR, if you prefer,  devise another kind of diagram which shows the same divisions.


2.     Read carefully the description of each of the 3 classes in Roman society and make some brief notes under these headings:

a.      Senatores --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


b.     Equites   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c.      Plebs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The Curia or Senate House in Rome


A Roman eques


Astrology, philosophy and other beliefs


Before  discussing  what the Romans believed ( outside of the State Religion which you have already read about in Stage 28 )  here is your chance to summarise your own beliefs :-  think along the lines of…. God? Life after death? Fate and Destiny? Reincarnation?  Telling the future?


Chrysippos – an early Stoic philosopher

Now consider the Roman attitude towards Astrology, Stoicism and Mithraism and answer these questions:

3.    Why do you think astrology was (and still is) so popular? Why do you think it was banned from Rome?





4.     What were the main beliefs of the Stoics? Who was Epictetus?






5.     What was Mithraism?  Why did it appeal especially to soldiers serving abroad?








Now that you have studied Roman beliefs, what do you think of them?





Mithras slaying the bull

Mithraeum at Carrawburgh